Chiron in Pisces

centaur painting

Saturn In Sagittarius Square Natal Chiron In Pisces

If you were born between 1960 and 1969, you most likely have natal Chiron in Pisces*.  Saturn will transit your natal Chiron over the next two years. I have Chiron in Pisces. I can tell you all about this is plain language… Chiron represents an unhealable wound. Pisces is leaking, constantly. Put together, the two energies […]

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nightmare moon

Neptune And Chiron: The Damaged Dreamer

“Let’s be friends!” –Barney Almost everyone has bad dreams. Scientists say everyone dreams; not remembering your dreams is not proof that you don’t dream. One theory of dreaming, probably the most accepted, is that it is your subconscious’ way of sorting through the input rattling around in your head. In a way it is emotional,

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