
Where astrology and psychology meet.

Why Do I Always Choose Bad Men?

I wrote this for a client who has identified her pattern of choosing men who treat her badly… “If you frame this as an addiction, you won’t be far off. I used to go to margarita night when I was young. Two drinks, I would feel GREAT. The third drink; I would drink half it […]

zodiac key chain calendar

Disrespecting Your Caretaker

A man told me about how his wife devoted her life to taking care of his dying mother. His mother treated her terribly.  I know this is a common story but I wonder if someone with firsthand experience in a situation like this can explain it. His wife was horribly hurt. He was hurt watching

Mercury trickster

Mercury: Having A Tendency To Fixate On One Thing

I have a client who is driven. This is a great quality, provided a person’s energy is directed towards something productive that makes them or others happy.  If that same energy is directed in a negative way, all kinds of hell can break loose. With all focus on the one thing, my client misses everything

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