Author name: Midara

Midara has been a consulting astrologer for over a decade. Whether you’re struggling with relationships, personal growth, tough transits, or whatever else, she’s here to help.

Ladies Man

Aries – Burning Love!

Aries. The warriors of the zodiac. These heroic Rams are leaders and pioneers who will fight to the death for the ones they love. But partnering with one? You’ve got to be kidding, right?

smiling soldier

Why Do Aries Like to Argue?

Aries are well known hotheads. They generally have a hair-trigger temper and rarely back down from a fight. But why are they like this? Surely this can’t be fun for them? No one can actually be happy this way, right? Well, actually, they can. Aries is ruled by Mars, which is the warrior of the

Dog fridge

Pisces – Spirit Love!

Oh Pisces. Sweet, loving, ethereal Pisces. They are the dreamers of the zodiac, transcending the mundane and finding the beauty in all they behold. They remind us that we are more than just a body. We are spirits, shining souls temporarily in earthly vessels. They are breathtaking.

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