Shock! Reuniting With My Long Lost Daughter Next Week!

daughter sewingI woke up this morning and randomly saw that flights were being reduced, dramatically. I had errands to run, early. I left to do them, intending to check on the flight situation later.

My daughter called me on the drive home. She saw what I saw. We decided on the way home to try to book a flight.

My daughter already has a trip planned in May. We left that trip alone and booked a new one – $70 for the round trip.  Coronavirus, see?

This is not to tell anyone, anything. But I have a packed 8th house. She has Pluto conjunct her Scorpio ascendant and we’re just not fearful people.

They moved my bone scan, yesterday, so she will be here for that. I think it’s all part of the stellium in Capricorn crossing my ascendant (which affects my home and family.

Who else has news?

35 thoughts on “Shock! Reuniting With My Long Lost Daughter Next Week!”

  1. my preferred department is going to have an opening soon and one of the girls says she’ll suggest me to her manager

    that scorpio moon’s in my 6th house and sextile my sun. neptune is in my 10th house sextile my sun. that cap stellium has been at work on my sun a LONG time

    i don’t know if my current manager will let me switch since they wanted one year with them and i only have 3-4 months. i’m fckn terrified tbh, but i love this department best and i would FINALLY get to work days.

  2. Dear Elsa
    Im in tears reading of your
    health . Im praying for you Elsa I’ve never known of a stronger woman than you.
    God Bless you & know you are dearly loved. God knows how your life has been helping others understand what is going on in their world. Now you have to stop & take care of you because we need you . But you must take care of you first. Your are Dearly Loved.
    You will make it your a fighter
    you are a shinning star for all of us who truly know you.
    God is good. Blessings,

  3. She’s an interesting girl, obviously. But her chart is a trip:

    Mercury in Gemini
    Venus in Taurus
    Jupiter in Sagittarius
    Uranus in Aquarius
    Pluto in Scorpio

    She also has Saturn and Neptune in mutual reception. Not something you see every day!

    1. Wow, what synisitry with the universe. Please tell me what birthday so I may study that age group!
      As we know each generation or decade etc of ppl have talents needed at the world’s moment.
      Thank you for sharing!!

  4. I cannot even express with words how happy I am for you Elsa. This touches my heart so deeply today. Thank you for sharing this.

    1. Avatar
      Charmaine Desjardin

      I totally agree with you.
      Elsa is extrodinary woman & she
      deserves all of life’s happy moments,she certainly is always
      there for us no matter what her day brings. May she be glowing all day & many more days as she changes gears to share precious
      moments with her daughter.

  5. Elsa – Your words from yesterday’s blog, regarding how good will come from this current health crisis, prompted me to contact my estranged daughter. She wasn’t home but I was able to have a lengthy conversation with her boyfriend. Although our family issues remain unchanged, the “skeletons” were addressed and I will continue to move forward. Thank you Elsa.

    1. Great!

      My current wish is that my children reunite with each other. I pray for this daily and work to bring it about.

      We were such a happy family and I think we can have that again.

  6. My country is closed, tomorrow they close the borders for foreigners without any good reason to be here and every citizen who can be spared, are at home the next 2 weeks, ordered by the government.
    People are being laid off in huge numbers already.

    My BF works from home, we are lucky as he will not be fired. But people with lower wages in service businesses are, hotels are firing people and loads of flights have been cancelled.

    I am grateful I am at home. I am grateful I have a good home, a good man by my side and my smily is ok.

    In Sicily they are playing music from their balconies in the sunset while
    in quarenteen.

    Life is indeed interesting.

    1. Correction: no layoffs in insane numbers though.

      But still enough to feel severely hit.

      This is a cleansing and transformation in every aspect of the word.

      1. Hello Elsa,

        I agree!
        Italians are very resilient. But take away the pasta, the food and their wine – and that will make them come after you ?
        Still, it was such a life confirming video 😀

        I try not to listen too much to whoever expert on show, believing (Neptune) the best and that the country’s 14 days of closed down period will be a help even if someone will be hit. Our country luckily learned from the last crisis in 2008 and have forced the financial institutions to save money in a closed account, set up by the Government and only to be released when in need.
        This must be such a time – so they have a good chance of dealing with the crisis and I have to say, I am impressed of the rationality and foresight.

        I see this virus as Pluto’s way of setting things RIGHT. He is cleaning out the waste, the dead and rotten and not working.
        He is in the Virgo decan of Capricorn, so that kinda fits…

        I pray for you and your family to be on good terrain health wise during this historic time <3

      1. Haha, yes!
        I have an Italian girlfriend – she and her family will never be the quiet ones. But they are also heartwarming, warm and care fiercely. That’s Italian hospitality right there I guess. They never talk in silent tones though….either when they laugh or shout. They are LOUD! *LOL*

  7. wow that’s amazing!! i’m glad you took the advantage to book a flight with your daughter! So happy too for you all.
    I’m also going to book some flights too to see some people I have missed. ^^
    we have a restriction here too, not to go past the borders, its only a 30 day restriction; supermarkets are getting emptied and refilled everyday. I saw a lot of people buy loads of toilet paper and lots of oatmeal. xD I think I will do that too. ^^

  8. Well everyone. I’ve always been poor but to the governments around the world I will say this. You will find that there are no pockets in your shrouds. Pluto and Saturn together, money is not going to be the most important thing. The young need change for their futures. It’s taken an invisible virus from China to show us all to clean up our acts. Cleaning being the operative word. Look after yourselves everyone and just try to go a good deed to help someone who is in need. It does make you feel better. We are all better than the money lenders in the temples. Disaster is looking at humans who won’t listen to total greed. What pisses me off is that the poorest suffer the most, again, as always. Saturn does not like Pluto on his home ground? Or, maybe they have to be together to take down all of the elitists. Look at newborn babies and vety small children. They are the future and must have a future thats not decided on money, money, money.

  9. Can’t get this worm out of my ear since you posted about your impending reunion:

    … the mother and child reunion
    Is only a motion away…


  10. I hope you and your daughter hold each other close. Congratulations to you both. And please please Elsa, take good care, you have supported so many for so long. Knowledge is powerful, wisdom is strength. Chanting name myoho range kyo, be happy, be healthy.

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