28 thoughts on “Are You On Track?- Find Out In 90 Seconds!”

  1. I am committed to finding just who my authentic self is,, and to live in that way. Seriously, that is my number one goal because it is the foundation for everything.

    Pluto is transiting my first house and I realized that I am SO not made for advertising sales, and that deep in my soul I am really just a quirky, spiritual gal who loves astrology, art, and indie rock. With an Aquarian MC I think the key to my happiness involves something a bit unusual.

    That’s all I got!

    1. …… and I just realized Saturn is transiting my 10th house. Changes are definitely in order for my work life. Saturn is going to make me work hard for it…I’m sure. 🙂

  2. Sat in scorp in 5th house..my children are all having a hard time..ones girlfriend just broke up with him…daughters having school and job issues…I’m in court this morning with oldest son on drug charge that is absurd(full moon in piesces today)..so I’m commited to my children and helping as much as I can ..before saturn went into scorpio I almost left to be own my own..they are all adults..but they still me and my help.

  3. What a great 90 second check up, Elsa!!!! I do remember talking to you when Saturn was in Libra and I was weighing things uber-carefully. That consult helped me to be very clear about what I did want to support and put energy into and now I have noticed a big shift in the amount of support that I do receive 😉 Thank you for the heads up today 🙂

  4. I’m committed to my partner. Events have come to a head, and I had to make a choice. I choose to stay (Saturn) with him until the end (Pluto). Saturn is right on top of my Pluto (square Venus) in the 5th. It’s going to hurt someone else, but I guess not everyone can win. :'( I feel so bad for hurting someone else, but I can only choose one person to be with.

  5. Good posting Elsa. Your timly posting help me keep comitting, give me idea/strength, give me answer to my question ” should I keep continue to do the thing I’m doing it now”?

    Thanks a BUNCH !!

  6. thank you. that’s very helpful. i was beginning to wonder i was was on track or not, and this fortified me. i’m committed to seeing my son through his last 2 years of high school, and to straightening out papers and the like, which i put off when pluto was in virgo. it’s harder this time around, but i’m plodding through and am seeing my goals reached, one by one.

  7. Elsa, thank you for this confirmation. I’ve been feeling like I was slowly going down the drain, but it turns out that I’m not. 😉

  8. Thanks Elsa, that was exceptionally to the point and helpful. I’m committed to raising my son, and getting a more secure and better paying job so I can pay down my debts. I’m still on the fence regarding staying in my current relationship, but we are both committed to counselling now, so that is a good starting point. We’re committed to giving it our best shot, at least. We didn’t use Saturn in Libra very effectively. But I’m breathing a little sigh of relief now. I guess I’m 80 percent on track, not too shabby.

    1. Saturn is now almost conjunct my natal Moon in Scorpio, 7th house, so I think that’s why I’m struggling on the relationship front. On Christmas Day it will be exact. I have 7th house Neptune too, so things are never what they seem to be in my love relationships! So perhaps the beginning of the end is really just a new beginning?

  9. Saturn is sextile my pluto and conj nat neptune. Pluto is trine my nat pluto. Pluto sextile chiron (Pisc). Neptune and moon in scorpio. I’m wiped out mentally, emotionally, and physically. 8/7/62. Which to pick, freedom with all its uncertainties or security with all its constraints.

  10. Thanks for this video, Elsa. I’m entertaining my second Saturn return. Oh, what a party it’s been… =>.<=

    Anyway, this video brought to light how committed I am to my marriage to my best friend, and to the little hobby farm we share and both love. My commitment has grown throughout this Saturn in Scorpio gala, so I truly do have cause to celebrate.

  11. Elsa is it ok that I have Saturn in Scorpio in the 10th house conjunct Venus and NN yet nothing tangible to show for? I am just now committed to recording an EP all by my lonesome self about my faith and all those feelings and people which affect me. So it only makes sense its conjunct Venus/NN. That’s what I am meant to do. I just won a ticket to see Paul McCartney in Hollywood by way of lottery thousands others can win too so my friend felt it was a sign to do music. I finally realized I have to push myself to make this on my own, all instruments by myself! Its sort of cruel that I cannot work with other people (empty 7th house) but I will try to do my best and commit to this on a weekly basis Mon-Fri … I am doing it when people aren’t home bugging. So I have some time to do this ! And I have a connection or so. Thanks Elsa bc I wondered about how to evade Saturn’s negative side. I really think its a malefic planet so as long as you avoid it. I am also working on solidifying my creative writing. Good content here. Its painstaking how old I feel and how long it takes. I hope God rewards me even though I have been drowsy , or have taken breaks to refuel my creativity. But I am still working at it. Its bits and pieces every day..

    1. The tangible things are my songs but their in the works I just don’t have them finished just yet. thats what I was saying..

    I am committed to the important people in my life. Not very life-changing or interesting, but still really important. I guess that’s Saturn for you 😉 Its been on my Venus and now its in my 7th house. Makes sense.

  13. I do not know whether I am on track…I have a 5 planet stellium in scorpio in 12th house…all that ‘unknown’ so I honestly do not know…Elsa’s advice is to have faith and I am sticking to that advice…that’s what I am doing, hope I am on a track that will reveal itself if I keep faith and keep floating…?

  14. When I saw this at first, I felt like I was failing. But then with Pluto direct starting and a rough experience working at a new job (to the point where I had to quit after a day), it hit me. I am deeply committed to finding work that I enjoy, where I can actually use my full potential. Saturn is transiting my 6th, and natal Pluto is in my 6th, so I think it’s fitting.

  15. Oh, wow, thank you. It’s so simple, but so profound. Yes, I am committed. Committed to my health. Committed to going forward in my life. Committed to my writing. And yes, I am feeling fortified. Thank you again, so very much.

  16. I’m plugging along at the same things I’ve been committed to all along – marriage, home, financial security. I have some intermediate term goals along the way which should come to fruition if I can stay the course. I think I’m ok. It depends on what curve balls get thrown my way. But the things I am committed to, I’m fully committed to, so as usual, if necessary, I will pick myself up, dust off and get back toward my goal.

  17. Thanks Elsa! I’m committed to making a better life for my daughter and I and building the structure (Saturn) that we need to be stable and secure. In order to get there it involves committing to the family court process which began over this issue during this transit. Your video just helped me to take a deep breath and release and say “yes” to the process. It’s already underway and I have to trust the process as saturn transits scorpio (and just retrograde between my moon 2º Sco and Uranus 13º Sco) and Pluto transits my 4th house. Transformation is afoot. I am committed!

  18. flaneurita, I can sympathize. I also have a 12th house Scorpio stellium, plus Ascendant in Scorpio. Saturn is now directly transiting my sun, and the super-eclipse of Nov 2012 hit my ascendant directly, which happens to reside on one of the nastiest reputed stars in the sky. But what can poison can also heal. Life has changed in ways that seemed unimaginable, but I’ve spent time studying & researching how this could possibly have happened (12th house scorpio mercury). Whatever has happened, let go and let god. Remember that life has its ebbs and flows. You are in a new phase of rebuilding. The best you can do, it to make sure you’re building every day, toward the better future you envision. You’re going to end up with a spine of steel, but keep your integrity, and compassion & kindness, especially toward yourself. 12th house scorpio is tough, but we win if we never lose integrity.

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