
Pathological vs Compulsive Liars vs Habitual Liars

I got thinking about two prolific liars I know. It made me wonder exactly what the terms, “compulsive liar” and “pathological liar” mean. The meaning of words tend to morph over time. But as of today, I’d say that a pathological liar, lies with intent. A compulsive liar, just lies and lies and lies and

liars dice game

Which Zodiac Sign Lies The Most?

Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire! People ask a lot about “which signs lie the most” or how you can tell in a chart if someone is a liar. First off, I have to say that I think there are different kinds of lies. Some don’t matter at all, in the grand scheme of things, like

Lying To Me

I was talking to someone recently (in my real life). They lied to me.  It was one of those Gemini lies. I knew immediately, the person was lying because they didn’t want to hear any remarks I might make. I got off the phone and thought about this, hard.

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