
Ceres In Capricorn ...
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Ceres In Capricorn Interpretation

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"Ceres in Capricorn allows you to mature into a figure of quiet but often very strong authority. Although you may not recognize your potential initially, the longer you live and the better you cultivate your talents, the greater your success will be. You tend to do best in situations with some structure or rules, and can run into difficulties with people who don't understand or seem to need such frameworks themselves. You can be a bossy-boots who always knows best, but if you rein in any tendency to excess, you can show by your own seemingly modest but highly successful example, how sticking to a program and keeping it real are very good ways of dealing with the material world. You are a great organizer and can help to show (not tell!) others how to get organized in turn."

This interpretation is from the Deluxe Asteroid Report.

Do you have Ceres in Capricorn? Tell us about it!

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I have Ceres in Cap 🙂 (3rd House) Im honestly not sure how to talk about this placement. I am a bossy boots but am trying to reign it in a bit. I Also love to organize things.. I always thought that was my virgo sun in action, but now see that Ceres in playing in the game as well 🙂 

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I have Ceres in Capricorn in the 2nd house. Yes, I do have that silent strength and authority, and I think it adds a nice balance to my Venus/Neptune energies. 

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