What Do Venus and Mars Mean In A Natal Chart?

venus and mars Lorenzo LippiSome planets form natural pairs that balance each other. The Sun and the Moon. Venus and Mars. Jupiter and Saturn (expansion and restriction). I wanted to look at Venus and Mars. These planets show what you like (Venus) and how you go about getting it (Mars).

If a man has Venus in Aquarius and Mars in Cancer, he might go for someone who is quirky or unusual in some way and his MO might be to invite you to his house for a home cooked meal. This may sound hokey but it’s accurate.

A man who has Venus in Taurus and Mars in Scorpio is going to go for a solid woman… or perhaps a beauty ideal. He’ll procure her my manipulation; namely he is going to get her (manipulate her) into his bed, where he will then manipulate her some more.

A man with Venus in Leo is going to go for the woman with panache. If he has Mars in Pisces he is going to seduce her, very often he’ll offer her a drink…

Aspects / houses do impact this stuff but you get the idea.

Where is your Venus and Mars? What do you like and how do you get it?

Get your natal chart report!

99 thoughts on “What Do Venus and Mars Mean In A Natal Chart?”

  1. my venus is in libra and my mars is in aries. haha. pretty straightforward if you ask me? maybe. but my mars is squared by uranus,neptune,saturn ( which are all conjunct btw ) and venus has a sequence of sextiles ( to uranus, saturn, and then quintiles neptune ) so that complicates it. Oh and my moon conjuncts mars and though most approach this aspect as to how it affects my own feelings/emotions i would also want to look at how it affects what kind of guys i’m attracted to.. mars is in aries– but conjuncts moon, so i’m very attracted to a guy who has a good sense of himself, but moon conjuncting mars (2 degree separation) comes off to me as the guy has to have a good degree of sensitivity. I’m a sucker for sensitive guys.. not complete pushovers of course but.. more than looks or anything they have to be generous of heart, and have compassion. Even to the extent where that part extends past the physical aspects of attraction.

  2. omg! ok, i should know most of this already, but the beginners series is encouraing me to review it step-by-step. thought my husband had a different placement, but realized he’s got mars and venus in cancer.

    the first time i came to see him after his wife had left him (we were friends), i went over to his house and spent the entire eveing helping him folding a huge mountain of kids’ clothes. i brough him a bag of hershey’s kisses to cheer him up. his nephew suggested he ask me out.

    our first date was to a haunted house, followed up by a visit to his brother’s house later. i didn’t understand why he seemed sentimental over this, but had a good time and was happy he was happy. we went to a halloween party at a childhood friend’s house for another date.

    we spent a lot of time together in the basement of his mother’s house, where he stayed with the kids for a while. our first kiss was in a car sitting outside his mother’s house.

    and i wonder why he hates to go out? 😆

    there are a lot more examples, but the cancer themes are all through our relationship and i hadn’t even noticed it before. it’s funny looking back. i couldn’t have done better if i’d had a clue.

  3. Mars in Libra – I flirt to get what I want! It is conjunct pluto so suggestive banter plays a part too. Venus is in virgo and I don’t get that because I have never gone for a virgo type ever. Venus is opposite 5th house jupiter in pisces and I have often gone for addicts but they were love affairs. If I were ever to marry I suppose I wiould want a really solid person who would be a rock for me. I think that is venus sextile saturn and taurus on the 7th house cusp but venus in virgo? I just don’t see I would ever go for a virgo type man.

  4. “Venus is in virgo and I don’t get that because I have never gone for a virgo type ever. I just don’t see I would ever go for a virgo type man.”

    It is not always so literal. The soldier have Venus in Gemini in aspect to Uranus.

    He went for Anne Shirley (of green gables) and for Elsa P.

    What he likes about both of us is our wordiness (Gemini communication) and our independence (Uranus)… plus our eccentric (Uranus) way of communicating (Mercury/ Gem).

    In short we are INTERESTING.

  5. Ok I see and am much relieved. I just sat for a minute or two with the thought of a fussy, pedantic man! In typical manner I shall probably marry a virgo and be delighted now…Don’t mean to virgo bash though – I am a virgo hence the horror…

  6. von, no this is for everyone and I have the thing you mention, I just disagree with it.

    Venus shows your tastes, Mars your MO and when people say otherwise I just figure they, “dreamed they saw the knights in armor coming saying something about a Queen…”

    ha ha ha

  7. Pisces Venus, Mars in Aries.

    I think it sort of intensifies both, right? The emotional, loving side is that much more schmoopy and the conflict ridden Mars is that much more no-bullshit.

  8. Venus in Aquarius so I need someone who is intelligent, willing to exchange their thoughts/ideas with me, and unique. I need someone who’ll become my best friend. (honestly, my idea of the perfect partner is someone who’s not only my best friend and who I also enjoy having sex with.)

    Mars in Pisces … seducing… I don’t know if for me seducing would be the right word, but I think I can certainly woo people to see how perfect I am for them. 😀 Also, my partners are pretty much the only ones who see my emotional side. Everyone else gets the aquarius sun/gemini moon detachment and flightiness.

  9. Venus in Leo (conjunct Uranus) – I dated a Leo man only once, and it did not go well. I married an Aquarian, and most of my boyfriends before him, were also Aquarians, so, I don’t know, probably that Uranus thing 🙂

    My Mars is in Taurus – I don’t think I have ever actively “seduced” someone – I could never bring myself to pursue a man, think it is the Leo ego or something. As a matter of fact, I have never called a man first, spoke to him first, none of that……hmm, I don’t know (?)

    1. I also have Venus Leo and Taurus Mars. My hubby has Aries Venus and Cancer Mars..) we’ve been married 35yrs..I never pursued a man but then again we were teens when we met LOL. My husband is a solid familyman..strong and ready to help anyone. My kids all say “watch what you ask for, Dad will do it”…so he does cater to me (lol I am Leo thru and thru)

  10. Dorothy, Mars in Taurus doesn’t exactly bust a move, LOL.

    What you mean, is you stood there in your field and damnit, that should be enough!

    Unless someone pisses you off that is. Then you’re looking at a rhino charge! 🙂

  11. Rhino charge – haha that about sums it up – and yes, I do love to go to the beauty parlor with my younger Taurus sister, we both do love to sit there and be pampered (keyword here is sit 🙂

  12. “Dorothy, Mars in Taurus doesn’t exactly bust a move, LOL.

    What you mean, is you stood there in your field and damnit, that should be enough!”

    rofl. yes indeed, that’s so taurus

  13. Venus in Leo, Mars in Sag. Love the chase and high drama. But these two square each other so I have problems in that dept.

    How do I get into the pants of someone with Venus in Capricorn, Mars in Pisces?

  14. “Mars in Pisces … seducing… I don’t know if for me seducing would be the right word, but I think I can certainly woo people to see how perfect I am for them.”

    You might not see it as seducing, but I bet they do. 😉

    (speaking from experience here ;-))

  15. hahaha I think in my mind I give the word “seducing” a negative connotation… it sort of sounds like you are tricking someone. But wooing.. it sounds less forceful (or maybe just forceful in a passive aggressive way) 😀

  16. Hm! My current guy has Venus in Aquarius with a Mars in Cancer and he was very caring, but no homecooked meal! I won’t let him near the kitchen. The guy ruined crackers, for God’s sake!

  17. Well let’s see. He was blowing on my neck (in a bar) but he glanced up at the ceiling fan leading me to believe it was the fan not him.


  18. Piya, maybe not but Mars in Cancer knows how to work women… that’s for sure. The soldier has mars in Cancer actually, as does Vid’s Dad.

    The soldier fights for women (mars in cancer) and very, very worshipful of women as mothers. Very much will fight for the clan which means the home country too of course,

  19. Good post, I’ll have to spend a little time thinking about that. The Mars question is easy, but the venus question (what I want) is harder.

  20. Venus Gemini and Scorpio/ Mars – I like to talk I like bright people, they have to be smart n order to appeal to me sexually and I’m rarely attracted to someone sexually. So Houston we hae a problem.

    I’m clueless how to get it. It better come with the dominoes pizza guy otherwise i’m shit outta luck. I can’t even find anything i stay interested enough for long enough to use as a ‘tactic’ for getting out of the house so I have no idea.

    – I’m like alot of sex. g

  21. Geez, Lots go’n on here, and I was out mixing paint for my house. Go figure.

    Okay, Venus in Sag and Mars in Leo. What’s that. Insatiable love sought with flair? I love an adventure, and an adventurous love. I’ve gotta find my guy’s chart!

  22. Venus in Scorpio-I’m attracted to mysterious, passionate, and unavailable women OH and very dark personalities. I am also attracted to older women than myself.

    Mars in Aries-I attack. I get what I want. I don’t let anyone choose me, I choose what I want and I get what I want.

  23. “do you think that moon conjuncting mars would lead the individual ( if female ) to be attracted to more sensitive types?”

    Hell no! That;s a hotted up Moon, akin to Moon in Aries, likes to fight!

  24. I read somewhere that when looking for the type of men that women like, you should look at their Mars and not their Venus. How does this correlate? My Mars is in Scorpio … and Scorpio is not generally who I end up dating. I like Aquarians, I seem to meet a lot of Librans, and I still think about a Virgo I knew once.

  25. My venus is in cancer and mars in libra and they are squaring each other. I like a stable guy that I can rely on, with a little bit of bad boy,lol. Hmm I guess I get what I want from communication and light flirting. Back in the day I would ignore the object of my affection,haha. How weird is that.

    My husband has venus in taurus and mars in aquarius (my moon).

  26. venus in aries- trouble for me (pisces sun) i like the hotties…charismatic, creative and powerful…but playful and spirited as well…mars in cancer…playful approach…bollywood-like… now you see me now you don’t…laughter, food and touch

  27. hmm… thats odd then. haha, because i have moon conjunct mars in aries, but i have a couple squares to my moon too ( uranus, saturn, neptune ) … and also to my mars.. it must be the neptune squares giving that influence then.

  28. err sorry for being so vague, that influence being that in those im attracted to i like a certain degree of warmth and sensitivity.. maybe im just being too broad then.. uh, yeah.

    im aware that i sound confusing, so just ignore this lol

  29. Venus in Taurus – I like ’em big & solid…&/or easy on the eyes 😉 (my ultimate ideal would be someone like the wrestler Stone Cold Steve Austin…*sigh*)

    Mars in Gemini – I’m the consummate flirt & can chat up & charm a man like no one’s business, though sometimes I can be too aggressive on that front. LOL

  30. Aries Venus in the 5th conjunct Saturn. I definitely want someone who’ll fight me. Love is difficult — always has been. Luckily my Taurus Mars keeps me from becoming a stalker. Too much work.

  31. Aries Venus in the 5th conjunct Saturn. I definitely want someone who’ll fight me. Love is difficult — always has been. Easy is boring. Luckily my Taurus Mars keeps me from becoming a stalker. It would be too much work. They need to rile me up before I charge.

  32. Venus in Gemini here – supposed to be a flirt, but I don’t flirt with just anyone. I do love to talk, though. A man who can’t hold up his end of a conversation would bore me to tears. Mars in Leo – I do like to role-play, especially in private. And I still really enjoy sex – even at 60.

    My sweetie in Venus in Cancer – loves big breasts (I have that) and I make him feel safe because I’m very reliable and not reactive. We never fight. His Mars in Scorpio makes him sexy, but private about it, which is fine with me. And when the lights go down (never off) he takes good care of me.

    With him I get to be the lady in the parlor and a whore in the bedroom and nobody’s the wiser. In the kitchen, though he’s the chief cook and bottle washer. Can’t beat that.

  33. I have Venus in Pisces (in the 7th), Mars in Sadge. I want affection and love. I get it by going to bars and being gregarious, off-the-cuff, flirtatiously feisty. Wow have I got myself a reputation in a small town like this. Yowza.

  34. Venus in Taurus (I would say I have in inclination towards beautiful, masculine men) squaring Mars and opposing Uranus

    Mars in Leo (I show off or express myself dramatically to get the man).

    Not the case with my boyfriend though. haha!

  35. 2nd H Libra Venus and I do like a man who appreciates…well, me, first of all! 🙂 Also things like food and wine, must write well and punctuate properly. He has to like music and be able to talk to a lot of people and be socially acceptable. Also I really like to be the girl in all this. I have a 12th H Virgo Mars and from what I can understand, mostly men like me for bringing them into a magical otherworld of pure love that they’ve never experienced. They all tell me that no one has ever loved them like I have. They’re right about that– I’m very devoted.

    BF is Venus in Taurus. He loves having a steady relationship and above average physical affection. I’ve got an Aries 8th H cusp, so he keeps me fired up with his…Mars in Aries. He’s constantly humping me like a dog! The rest of the time we are always touching and curled up together and hand in hand. Wrapped up in bed I fall asleep in about 30 seconds– and I’ve always needed space in bed with everyone else.

  36. “venus question (what I want) is harder”
    Thanks Loons! You just summed up my Aries Venus/Mars conjunction. Yoooooooooowza!

    Togi: It’s all about Bond. James Bond.

  37. My Venus and Mars are conjunct, both in Gemini in the 11th house.

    For me, what drives me, and keeps me happy is a social life, communicating with friends, and being stimulated on a mental level. It ain’t happening unless I get that. I need to feel the friend thing before I can become attached romantically.

  38. Miss a day miss a lot on this blog. Something said to me, type in elsaelsa – lol. Actually it was better that I was able to read through all these entires because I got a sense of what the the venus mars in the chart is saying. Elsa, thanks for explaining that venus is your taste and mars is how you get it. I was alway stold that venus showed what kind of woman a man wants and mars showed what kind of man a woman wants. Lots of venus in aries readers, what does that say about the attraction to the Elsa P blog? Anyway, someone earlier said they like dark, passionate, unavailable men-venus in scorpio. yep that’s me. I don’t have to use my mars in leo at all, they just come to me like magnets. 🙁 Now if I could just get rid of the unavailable part or just accept that I like my freedom. My progressed venus just went direct a couple years ago so I hope that will help. To get what I want though, I’d say I am very “fun” which helps me in relationships. I think I should use more of my mars in leo to get what I want!

  39. MzScarlett – believe it or not it is possible for these things to happen. My SO was told that he needed to get OUT OF THE HOUSE as a woman wasn’t going to just walk in and say “let’s date” (He’s very tied to his home business and computers).

    And friends tried to drag him out to meet women all the time. He didn’t go. I got back to the country and then back to the city and walked into his house one day and pretty much said “let’s date” Actually I told him that if he wanted to keep flirting with me he’d better take me on a proper date. So it CAN come with the pizza boy.
    Weirder things have happened.

  40. Venus Pisces, Mars Cancer. I like love? And I take care of them. With the current SO I repair his house and build him a garage. He is a venus cancer and a mars sag. He likes my cooking, or atleast eats quits a LOT of it, and makes me laugh laugh laugh and makes me think- which I greatly – intelligence – it’s almost a relief to have a smart guy.

  41. Virgo Venus, Mars Cancer.

    I am appreciative of clean-shaven men with good manners and organization, it’s true. I find that more than the sign, the elements here really describe the qualities that really turn me on physically — earth and water. The two hottest men I’ve ever had in my life are a Taurus Sun/Cancer Mars and a Cancer Sun/Taurus Mars. Mmph.

    I know Venus in Virgo is not the world’s most comfy placement, but I’ve been working on envisioning this energy as sexy earth goddess. I don’t have any other earth in my chart so I try to get the most out of this earthy stuff – I will WORK for my partner touch him and feed him, and I am happy to do it. A review of my exes shows that most of the guys I’ve dated have Venus in Pisces, Gemini, or Virgo, so I must radiate some mutable that was working for them (I have Gemini moon too).

    Mars in Cancer is so me. I baked a cake to wow my very first homecoming date. I drove across Texas with homemade Christmas cookies for the above-mentioned Taurus. I made prime rib and warm chocolate mini-cakes for my Cancer man for Valentine’s. The cooking thing goes without question, but Elsa, thank you for mentioning the part about fighting for women. It’s good to think my Cancer Mars is why I have great women friends and I hope I can use it to be a better advocate for women on issues like domestic violence – I need to use that skill more out in the world for the greater good. I’m also thankful my Cancer Mars gives me the energy to protect my only son, because he needs it.

  42. venus in sag- i love foreign men, all types. and they have to be relaxed, have survival skills, and have fun!

    mars in aries- i usually go direct. don’t waste time. ‘hi guy!!

    problem: i use this in friendship, love, men, women- so i have learned that sometimes should be modified- otherwise people may think you are hitting on them, when you are just being friendly! shooting fire isn’t easy…

  43. Venus Pisces and Mars in Capricorn – I am sometimes a cold fish…..but i love to love…and my baby just loves to dance….hmmmmm

    My hubby is Venus Pisces as well and Mars aries…he is really quite insatiable which is the way I like it really…

  44. Venus conjunct Mars in Taurus (and house 4), but very close to Aries. Both Mars and Venus are opposite Uranus (which is in house 11), but sextile the Moon (house 2 or three, cusps considering).

    As a newbie, I’m curious about what this means. I do have a habit of tending to be attracted to men with issues (I blame it partially on Neptunian issues), but these days I steer clear of them.

    Anyway, I’m interested in how I should interpret this.

  45. Also have my mars cancer and venus virgo ( moon gemini) I seek romantic and caring relationship with a man. I want a man sensitive (not to much) (like I met once that was a disaster) but I need to feel forceful in him. I really wants to be at his service but not like a slave and because I m romantic I will see in him a kind of god that I wish to Please and then… they got married and had lots of children…BUT I have my moon square venus in 12th house…and I don t konw yet what sort of trouble I should expect (since my venus 3°virgo)???

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