
Where astrology and psychology meet.


Projection Conundrum

I was thinking about the Conundrum topic. This is one of the problems people have forming relationships. You’re told and shown that you can have it all. You believe it. This your hope and also your expectation, if you’re going to stick around. So you meet someone and initially, they’re perfect. You have very little […]

Libra vintage lady balance crop

Choosing To Be Anti-Social

I coved this topic eight years ago.. I’d like to take another look at it because in 2023, many people have adopted this mindset. They choose to isolate themselves. ~~ I wrote this as a follow up to Why People Fail To Make Friends Or Find Love. Reading the comments and some of forum discussions

Your Personal Problem, Guaranteed To Ruin Your Relationships

Some people have a “fatal flaw” when it comes to relationships. I’m talking about the kind of person who is never, ever going to have a successful relationship. Well…unless they fix their fatal flaw, which never seems likely. Invariably, their flaw is tucked neatly into one of their blind spots. There a number of “fatal flaws”

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