
Where astrology and psychology meet.


Astrology And OCD

Astrologer, and frequent commenter, Kingsley, credits Venus not Virgo with OCD type behaviors. Check out his spin: Obsessive Compulsive Signs Kingsley writes: “In some Astrology circles the sign of Virgo is often labeled as the obsessive compulsive. The Virgo temperament can be described as critical, analytical, perfectionist and meticulous. Obsessive Compulsive personalities traits extend to […]

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Mars symbol

Attraction vs Propulsion

This is from astrologer, Glenn Perry’s, “Essays On Psychological Astrology”: “Aristotle believed that the power of attraction was a better model than propulsion; things are lured more than they are driven…” Do you agree? If Mars represents drive and propulsion, then what do think represents attraction or luring?

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Astrology And The Left And Right Brain: Test Here!

Following up on the great discussion around types of thinking, remember this: If you see dancer rotating clockwise, you are right-brained (creative), counter-clockwise, left-brained (logical). Some can see her spin both ways. She spins clockwise for me, clockwise for my son, and counter-clockwise for my daughter but both kids said they could see her change

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