What If Energies In A Natal Chart Conflict?

Hi, Elsa.

How do you fuse the contradictory energy of planets in a chart? For an example a restrictive, traditionalist Saturn conjunct freedom loving, unconventional Uranus in the unknown realms of boundless, confusing Neptune(12H). Does not Saturn lose its sense of structure or Uranus loses its genius amidst neptunic confusion? Or they actually don’t fuse hence create conflict?

How do I then use it in a transit or synastry? Or in a birth chart itself? Eg – say in a birth chart an irritated brooding moon (squared by an Mars) trining Saturn for stability And that to Uranus for excitement! Does it look like someone who likes suffering? Or whose feeling are paradoxical?


Note – this question is a follow up to this question, posed by the same person…

How Can I Manifest The Promise Of My Natal Chart?

You’re doing it again, Confused. You’re spinning off with big ideas and enlarging things until you’re hornswoggled in the process. I’ll take your second question first.

Eg – say in a birth chart an irritated brooding moon (squared by an Mars) trining Saturn for stability And that to Uranus for excitement! Does it look like someone who likes suffering? Or whose feeling are paradoxical?”

What you’re describing there is a common human being. We all cope with conflicting impulses.

I want a piece of pie…but I don’t want to be fat from pie-eating.
I want a piece of pie, BAD…but I don’t want to be fat from pie-eating.
I want three pieces of pie…but I don’t want to be fat from pie-eating.
I like pie so much, I don’t care if I am fat from pie-eating.

Is this not normal? It’s as if you want people to be one-dimensional. They’re not.

“For an example a restrictive, traditionalist Saturn conjunct freedom loving, unconventional Uranus in the unknown realms of boundless, confusing Neptune(12H). Does not Saturn lose its sense of structure or Uranus loses its genius amidst neptunic confusion?”

Structure can dissolve with Saturn in the 12th house. But a person can also enjoy support from the ethereal with this placement. Their fears and/or their impediments disappear. Here today, gone tomorrow.

As for Uranus, he’s no genius. The mind is ruled by Mercury. But I think you’re asking if one energy annihilates the other – it does not.

People are not mathematical equations. Less than/ greater than and then you have your answer. This doesn’t work, because above all, people have free will.

You’re never going to be able to look at a chart and know what a person is going to do. People are going to do whatever they want, regardless.

To illustrate this plainly, I am the person up there who wants the pie. Do you think you can look at my chart and know if I ate the pie or left it be?

You can’t.

How do you deal with your conflicting impulses?

Want to learn about the conflicts in your personality? Start with a Natal Chart Report. Go slow. Take your time with it.

12 thoughts on “What If Energies In A Natal Chart Conflict?”

  1. I have the bruises (on the inside and outside) to show for all that conflict. Gratefully I am a ‘gamer’ and I near 70 accepting that I WILL sometimes eat the pie because I love pie is just that! Astrology gives me a large picture and archetypes to study, when I keep eating pie long after it’s good for me. I have a very active 8th House so legacy and pay-back is every present. That explains the internal bruises.

  2. I’ve always wondered about the effect of Mars Neptune conjunct in Scorpio 4th house. That one seems like a doozy. Dreaming about doing great things but its a struggle leaving a nest I’ve filled with comforting memories of my childhood home — inherited furniture, etc. Feelings of guilt and shame at not fulfilling potential.

  3. Great question and answer. Just thinking of my own chart and relationship to pie: I like pie, I will eat the pie, and with my mars in saggitarius in the 9th and venus in aries, plus pluto in virgo in the 6th, you’d think I could eat the pie and not get fat because I’m exercising it off. But my free will is taking over… I eat the pie, get fat and only think about exercising. wtf I also have mercury square moon, so maybe that’s where the over-thinking is overburdening everything else. 🙂

  4. The flavors seem to mix. They complicate conventional interpretations. With a stellium in Capricorn in the 12th house you get someone working on ethereal things and undoing themselves rather than being conventional and boring. Stuff like this. The temptation to chop stuff up into bite sized pieces is there, but these energies aren’t so mutually exclusive they just mean different things in combination. It’s more practical than it is a thought experiment.

  5. I have strong Libra. I seek balance. I seek fairness.

    I have food allergies, but the kind that won’t kill me, they just make me ill.

    At first, many years ago, I completely (100%) stopped eating the problematic ingredients. I got healthier alright. Physically. In terms of my ~mental~ health, in hindsight, I came to see that maybe the 100% abstention wasn’t necessary.

    Today, I decide: in this moment, do I want to suffer physically or mentally? Sometimes I allow myself a little physical ‘damage’ to alleviate my mental distress or simply allow myself some mental joy. Other times, the reverse – I privilege the physical over the mental. When I go overboard one way or the other, it doesn’t take me long to notice and to correct course.

    Libra: I always seek to balance, fairly, my conflicting energies. (And I think I do a pretty good job of it.)

  6. Hmmm,yes roll the dice,taste the pie
    It’s the crazy ,will I waste something that’s my knob ?
    I quantify being from a tribe of 11 ,does someone else need, should I wait to make sure the little ones ate?,yes I need a taste, I can swallow to be polite ,too..no spitting it out,put a smile on
    Life is so short if we make it to 100,let’s say you get 35,600 days by 10 useful hours 356,000 to use,about 444
    Just skipped by , when you want you want! just
    Try that pie on,wrap around skirts work

  7. That’s such a clear and nice response! It reminds me of a certain astrology guessing game from ages ago, where people would put up anonymous charts of known or not so known people and others would speculate on what they did/who they were. The people with difficult charts were almost always humanitarians and good, hard working people whilst other charts with plenty of nice aspects (that would be guessed as artists, painters) were often real life criminals. Not to say that trines or easy aspects can indicate that, and hard aspects the other way around, but it does reinforce how people could take what they want from their charts and do/be anything.

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