Venus in 12th

Interpreting Venus in the 12th house of your natal chart.

Venus Square Neptune Effects – Delusion In Love

Venus in aspect with Neptune (also applies to Venus in Pisces, or Venus in the 12th) gives dreamy ethereal heavenly love. I write from experience! Venus Neptune fantasizes love and is able to temporarily create heaven on earth in relationship. There is an abundance of faith and an aversion to reality in love. They do […]

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ghost whsiperer

Venus Neptune: How To Quit Pining For The Perfect Man (And Dumping The Good Ones)

Are you pining for the perfect man?  If you’re a Virgo, or if you have Venus in Pisces or Venus aspected by Neptune, chances are you’ve invested years dreaming of some kind of idealized love.  You may pine for an ex. You may pine for someone you’ve yet to meet. You may pine for someone

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Venus In Aspect To Neptune In Love

I have Venus in aspect to Neptune. I’ve written about the sensitivity to music and the deception which is perpetrated by the Venus Neptune person. As often as they are preyed upon, they’re usually more comfortable in the victim role then they are owning their side of things. Assuming they can see their side of things!

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Your Experience With Virgo Rising In Relationship?

Dear Elsa, I have Pisces on the cusp of the 7th. Would you think that with that particular arrangement that you might attract or be attracted to dead or ghost relationships? It’s like trying to be friends with zombies or mannequins. They let go of the closeness a long time ago, but you keep hanging

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Virgos, Venus In Pisces, Venus In The 12th: Avoid Lying Down With Dogs

There is another angle on that Venus Neptune painting piece I want to flesh out bit for very specific purpose. It is the mention in there of HQ’s vote of confidence in our relationship. The soldier and I were facing a very hard road if we were going to find a way to come together.

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