
All about Scorpio, Sun, Moon, etc.

woman's shadow

Carrying The Shadow For The Collective: Scorpio, 8th House, Pluto Types – It’s Relentless

Regarding the 6 year old hero who fought off her rapist or whatever happened (there is no link to the story)…. I wanted to make another point. I have already made it but I want to make it again. If you’re six, and you’re effective then I guess that is fine because you are cute […]

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Vintage card

Carrying The Shadow For The Collective: Scorpio, 8th House, Pluto Types

This is for the people who feel they carry the shadow for the collective. I know I am one of them and I wonder if any of you have ever confronted anyone who constantly dumps on you. “If it wasn’t for you, Elsa…” I have. Listening carefully to the 800th complaint about my personality lodged

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Painted scorpian

What Is This Scorpio Man’s Motivation?

This question is from a 45 year old woman: Why would a Scorpio male start a new relationship with a woman and plan to move in with her, if he was still having great sex with a former girlfriend? Why would he cheat with his former girlfriend after making a commitment, but before actually moving

Who Carries The Shadow For The Collective? Scorpio? Pluto? 8th House?

Busted writes on Suffering In The Collective: Cool post Elsa. Really smart perceptive idea. Your sister and Elizabeth Smart – how do you think Scorpio or Pluto might be different in performing this suffering or containing negativity function for others? Big questions for me, as Pisces Sun opposite Pluto. Busted – there is no difference

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