Midheaven – How People See You Out In The World?

I was talking to satori about how the computer guys were condescending around my crashed hard drive.

“Maybe it’s my age,” I said. “It’s as if I couldn’t possibly have any data on my computer that would be important to save.”

She said computer guys always treated her very well.

“Well that’s because you look hip,” I said. “I don’t look hip, I’m from the desert. You know that picture where I’m standing in my bare feet, middle of nowhere?”


“Well I still look like that. No matter where I go, I look just like that and I never belong anywhere. I’m like a thing that has landed and people have no idea…”

I have Neptune on the midheaven and almost without fail, whoever people think I am, they’re mistaken. It is as if people don’t talk to me, but a hologram of me.

So what about you? What sign is on your midheaven? Is there a planet conjunct?

108 thoughts on “Midheaven – How People See You Out In The World?”

  1. libra, the ascendent is your first handshake. It’s how you present yourself when you go out in the world. The mc is your public image.

  2. I have my sun and pluto conjunct my mc in libra. I think people think I’m pretty but scary. Ive been told I look Iike a bitch. I don’t know what a bitch looks like but I guess it’s a combo of pretty and scary. Some people go on the defensive right away with me. Some people kiss my ass. Some are just stunned and freaked out. What I really appreciate is when I’m treated like everyone else. Usually that comes from people who are comfortable with themselves.

  3. I find that photograph interesting.
    To me you don’t look like a ‘desert girl’ at all. You look like a pretty, dainty child that goes to ballet classes and keeps her bedroom very tidy. Like someone dropped you there just for the photograph.

  4. Taurus MC squares my Aquarius sun to the degree. Saturn in Gemini is more than ten degrees away but I’ve always been told to lighten up, cheer up, smile more. And I wear too much black. MC also trines my Jupiter in Capricorn. Tight.

  5. Pluto in scorpio but I don’t really consider the conjunction to the MC because it’s 10 degrees. Probably unholy attributes. That’s a beautiful picture, Elsa! I was about to ask if you’ve ever seen a sand cat but they are in another desert. ?

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