
Information on Saturn in Sagittarius, by transit or in the natal chart…

What Happened To You, When Saturn Was In Sagittarius In The 1980’s?

Saturn will enter Sagittarius, Christmas Eve, 2014. It’s a bit premature to think about this, but Sagittarius is focused on the future, so lets think about it anyway. I don’t know anyone who wants to extend Saturn’s stay in Scorpio, that’s for sure. The last time that Saturn was in Sagittarius was in the 80’s. Approximately, November, […]

Hit With The Bill For Your Idealism – Saturn in Sagittarius Sure Neptune In Sagittarius

I started talking about this transit, last week. Saturn In Sagittarius Squares Neptune In Pisces: 2015-2016. It’s going to be a big one! I’m working with a gal who has Neptune in Sagittarius. There are a lot of you out there.  The Saturn transit will pressure you to own your own addictions and negative affects of your

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