

Chiron In Pisces: The Endlessly Seeping Wound

Having Chiron in Pisces, I’m well acquainted with the “endlessly seeping wound”. This came up in a consultation yesterday. It’s quite a phenomena; someone can strike you at some point in your life, including verbal abuse, criticism, cruelty or whatever.  You’re left with a sensitive spot, susceptible to being triggered.  Someone pokes you there and […]


Chiron is a Command

When we talk about Chiron, we often focus on the wound. Here is the perpetual pain, the permanent vulnerability individual to each of us. We peer into our own souls and sometimes even wallow in our own sorrow, comparing our battle scars. What we focus less on is the aspect of the healer.

Maria Callas portrait

Chiron – You Can’t Buy Charisma

I wanted to talk about the shadow-side of talent, so I called my friend, Ben. He’s a Scorpio artist who has worked in the arts for decades. We got talking about charisma. Ben mentioned instinctual actors like, Marlon Brando, Warren Beatty and James Dean. He mentioned Maria Callas as examples of people who have that IT


Chiron And Authenticity: How I Learned To LOVE Myself – And What Does That Even MEAN

Chiron in Pisces explored hidden damage in ourselves and how we connect to all of life. This encompasses cultural programming and the ways we hurt ourselves behind the scenes. In Aries, Chiron has crossed that divide from the end back to the beginning. We’re starting over in Chironic spring on the Aries point. We are

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