May 2008

Astrology And Happiness: “Live Your Sun, Satisfy Your Moon”

satori writes: I was looking through my notes to myself and found one I’d written when reading Dennis Elwell’s, “Cosmic Loom” a few months back. I love what he has to say about the interplay of the sun and moon. He classified the sun as an expression of gratitude: experiencing warmth from our center. The

Maturity – Are The Times Changin’?

Maturity seems underrated in recent times. There is an entire generation chasing youth which seems odd to someone like me who covets their age. Jupiter in Capricorn benefits anyone (of any age) who manages to conduct themselves with some degree of grace. But I wonder if Pluto’s transit through Capricorn with have an even more

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Is It The Pisces Nature To Seek More?

Dear Elsa, I am constantly asking questions no one seems to know the answer to? I cheated on my Aquarius boyfriend. I love him very much and I feel like I ruined something that had the potential to be so great. “I thought you were doing it so I did it too” was my logic

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