
Mars in Libra, by transit or in the natal chart…

Is It Okay To Express Anger?

I’m comfortable with anger. I’m comfortable with yours and comfortable with mine. I”m comfortable expressing my anger and I’m comfortable if you express yours. Some people are not comfortable with anger of any kind. They’ll do anything in the world but air a grievance. It’s the seething that actually bothers me.


Smoking and Body Language

“Well you can tell a lot via body language,” I said to a Pisces pal. “For example, when people smoke?” “Yeah?” “Well if they blow their smoke up… you know, in an upstream? That shows they are feeling good and positive about what you are saying to them. But if they turn their head and

venus and mars Lorenzo Lippi

Mars & Fights You Can’t Win

The other day a friend was poised to fight with her husband. Right or wrong, I did not see any possible way she could win the fight. I told her she may as well not have it. Fighting takes a lot out of you, especially in your 40’s. It just doesn’t make sense to fight

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