Saturn Transit Conjunct The Ascendant

blue saturnSaturn leaving the 12th house to cross the ascendant to transit the 1st house is always a big deal! It only happens every 28.5 years. Saturn transiting over your ascendant marks the end of one period and the distinct beginning of the next.

“You’re being unnecessarily hard on yourself.  You’re not the first person to make a string of bad decisions. You’re finding out is that you’re human. That’s positive!”

I wrote that for a client who’s dealing with the aftermath of Saturn transiting her 12th house.  It’s common people lose their way during this transit! I had this experience myself.

It’s also common that a person become concerned about their public image when Saturn transits their 1st house.  They feel pressure to pull themselves together somehow. They feel people are judging them.

“…As painful as this is, it’s introducing you to reality. People do think these things about others, at least some of them do. 

The realization may be terrifically humbling. But it also puts your feet on the ground, so you can take action (1st house) once you’ve defined what it is you want..”

I suffered tremendously when Saturn crossed my ascendant. The transit can be brutal. You can be floating along in some kind of denial and then, WHAM!  You wake up in reality, realizing you’re going to have pull yourself together.

Do you have Saturn crossing your ascendant? How are you faring?

This workshop will really help with clarity: How To Stay Stable As Reality Morphs And Structure Dissolves.


145 thoughts on “Saturn Transit Conjunct The Ascendant”

  1. I have my ascendant at 16.49 degrees. I had to play an important gig when it was bang on asc and I completely lost my bearings/felt I had to fight the whole way through. plus a few days previous I had given myself a bad haircut.

  2. Hi Elsa,

    After a near crossing (before a retrograde) early last year, Saturn crossed my ascendant last autumn and is now in my 1H.

    Growing time for me (no earth, neptunian Pisces woman): feeling my age (not looking it yet – hardly ever did – but feeling old and the looks will catch day), more responsibilities at work and at home (my poor past financial management has caught up with me so living with a tight budget and feeling poor till I qualify as child psychotherapist and go back to working full time) and lots of becoming real of what a partner in love can and can’t do (neptune energies are way too idealistic – no human csn live up to them)

    It’s a painful process. Spent the whole weekend at the library and will have to sacrifice most of the year to complete my studies. Saturn. I will be so happu when I do it.
    This process is necessary, so although I am the most serious ever (need fun but I don’t feel it – saturn in the first), I now my life will look a truer reflection of my wishes.

    True that I am now noticing past bad choices and that I can give myself a hard time!!

    One does take oneself more seriously. Any attempt to keep a Peter Pan (gemini planets, uranus rising here) attitude ends up depressing me as I have many internal conflicts going on. I can’t deny reality with this transit. Cardinal cross in the skies is not helping either! (Well it is, but you know what I mean)

    Learning about my fears too, very Saturnian theme. And I have loads creepping out. Learning that life has limits and so do I. With my gemini planets and neptunian energy…the transit is hard.

    My boyfriend keeps on saying how serious I am (bless him, we met before the ascendant was crossed last year) but I will observe his responses to the same transit when Saturn crosses his Sag ascendant next year!

    The transit is difficult, a wake up call (not uranian type) and will clear my life for a more substantial phase.

    One day at a time. Key during this transit to eat well, sleep enough hours and exercise (weight training, good for bones -saturn- which I never did before) despite the tensions and hard work around us.

    Good luck!

    1. Saturn is heading towards end degrees of my 1st house now. It has stomped over my ascendant a couple of yrs ago, then Merc and the Sun last year. It still has Neptune in its sights but the most challenging part is over now. Your experience resonates. I felt confused, a fraud, ugly, ageing in a bad way not the positive growing wise way, lost my way, adrift, invisible, dried up, grey, questioning everything about myself, my decisions, my past present future. My body and mind, my emotions felt as if they were under a harsh cold light of a lab or a morgue or an interrogation room. I felt no hope as I could not see beyond this difficult experience. I isolated myself from friends, family, people in general. Repelled those who may have wanted a relationship. Amputated (thanks Elsa for this term) those who I felt needed amputating. Contracted, rationalised lifestyle and belongings, became very frugal to the point of austerity. Despite my profession with great income potential I pulled back, stopped work and lived off my tax return. I became very good and not needing stuff. I also felt undeserving.
      However, recently something changed. I turned a corner emotionally, psychologically, physically AND spiritually. It feels as if I have been lovingly mended, laundered with care, dried in the warm the sun and a gentle breeze, pressed on a delicate setting, laid out on the bed before being worn. Perhaps because Saturn has passed my Sun late last year.
      Hang in there, the challenging experience IS worth it.

      1. Thanks for sharing your experiences Jomad.
        It helps to know one day I will feel different…at the moment it’s all seriousness…even when trying to have fun I feel a bit fake as I’m reflective and serious below the surface…

        Got a better understanding of this former classmate with saturn conjunct ascendant natally. Bless her. I like her more now that I get where she’s coming from.

        Good to know there is hope for a clearer life as saturn gets closer to the end of my first house 🙂

      2. Very well-worded description of what you went through. It stayed in my mind and I came back to re-read you.
        It sounds a bit like how I’m feeling these days. Saturn crossed my asc some time ago, I don’t remember anything specific (afraid to check it out?). This year Saturn is squaring my Sun and Moon (opposite in natal). Big upheaval I think.
        I wonder, did you reduce your life-style willingly because you felt this was needed for you evolution?
        Well, I’m happy that you are lovingly mended with warm sun and gentle breeze. That is such a nice way to express the process. I love it!

      3. Wow Jomad – you describe the Saturn AC experience with amazing accuracy, and so beautifully; i wonder where your mercury is in your chart? 🙂
        I have Saturn Conjunct AC natal – so my life can be heavily flavoured like the transit you describe; i’m always searching for the laundered version of me, ‘dried in the warm sun and breeze’ it’s my vocation in some ways :-)…However, I am blessed with a trine to Neptune from it so i am really good at applying serious discipline and organisation when it comes to making my dreams happen…and i can do them on a budget! hahaa 🙂

        It sounds as if you have passed the test of the transit and have graciously re-moulded and evolved, thank you for sharing your experience 🙂

      4. Dear Jomad,
        Thank you for…”It feels as if I have been lovingly mended, laundered with care, dried in the warm the sun and a gentle breeze, pressed on a delicate setting, laid out on the bed before being worn.” I could use some of that! Transiting Saturn has just conjuncted my ascendant and venus. It will conjunct my sun in around 2 1/2-3 years (haven’t done exact calculation). I definitely feel tired, and bored with my job and turning 46, feeling kind of old and cranky. Asking what have I accomplished? Where do I want to go? (and not knowing) I am always optimistic (Sag ascendant) so I know things will work out fine…but still aware that this is a turning point/rough patch type period. Reading your words makes me excited to hang in there! I’m going to put your words on my refrigerator. <3

        1. Jomad…your words were amazing in this post dated 2014. Many agree here!!
          Saturn is conjunct my ascendant today, December 15, 2016. 20 sag.
          And soon it will hit my moon at 24 sag. I must confess I’m not sleeping at night.
          Naps during the day and withdrawing somewhat. Upset with myself over my bad habits and growing older. But I take a lot of comfort in your wise words.

          And best to you, Molly. We will make it back to our jovial optimistic view on life again!! ?

          1. Best to you too! I am already feeling my exuberant self returning…but in a more calm, grounded and wonderful way. I guess like a mature exuberance that no one can ever take away. It’s solid. I have read that Saturn brings rewards for hard work and I feel that happening. :0>

          2. One resource for evaluating Saturn’s contact with the Ascendant is Grant Lewi’s “Heaven Knows What.” The contact with the Ascendant marks the beginning of the long passage of Saturn through what Lewi calls “the obscure sector,” last until Saturn contacts the 4th house cusp (Nadir or Midnight point).

            I’ve been through these transits twice. (I’m 69.) For me, both of the times Saturn contacted my Ascendant, I made radical breaks with previous life conditions–which had become intolerable. I think the self has an opportunity to completely recreate itself here, set out on a different path, and begin making an entirely new life. In a sense, this transit forces you to do that. You MUST take some kind of decisive action to overcome very negative conditions. For me, by the time Saturn came down my Ascendant, my life had devolved into a total no-win situation. To continue in those conditions would have been to accept a very complete “loss of self.”

            Here is a good parallel: Imagine you are a young man with a wife and child, living in Czarist Russia in 1903. There is a strong likelihood that you will be drafted (for the second time) into the Russian army, to fight Japan. Besides the freezing and starving part, you will likely never return to your family. Very decisive action is needed. You decide to immigrate to the US, and save enough money to send for your wife and child.

            This was how I experienced the Saturn contact with my Ascendant, both times.

            Decisive action in response to this contact–a break with existing conditions–will expose you to a long period that is difficult and dangerous (the 7-year transit of the obscure sector). Lack of decisive action here is a lot like doing nothing and getting drafted into the Russian army. You will go through the obscure sector either way. Will your response to Saturn’s contact with the Ascendant be an active assertion of your will to improve conditions? Or will it be passive acceptance of someone elses will, to your nearly certain detriment?

            As a immigrant to a new world, you will have a rough ride for about 7 years, until Saturn contacts the fourth house cusp. You will build your character and create a new and better self, and a new and better life. If you are passive, you will allow yourself to be crushed. The possibilities for a better life will be foregone.

            1. Sharon, that is such a great description. I’m having my 2nd saturn conjunct ASc right now, on Cap 16, and all I can say is TG I know about astrology. On my first transit, I met my now ex husband, and married him as neptune hit my Asc, & marriage ended suddenly and absolutely the moment saturn hit my Desc. In the 15 years since, as Saturn has come back to my Asc, I’ve done a lot of work on myself, moved interstate for the first 7 of those years, and back again 7 years ago.
              I’m sort of coping by going to the gym and doing a lot of body work; like someone else mentioned, I’ve stopped working and live simply, from savings. ( I did work hard, for many years, Cap after all.)
              I have no idea what will be happening next, my progressed sun will change into a new sign in October, I’m 65. It’s exhausting, especially with these eclipses.

  3. The days and weeks around the actual crossing I felt tension in my body (back, shoulders) and was juggling pressure at work. Just tense for weeks. I did fear the crossing which probably didn’t help my muscles.

    Also, before and after the actual crossing I was exhausted all the time and slept a lot and still felt tired. Doctor found nothing in my blood tests. A friend who had had the transit before me (she doesn’t follow astro but I knew she’d experienced it before with Virgo rising) said she had the same tiredness and doctors advised her to exercise. So I did and still do. Helps a bit.

    Now I’m not as tired as when the crossing!

  4. Avatar
    Mads Elung-Jensen

    When Saturn 2010 transited my Ascendant, he had just passed my Pluto/Uranus in my 12th house. I had during that time (Pluto transited my IC at the same time, and Neptune/Chiron/Jupiter opposed my Moon, Uranus squared my Jupiter) just gotten divorced, gotten seriously sick, moved countries and this and that. On the very day of the transit I went to an astrologer in Berlin and had the most illumating consultation. He said, the next couple of years will probably be the most tranforming in your life. In the old days, people would have put you in a convent for the time, so that you could cocoon in piece. I went on sick leave for 18 months and went into therapy with another astrologer/psychologist/clearaudient and it certainly helped…

  5. Saturn is currently conjunct my ascendent. I was fired without cause a couple if weeks ago. There were reasons I knew about that were out of my control but cannot share publicly. I recently had a baby girl (December), also, and shortly thereafter realized I could not have a highly stressful job AND be a good mother to my child, so I am choosing to see this as a blessing in disguise. Still. Money is a big issue. And because of money, it is negatively affecting my marriage.

    I think this is meant to be a giant re-set button for me, and I wasn’t happy with my job prior to this. I do not know what I am supposed to do at this point though. I feel like I don’t know which direction is best and I am keenly aware that I cannot mess up.qqq

  6. I had Saturn conjunct my Ascendant in October of 2010 when it was in Libra. I felt very unhappy at the time with my job situation. I was given a lot more responsibility that I didn’t want, but because of my age (57 at that time) I tried to make the best of it.

    Well, less than 2 years later when I had my Saturn return, I left the job because I knew they were planning on getting rid of me anyway. Aside from a couple temp jobs, I never found another real job. I’m too young to retire, yet too old to be of interest to most companies.

    I would describe Saturn conjunct the Ascendant as a grueling time of hard work. In hindsight, I wish I had looked for a new job instead of accepting more responsibility.

  7. I’m Scorpio rising natally but the most of my adult life I have a Virgo asc. It’s was the most difficult time in my entire life when Saturn was in Virgo, lots of malicious people trying to take advantage of me, I couldn’t find a job after I graduated and I was evicted from my apartment, my parents refused to help me, I was living like a gipsy, one week here, one week there; I thought I’m going to die, it was about physical survival. Right now my life is much better, I have some crap at my work and I’m looking for another job. But it looks that relocation chart is more accurate. So, Elsa, does natal ascendant is less important then relocation ascendant?

      1. Well my ascendant is 23 Scorpio (giving me Regulus at the MH) and Saturn has just stopped moving forward right on it and is now retrograde for a while, which means it will again cross this point in a few months time. Ugh! And, having natal Saturn conjunct Sun in the 12th at birth, it’s a heavy weighty time; even my progressed Saturn is at 6 degrees Scorpio and looks to be there for a few years! At least in my natal chart, the Sun is combust Saturn (0.46 and 0.54 Scorpio) and thus supposed to absorb the effects (or blend them?!) of the conjoined planet. Relocated ascendants help change the aspects and transits, but when it doubt, check the natal aspects, tho they can help with a bit of a breather! You do a great job, Elsa, thanks for interesting reading!

  8. Crossed mine in October and I went through a ROUGH few months… but I’m finally coming out of it and seeing major rewards

  9. I had a major illness and lots of other problems when Saturn transited my 12th. I recovered and solved my other issues when Saturn was in my 1st.

  10. I have asc on 16 degrees scorpio, and I must say that my life has been very difficult the last three years. Saturn first conj my natal moon, then my venus and mercury, and finally sun, neptune in my 12th and crossing ascendant. Right now it is conjunct natal mars, but I feel (hope) the worst is over. Still I dread the saturn retrograde when it will cross my asc, sun, nept again. At the same time pluto is square natal moon, and uranus opposite natal moon. I have been through heartache, clinical depression, losing my home, moving in with my mother, out of work and out of money, and experienced communication as insanely slow, like walking in syrup. I’m starting cognitive therapy this week, and I have a hope it can help me.

    I’ve come to appreciate time spent alone, to study, read, and doing crafts. I feel I’m at a point in life where I have to restart just about everything, and have also started a new, four year long education in this period. I’m 52, and have chosen an education strictly for the purpose of getting a job. Not something I would even had considered if I was 25, sadly. It is hard, but also strangely rewarding. I have also become a lot more serious about my crafts, and have opened a webstore. although not too optimistic about my artful adventures. But I hope, in time, that I will be able to see life as a fun, pleasant, joyful and exciting experience again.

  11. Saturn is in my 1H and it’s a really tough time right now. Trying not to be depressed, but reality has creeped all the way in. Sometimes it’s hard to be positive. Trying to earn my confidence. Facing fears. Still feel confused about something’s especially with Mars transiting my 12H. I just want it to be over. Sometimes I feel like I can’t carry on, but I know right now is temporary and I’m going through a transitional point in my life. I relate to everyone who has posted. Ready for this period to be over with!!!!

  12. Saturn transit from the 12th (virgo) into the first house (libra) was one of the most traumatic experiences i ever had. It was also my first Saturn return. I nearly lost my mind. For some time I thought i was pregnant (even if the test always came negative) and i kept telling my self that it WAS a pregnancy. But psychologically, i was only denying my period for months. I could also not deal with the thought of being a single mum. I have Saturn conjunct my ASC and maternity doesn’t come to me very naturally; not to this day.

  13. At first glance I went back to summer of 1991 for my crossing over. I went through a devastating loss of who I considered a sister and best friend in NYC – and she was a virgo – and kept kind of being passive aggressive with me – talking about me behind my back sort of thing and everyone secretly hating me. Chiron was transiting my Descendent in Leo. This girl DID teach me a lot about listening to others, validating them, not just giving advice, “fixing them” one-upping them, competing with my friends – and just accepting them. What amazing healing that eventually gave me….I told her that I really owed her a lot (we have since mended our fences). At the same time as this sad split, I was beginning to really move ahead with my acting career, starting making new friends, moved to my own place and started to really be independent. Amazing how accurate these transits can be.

  14. OH! i am in the middle of sat TRANSITING my first house now…. last yr when it was in 12th…between horrible depression the first part of 2013, and not knowing what to do with the rest of my life…all of a sudden with the help of the URA transit hitting my natal Venus and trining my URA+MC conjunction… I began the moving process and moved to a new state where my previous music career could flourish. Once everything got set for the move, it was amazing that I actually had set the move date for the day that SAT was just beyond the conjunction of my asc. I am in a bit of what i think might be a karmic situation with my living arrangements and I have the strength of Saturn guiding me (not taking any crap!) Uranus is doing a major job of activating a totally new and different career choice in addition to the music which I have been doing for years….. When i first started studying astrology 30+ yrs ago….i read over and over that something in my chart indicate success later in life….and if this is my turnaround then it was all correct. Always a serious struggle, but now things seem to be flowing in the proper direction for success….. and it is the 2nd half or maybe third of life….

  15. Saturn passed over my ascendent (then back and over again) last year. I can say my fun factor is at an all time low and work/life balance is extremely off. That said, I have sun conjunct saturn natally so I know how to buckle down and plow my way through it. Hardly the toughest time in my life. Just all work, work, work. It’s not going unnoticed though… so maybe there’s a silver lining? Can’t wait for some fun to return 😉

  16. ASC is 20 degrees Scorpio so I’ve been dealing with this since fall. My whole life blew up between Mid-September and late November. December and January were largely involved with surviving the emotional, financial and spiritual shocks, changes, and reconfiguration. It’s hard to pin it all on Saturn–Pluto square natal sun, Uranus opposite natal sun. Uranus conj natal Jupiter. Fun times. But–funny thing is, I dodged a bullet. The guy who left me in slow motion and without explanation, walking away from his commitments and from a very long friendship, turned out to be MEAN. Entitled. Cheating. I have somehow survived problem after problem and am starting to feel unafraid. Powerful. Even happy. So right now Saturn is sitting there between my ASC and my 25 degree Scorpio moon. I’m ready to re-build but this time on solid ground with an eye to what I have to give the wider world. i still feel sad about that woman who loved that guy, and all her dreams that won’t come true. I still have bad moments when I wonder why he wanted out and what she meant to him. But any 30+ year friendship that crashes and burns in a matter of 3-4 weeks–and with no chance to learn what the heck happened–would have done even more damage had it gone on, with me unaware of the huge differences in our values about honesty, fidelity, commitment.

    1. Wow I have Saturn 1 degree away from my Scorpio Ascendant now and I just had to cut someone out of my life who was a deep friend (or so I thought) for around 18 years. Same reasons that you mentioned, realized he was a false person, did not respect me at all as I witnessed on one shocking day last week when he said something cruel and shocking in front of and directed towards my 4 year old child. That was the last line crossed by him. It wasnt the first time he showed himself to be a Narcissist, cold, overly harsh and punishing towards me but now he made this suggestion of violence towards my son and I said no more. Gone!! Glad I found out before another 5 or 10 years wasted with a person that I realized wears a mask or a variety of them full time. SCARY but big reality check. Also have been working very hard juggling being a full time mum and working on a home business. Next year 2015 should be a breeze compared to what I have been through since Saturn has been in Scorpio.

  17. I’m 6* Scorpio rising with natal Saturn at 5*….This is my second Saturn return.
    I’ve been blessed with the gifts Saturn can bring…learning to take responsibility for myself, limits that are allowing me to learn about acceptance and trusting a Divine energy.
    My natal Moon…19, Mercury at 22 and Venus at 28 are all in my 1st…in Scorpio
    I have been in the eye of this storm emotionally and intellectually. Some days my thoughts and emotions are down to earth and practical, other days they feel bleak as can be.
    I did not prepare for this day and I can really only hold myself responsible for the sad state of my affairs and future. I’m a widow, after 30 plus, and have absolutely no clue where to turn. Every door looks so promising and optimistic, only to be locked tight….financially, issues with kids, an out of the blue detached retina…
    I’m hoping a roller coaster and not a free fall.
    My Sag Sun reminds me that tomorrow is a new day….
    I’m looking forward to more in-depth articles …Thank-you, Elsa and my Saturn mates
    It really helps to know I’m not alone.

  18. Scorpio rising not sure where since still trying to get exact birth time~last 5 years hardest of my life, just surviving a huge challenge daily, so much downward drag.
    Pisces sun/moon in 5th
    Grateful for this post, ty

  19. .Saturn is going to leave my first house in October. Reading your posts it is like seeing my own thoughts.
    I found that this process is\was accepting reality. Having Saturn natal in first house this felt like like a long lost mirror.
    Taking care of my projections, being able to take more responsibility for those bits of me that I’ve passionately wanted\searched from others.
    ”Someday these childish dreams must end to become a man to grow up to dream again”- these lyrics are stuck in my head in last two weks.
    Leaving 20’s and coming to this new territory still feels kinda shaky but… I see I am not alone 🙂
    Thank you all
    Peace 🙂

  20. Saturn is transiting my 12th and is natally 6 degrees Capricorn Rx in 1st house on cusp. Pluto is currently transiting on the cusp of 1 & 2 and Mars is opp Pluto. Let’s see, horrible year at work with new manager, brought home the stress, hubby internalized the stress. Let go back in September as I questioned a obvious forgery. End of October hubby walks out says cant live like this anymore (Pluto is transiting his 7th, Saturn transiting his 5th and on his Scorpio moon = mean and angry and very depressed). Shocked cos hubby makes $300 a month and he left which is when friend pulled up the info on Pluto transiting his 7th, telling me to not fight the planets, he wants gone and divorce to let him go. So here it is March and am still unemployed and trying not to fret about money when there is less than $5000 and a divorce looming. I look older from the lack of sleep, stresses for over a year and a half now and with the new energies coming in, feeling overwhelmed. Uncontrollable crying jags. Have no idea what want to do, as I like being in control, in the know. Tired of just surviving. Dreams/future expected shattered and have to start anew trusting the universe and source and my angels and spirit guides especially about finances, values, self-undoing/self destructive nature, and just me being me and how perceived. Scary. When will it turn around and I can thrive? My soul is tired and I am doing my best to not fight the planets.

  21. Not crossing my ASC yet but it’s smack on my Sun. Or it was a week ago? It will be crossing my ACS in 2015 and it will then bump into Mercury then my natal Saturn. By then I will hopefully have worked out what it is I am going to do for the second half of my life. I already am aging and just letting my GregY grow out. I actually have gotten complements!… Lol. Not sure what I am in for but will be tracking for sure, trying to stay one step ahead.

  22. Saturn tr. my AC/1st house 12 years ago. The worst time of my life bar none. It changed my life radically. A maturing process for sure. I feel like I will never be that carefree, fun loving person again. And, I miss the free spirit I used to be sometimes. Of course, Pluto was tr. my 7th at the same time, so that probably had a lot to do with the massive changes. It did force me to straighten up my act though :). A good friend of mine is going through this Saturn transit now. It’s been tough to watch him struggle….but he actually seems to be coming out of it now…and better. Big hugs to all you guys going through this. Saturn through my 2nd house was pretty good actually. I worked really, really hard, but I finally started asking for and getting the $$ I deserved.

  23. It’s the impending change that bears down on me sometimes. It’s knowing that my life is going to be very different somehow but not knowing how that is going to happen. Following leads and hunches. But I did not feel like I had direction with saturn in the 12th. Now it’s like, oh yeah, that’s where I was headed. It’s all in the choices of venue for me right now. Decisions decisions. It was much easier when I was a rover. Much more organic process. I made some choices that limit my mobility. So I have a framework now to work within. I like the framework but it has its own challenges.

  24. i’m a 0 degree scorp asc so once saturn entered scorpio it was on my ascendant. i am the only one that gains weight during this transit FML! my astro friend was like “You gained weight with saturn on your asc?!” “Yep!” Nobody told me truffles were so high calorie! They looked like slightly bigger Raisinets!

    1. Sand, thanks for reminding me of the weight thing!

      After years holding extra kilos I have managed to lose 7 kilos and return to my late twenties weight (I’m late 30s) Saturn was at 20-23 degrees when I starting losing it. My ascendant is 11 degrees so in fixed sign think it takes some time.

      Did you have a jupiter transit at the same time? I’m asking as my dad’s girlfriend lost weight (tons) with this diet years ago.

      On another note, as anyone experienced feeling less inclined to drink alcohol? Since Xtmas nota glass! Just curious…

      1. Hey that’s good to stop the alcohol – I quit a) gambling, b) cigarettes after over 30 years, and 3) won’t use most drugs in spite of rheumatoid arthritis; letting my gray grow out too, tired of coloring my hair. This is the time to stand tall in our own light and independence and be how God made us, where we will get what we focus on – as I think, so I am! Happy Equinox to all as the year turns from the end and the culmination in Pisces back to another new beginning as the wheel turns again to Aries and spring…

        1. Waaaah! I miss coffee. It was sending me over the edge. And hey people are so helpful to ‘old’ people. People with grey hair that is. Little do they know what lurks within. We ain’t old, just grey.

    2. I lost 13 kgs when saturn entered my 12th, AND I quit smoking after 35 years. I also started running and lifting weights, I highly recommend that, -it’s like lifting OFF weight in all manners of speaking 🙂 When saturn entered my 1st house before xmas, the weight started to creep back on, slowly, and it’s hard to get rid of this time. I also became lazy with the weight-lifting, more depressed and generally very insecure about my life, work etc. I’m so tired of the heaviness…

  25. HOLY MOLLY!!

    Reading most of the comments is giving me the frights!!
    My saturn is @ 6 deg sagi 912/1st house) right opposite to my sun @ 6 Deg gemini (6/7th house) so natally I have sun opp saturn.
    In sept 2014 it will briefly enter my 1st house and then reenter again by mid 2015 finally reaching the my natal points in Sept-Nov 2015. I m scared to death. I already have transiting Nept square both my sun and saturn on and off since last month. which makes me feel like I m losing grip from life. confidence is a big hit but to mention the gloomy phase.

    I hope the coming up experience will be better than transiting nept conjunct natal pluto. MY GOD that screwed me big time. Killed all my dreams.

    1. Ann,
      Hoping your transit (opp included) is not too hard. I do think the transit helps get things in order (losing what is not necessary)

      After the neptune transit, having saturn help rebuild things and dreams after the disolutions (neptune disolves and one gets to see illusions where they exist) will be a good thing. Building things of substance (not meaning to say you don’t have this already) as it’s the synchronicity of the transit order, first nept, then saturn.

      Just my thoughts!

      1. Cris,

        I hope it does and you do have a positive point but the mere feeling and torture of going through it is a KILLER.

  26. This turned out so cool. Saturn is in my natal first so this is my third round of this. That caused me to review cycle 1 and everything that went down that time around. And then cycle 2 and everything that went down. And now I am jazzed about cycle 3. It’s another adventure so I got back in touch with my gypsy soul. Saturn is the 10th house ruler and I have sun jupiter in virgo there so no worries. There will always be adventure. Virgo is an intercepted house with pluto on the midheaven squaring saturn so’s I don’t really know that I have a choice with the big guy pluto there: stagnation not allowed. If I’m not havin fun, I will pay. As satori says, muahaha!

  27. I just quit my job. Couldn’t take another bullying boss so working my notice it’s horrible. No job to go to and relying on my husband for first time to see us through, but am scared. One of my best friends died suddenly when Saturn was in 12th last year, and I agree there is little fun about, but I keep trying anyway! Off to Paris for my birthday with no money, I hope we can live a bit bohemian for a few days…

  28. 3 passes over my ascedant between June 2004 and May 2005 followed closely by my Saturn return in July 2005. Had some wonderful success at the time on some levels, yet on others (and once my return hit) couldn’t get any recognition at all, was blamed for mutual projects not working, then had a major car accident – felt like a great weight had landed on me – like some kind of punnishment. The heaviness hung around for the next 7 years as saturn transited my first quadrant. After crossing my IC last year, it finally feels like I’m digging my way out of a deep dark hole I wondered if I would ever get out of.

    1. Phoenixrising,

      Interesting remark you make of saturn transiting the first quadrant. Just read Grant Lewi’s book Astrology for the Millions (good read, maybe a bit too gloomy in some respects) where he repeatedly mentions the ‘obscure’ transit of saturn in that quadrant and how once it crosses the IC a new starting phase begins where saturn starts to rise (4H to 10th house) and things improve gradually.

      Moon in gemini here sharing.

      (Of course the reading made me panic a bit about the years ahead in the obscure area but will see it as working under the radar, building (saturn) something that will manifest stronger once planet transits the 4th house cusp)

  29. Thank-you Elsa…. Oh Cris! I am aware of the obscure phase between the AC and IC crossing, and have been clinging to this idea knowing things will improve as she makes her way northward! Been using this phase to understand myself, my motivations, building my foundation etc… I haven’t read Lewi’s book, but will seek it out. Another excellent text on Saturn transits as seen through the lens of the Hero’s Journey is Erin Sullivan’s book “Saturn in Transit” I can’t put it down! Fascinating! 🙂

    1. Phoenixrising,

      Hehe, Sullivan’s book helped me while saturn transited the 12th. Will revisit it tonight – thanks for the reminder.

      Elsa did tell me in a reading last year that this first house transit is a new chapter of my life so will look at building a foundation during the obscure period. Will need to keep reminding myself a few years of work won’t hurt (no earth in my chart.)

      Betty Lundsted’s Transits book also has helped me with saturn transit (squaring my venus three times this year -one hit, two more to go.)

  30. Wow can’t quit reading all these fab posts, so pertinent! Another thing with taskmaster Saturn who also rules like Father Time, remember to keep healthy boundaries, delineate yours/mine, emotionally as well as physically, get your ducks in a row and don’t take on others’ troubles…remember to also have some fun.
    It makes me think of the saying to be grateful for all things concerning ourselves, even those deemed to be negative. But also, don’t box yourself in, leave an escape route!
    Einstein said, “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, the rational mind is a faithful servant; we have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”
    Use the Force!

  31. I was 26 when Saturn crossed my Virgo Asc in 2008 and at that time I was working on a project between Serbian and German government. It was a part-time job, I would work for 16 hours a day for a week and then had several weeks off. It was well paid but I was depressed because I couldn’t find a full-time job. I moved to a different city and started living with my (now ex) boyfriend while Saturn was in Leo, so I didn’t have any friends there, I had a lot of free time and being a Virgo rising I felt pretty useless. My progressed Moon was in Pisces at that time so that contributed to depressed, energy-low feeling. I got a volunteering job to fill my free time but I was really unhappy there. I volunteered for 9 months hoping I would feel better about myself, but that didn’t happen. Then I got a full-time job in January 2010 but got fired when Saturn entered Libra.

    I also felt very old at that time and I thought I started looking old over night. I even had one small cosmetic surgery in 2009.

    Not long after Saturn entered Libra (it was my 1st Saturn return) and my progressed Moon moved into Aries, me and my ex split.

  32. I should make a post on this. My fingers and wrists have been really sore lately with arthritis. My husband has been opening and carrying things for me and even the wet jet mop makes my hands hurt after using. One of my stocking stuffer gifts this past Christmas was a battery operated can opener that works great. This is the Father Time aspect of Saturn, I suppose, that Vonnie above is talking about.

    Saturn went over my ascendant last year 4 times with the retrograde at 11 degrees. I got a cortisone shot in my knee when it was exact in May, and I am waiting to see a Rheumatologist this winter. I don’t care that the appointment is so far into the future because I don’t really want to take any step-up drugs.

    It’s really funny (seriously) that it is so simple: I have to limit how I use my physical body or I will pay. Even ripping up paper is a potentially self-destructive activity now.

    I don’t mean to sound down or like I am droning on here, because in some ways it really is fascinating. I am having to do just what Vonnie posed above, “set healthy boundaries”. I probably wouldn’t even try to do that if I wasn’t being forced to on a physical level.

    When I experienced this transit in 1983/84 in my twenties its energy was similar, only I felt it in my career. I did my student-teacher practicums at that time. I had to concern myself with my physical presentation, project a mature serious yet fun and enthusiastic persona and conserve my energy to do the job. I was formally evaluated, often without warning. My clothing, my hair, the quality of my voice, as well as my lesson plans and actual lessons were up for evaluation. My effect on the students was also measured. My rapport with everyone had to be just grrrreat!

    It’s the same principle. You have to focus on yourself in a positive way during this spot of time in your life — that is going to help you in a permanent way. People around you may not “get it” or “get you”, but I think we know on some level what we have to do even if we are floundering in ways.

    When my Saturn return came in Sagittarius a couple years after this, most everything I went through during Saturn’s transit of Scorpio in the first house paid off. I got a job in my field, and because of that I met my husband at my job……things turned out pretty good.

  33. Saturn is almost done with my first house and I’m still not sure I know what to do. In the 12th, I found my life being a little reclusive which was a good break. When it crossed my AC, my life went crazy busy and hasn’t let up since. Right as it crossed my AC, I also buckled down and lost 18 lbs. but as the transit continued, I hit health issues (Uranus transiting my 6th) and life got even crazier so I couldn’t eat right or exercise and my weight shot up again. Try as I might to lose the weight, something always thwarted it. Most recently I had my thyroid removed. I put on 10 lbs in the 2 weeks after surgery. So I don’t know if Saturn is telling me that I need to accept myself as I am (old family “tapes” insist that I have to be perfect to be loved) or that I need to work hard and persevere to get this weight off. I wish Saturn would give me an instruction manual :-).

  34. This is going to be a long wait. Saturn will be conj my asc by december and things have already been delayed career wise since it was in my 11th, conj my pluto in libra.
    I also have sun in 12th in my past solar return chart.

  35. I always think of Saturn crossing the ascendant as the end of Saturn through the 12th. It seemed almost liberating to have Saturn out of my 12th house. I can always tell someone who has it. They have a peculiarly wrecked sort of feeling about them, even if they’re usually a together person. I seem to have noticed that Saturn through the 12th makes a person feel as weak as they ever felt, and even if it ends with knee surgery when Saturn finally crosses the ascendant (Capricorn rules knees and bones and knee injuries are common with this transit) one is finally able to use their Saturn once they get used to the heaviness. I’m wondering if this makes any sense to any of you who wrote about your hard Saturn/Asc experiences?

    1. Knee injury was definitely part of my Saturn transit through the 12th.. my knee has never been the same again. So yep, your comment definitely makes sense to me!

    2. Avatar

      My experience with this transit in a nutshell.

      I haven’t gone through the explosive beginning that comes along with Saturn crossing the ascendant yet, but am approaching it within the next 2 months as my rising point is at 28 Scorpio.

      Holy cow, Saturn detouring through the 12th is no joke. I always considered myself someone who was well put together, had everything aligned, blah blah blah…HA! Saturn entering my closet of skeletons said otherwise. I do feel that it is a really profound time once one finally surrenders to all of the drudgery that surfaces and just decides to brave the storm. We all know that feeling when we have nice clothes on and go outside and it’s just pouring, and even with an umbrella we still seem to be getting drenched; with my experience of this transit, I got down poured on, and no umbrella was offered. For a while, I just moped about it and stayed upset, but then finally realized that I could use this time productively and just surrender to the process.

      It’s my belief that if one continues to put off, use the old escape routes, and just dicks around like always with it, then going into the first house will probably be a nightmare. On the other end, if one did the work that needed attending to in this foggy and hazy place (as that’s what Saturn wants most, is work to be done,) then it’s crossing over the ascendant will should be a birth of sorts that allows one to blossom into the potential of all they are, dealing with first house stuff. Being in the last 2 months of this transit I’m already feeling invigorated again and see the clouds parting on the horizon.

      Bring it on, 1st house Saturn 🙂

      1. Saturn crossed my asc at 28scorpio last week. It’s still rolling along slowly at 28scorpio, and LOTS of things are ending! But, and this is good, I feel the seeds of lots of things beginning. They’re slumbering at the moment, but I feel them growing. I feel “me” again, but a better me, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually.
        The first part of Saturn’s transit of my 12th house was at the end of Saturn in Libra.(My houses are a little wonky.) A year before this, while Saturn was in my 11th house, I met a man who seemed charming, romantic, etc. It was a facade. When Saturn crossed into my 12th, this man cheated on me….I should’ve dumped him right then. I didn’t. I held on to illusions, and him. I did this for the first year of Saturn in my 12th, and my life became a descent into the foggy, clouded, despairing depths of the Underworld,(the man went on to cheat on me two more times that I know of). There were other issues as well, family and past hurts, not wanting to face my own inner demons, all the 12th house issues, even more so because of Scorpio there. I really thought I was going insane for awhile.
        Then, in October of 2013, I said to myself, “Me, you have to face and open the pandora’s box of your 12th house for your own sanity and peace. Saturn there is giving you a chance to work hard, clean out the skeletons, dig to the bottom of the box, let go of the garbage, and grow. It will be hard, but it’s an opportunity, if you let it be.
        I broke up with the cheating, lying, mentally ill Narcissist the next day. I worked hard, so hard, on many issues from my past that were hurting my present. I let go of many, many things, and people. It was HARD WORK!!! Still is in some ways, because I cleaned out a lot of personal underworld sludge that a lot of people I knew didn’t “get.” I changed. This pi$$ed a lot of people off who thought of me as their midnight therapist on call.(Sun in Cancer/Moon in Pisces) The ones who couldn’t accept it are gone. The good people are still around. In some ways I feel alone because I cut out a lot of people, but I don’t feel lonely. I feel that I’ve cleared away a lot of dead growth to make way for new growth. I’ve walked out of The Underworld.
        The very day that Saturn crossed my Asc. The man attempted to contact me again, like we were friends. I told him very firmly not to ever contact me again, in any way…and I felt free. The Saturn in 12 lessons had come full circle.
        There will be tests as it transits my 1st house, I’m sure, but I feel that I did the work I needed to. I’m willing to do so again.

  36. Avatar
    Johnnie Scorpio

    Oh my GOD! Reading these great posts (and Elsa’s writing on this) really drives home the old saying “misery loves company”!

    Saturn conjunct the natal ascendant – “Something Wicked This Way Comes”!!

    I have a 21 degree Scorpio ascendant, and right now Saturn is conjunct it at 22 degrees. Like many others here, this past year (and present time) is without doubt the most painful, traumatic, anxiety-ridden and fearful time of my life. Saturn in my 12th house was HELL – lost in a fog, dazed and utterly confused. When Saturn was at 19 degress Scorpio I lost a job I loved, friends, and had to give up my apartment and move in with friends.

    I was always a person who loved being alone, but transiting Saturn on my asc has brought utter loneliness into my life. I am suffering from fear, depression, anxiety attacks, and insomnia. Low energy and lack of self confidence. I feel utterly drained and lost. And like others here, the weight of transiting Saturn on my asc makes me feel my age (52) for the first time in my life. Painful, painful period for me, yet, I hang on the hope that somehow, some way I will be reborn. This too shall pass. Speaking of “weight”, I have lost weight and can’t seem to put it back on while Saturn sits on my asc. Damn! I have quit smoking – trying to emphasize the positive aspects of this BRUTAL transit.

    Thanks for the great topic, Elsa. Let’s all hang in there.

  37. 19* scorpio rising and I am in pain. PAIN! ;( I am 28 years old..and Along with my Aquarius Sun, merc and venus square my ascendant, you can just stick a fork in me, im done..tired, scared, not sure whats going to happen to me…Plus saturn is currently retrograding back towards my ascendant, only to hit it 2 more times! As saturn comes back, I feel myself going deeper into depression! I find it quit hard to get up and go to work every day. This is the worst karma ever…I too have quit smoking after 10 years..

  38. Glad to see I’m not alone here, what with the, yes, BRUTAL forces of transiting saturn to the ascendant. I’m 20 degrees Scorp asc, and it just retrograded back to my ascendent for the second time since January. Keith, I agree about the pain and depression aspects – I am simply exhausted and overwhelmed by this transit. I’m also losing weight (although eating the same amount as always) and find it incredibly difficult to keep the weight on.

    The depression is crippling. One astrologer I know compared this transit to the 12th, asc, and 1rst house as “birthing pains” and “gestation” – boy oh boy was she correct! I believe the Scorpio ascendant (and planets in Scorpio) bear the hardest, most intensely painful process of transiting Saturn. This period of my life is the lowest, BUT I know the rebirthing process is destiny.

    One more thing. My astrologer pal told me that while going through this hard transit that I should, more than ever, pay attention to my North Node sign and purpose in order to focus on the future and where I should be steering myself through after this transit is over (and during the transit as well). Jan Spiller’s “Astrology For The Soul” outlines each North Node meaning and purpose in-depth, and is a must read.

    Thanks so muchh for posting this, Elsa.

  39. Hi! I am 5 degree sag ascendant and I am going thru a weak and low phase in my life, though not new for me. Pluto transit a few years ago in H1 wasn’t easy on me either. My career success has stalled but the real challenge is in my relationship house, had a string of unsuccessful ones. The last one ended a month back and I feel terribly isolated. I also have progressed conjunct sun. I know a lot of heavy duty transits ahead of me. Anxiety and little depression engulfs me in the present. Any advice you lovely peeps have? Thanks much!

  40. Saturn has been hovering near my Ascendant and finally moving off since it started moving forward, of course. I’ve noticed been feeling the heaviness more so since the Sun has been in Leo and just squared Saturn, not long after squaring Mars. What is amplifying everything for me is my progressed Mars is at 19′ Taurus in my seventh house. Mars will be one degree from meeting up with Saturn in my venus return chart, which will be two degrees from directly opposing my progressed Mars. I just wonder how this will influence my love life for the coming year? I’ve already had plenty of disappointments with guys I’ve been meeting being really flakey or just not what I’m interested in. Will this theme continue throughout the year with these aspects in my venus return chart? I forgot to mention my Venus is at 13′ Leo so the opposition will also square it. Ugh!!!

  41. Well, today, September 1, transiting Saturn is at 18 degrees and moving closer to make its third and final conjunction with my 21 degree Scorpio asc.
    It is so true what is said about Saturn retrograde- once it leaves its station degree and begins to move towards a planet or angle (in this case, my asc) you can literally feel the building energy and intensity. And with Saturn and the ascendant being IN Scorpio, intense is an understatement.

    I feel as if I’m wound up like a rubber band or in a pressure cooker. No joke. This transit is just devastating, and there are days when I really don’t think I’m going to make it through. Everything I had in my life I lost when Saturn entered my 12th; before that, I was literally flying high with a great job that took me around the world. Gone. Friends – gone (and I’m afraid to say much of it was my 12th house screwed up persona). No job, no money, God almighty.

    That all said…I instinctively know this all had to come to pass as this 28.5 year cycle is now nearing its end. What terrifies the hell out of me is not knowing what is going to happen to me. I’m also not thrilled at the fact that I’m soon to be entering the “obscure” phase of quadrant one (houses 1-3)…but…when I look at myself honestly, I really do need to revamp my persona, my outlook, my whole inner and outer being.

    The last time Saturn left my 12th and conjuncted my ascendant (in late November, 1984) my mother passed away (when Saturn was in 12th at 11 degrees Scorp), and my entire family disintegrated. Lost ties with siblings, and had to forge ahead to create my own identity. It’s happening again, now, in 2014. Karma, and what goes around. This has been, bar none, the most devastating period of my life.

  42. I actually found Saturn transiting the 12th house a hundred times harder than it’s been since Saturn moved into my 1st house. Three close friends tried to commit suicide (all failed, thankfully), another close friend had a breakdown following her husband leaving her, and another was diagnosed with cancer and has gone through three years of bouts of chemo and radiotherapy. In one way or another, all my friends and family were having a hard time and I seemed to spend all my free time rushing about trying to ‘be there’ for everyone. My long-term relationship finally really ended (it had been on-off for years), financially things were very tough, I damaged my back at work, and I came to hate the job I’d been doing for several years (which I had previously loved), because the company I worked for was inundated with work and others weren’t pulling their weight, which meant most of the responsibility fell to me. The job I was doing was extremely physically demanding and very long hours, and I was taking painkillers like sweeties, in severe constant pain for several months last year (I thought it was the onset of rheumatoid arthritis, which runs in my family, and it took months for the back problem to be diagnosed – and I’m very thankful that it wasn’t RA!), and wasn’t eating or sleeping much. I also caught every virus going, when normally I’m never ill, and felt utterly run down and exhausted. I kept applying for other jobs and out of the dozens and dozens of positions I applied for I had ONE interview, but the post was then filled internally. It felt as if I was living down a well with no hope of ever climbing out, and I felt incredibly alone. I am quite a Saturn-y person, and generally transits of Saturn have been pretty positive in my life, but I really lived the twelfth house.

    Since Saturn crossed my ascendant, Life has become much, much easier! Yes, it was a reality-check, but in a good way. I began to realize just how hard I push myself – often unnecessarily. I’m learning to stand up for myself more, learning to say ‘No’, putting my own needs (like food, and sleep!) first, learning to ask for help or cooperation (Saturn has also been criss-crossing my moon on the descendant by opposition), and learning to value my skills and abilities more. Some relationships have fallen by the wayside, but it’s been my choice. I’ve been inundated with offers of work and people wanting to help me, and a friend and I are setting up our own business. I have a sense of life opening up again, new possibilities and opportunities. It will be hard work, but I am more than ready for it.

    My image has changed, too, in recent months, and I no longer get people exclaiming, ‘I thought you were about 25!’ (I’m 39 this year) but I’m fine with that. I have noticed that people have begun treating me with a lot more respect, which is interesting.

    Natally, I have Sun and ascendant in Scorpio, with Saturn in the ninth (using Placidus – the 10th in whole sign) ruling the third and fourth houses. Saturn forms an out-of-sign trine to the Sun, but is contra-parallel by declination and is also in opposition to the Sun by antiscion, and the Sun is in the terms of Saturn whilst Saturn is in Leo, so there is mixed mutual reception there. The only other strong aspect Saturn forms is a sextile to Venus (plus a sextile to Pluto and a trine to Neptune, if you use the outer planets).

    1. Thank you for your post, K. I can resonate with your 12th house transit experience- “down a well with no hope of ever climbing out”. I’m so glad Saturn transiting your first house has been a positive experience for you. I hear this from others, too. I’m hoping the same for me…well, obviously!

      Before Saturn entered my 12th house over two years ago, I was, for the most part, a very happy, jovial (and intense, having a Scorp asc) and upbeat kind of guy. The last year especially has been horrendous – not an ounce of joy in my life, and even to smile is forced and artificial. It’s as if my whole world is permeated with seriousness and intensity.

  43. Thank you all ror your enlightening posts. I am definately able to see that I am not alone in my misery with this situation. I found that for me personally, saturn through the 12th house was not all that bad, with a more detached feeling of ease and more confidence in my abilities. It was not the greatest but compared to passing the ascendant it was relatively easy. I did have the sense that endings were on the way and suffered sleeplessness and an intangible anxiety. It was strange because I did not know what this intuition was or where it came from or what it was trying to tell me. When saturn got close to my ascendant at 8 degrees scorpio and also conjunct my natal neptune at 15 degrees, I started to feel as if I were under a microscope at work, felt very anxious and very much resentment for the fact that I had been doing the work of four persons for 18 years. It is as though I had made myself a mayrter , unwillingly without my knowlege, and the light came on to set a boundry for myself and I quit work. I did not want to throw 18 years away but I could not stop myself. I was overworked, overtaxed, underappreciated and done. I had no power to stop it and I hated it but I had to end it all. I was living an illusion and I could not continue. At the same time neptune was conjunct my natal saturn in the 4th so we could say this was a double dose, overdose of saturn and neptune energy. I feel terrible about strapping my husband with all financial concerns, very guilty and my confidence is at an all time low. I have never felt this bad in my life. I hope it gets a little better when it goes out of scorpio. The last time it crossed the ascendant in 1984 I got married and it was a better crossing but now I am 50 and I feel old and used by an employer who knows no boundaries in what it wants from its cogs and spits them out with no remorse.saturn brings a hard dose of reality and removes illusions. I wish all of you much love and strength in your transits of saturn to the ascendant. You are going to need all the support you can get more than likely. Thank you Elsa for this, it is affirmation and an education all at one time, a real two-fer.

    1. Indeed, a hard dose of reality and the removal of all illusions is what I (and many others) are facing now. Much like yourself, my 1984 Saturn transiting the ascendant was not as rough (although my mother passed away, which devastated me to no end) and there goes the family ties – buh bye!) but it was NOTHING compared to this one, this time. Sometimes I can’t even find the words to properly articulate what I’m feeling.

  44. Hi – wanted to chime in on the Saturn passing over Ascendant thing. I am a Virgo (4 planets there) with Scorpio ascendant (I have Venus and Jupiter right on my Scorpio ascendant – in 12. and 1. house). I also have a tight T-square occupying my 1,4 and 7th house between Neptune, Moon and Saturn respectively. Obviously – because of all of this – I would be closely affected by any Saturn transit as it is involved in so many dynamic aspects in my chart. Here is what happened to me in the last 4 years (Saturn passing over my stellium in Virgo, and passing over my ascendant and my optimistic Venus/Jupiter/ascendant conjunction). My husband (who I fatefully met 28 years ago when Saturn just passed my ascendant) and who is represented by my Saturn in 7th house as well as my Venus in the 1st house (ruler of house Taurus)got severely depressed and had to go on disability from his work. I had to care for him and take over all of our household duties, as well as everything to do with our two children. I took over money management as the money was tight and was actually extremely good at it. In the meantime – last October – my father died. My mom got severely depressed and is very depressed still. My husband started getting better and I thought he will be well, but immediately after going back to work he got worse again. This time his sickness took him to another extreme, spending tons of money and bringing us on the verge of bankruptcy. I am devastated and I’m contemplating divorce now. Our marriage was an ideal one until 4 years ago when he got sick. Now, my life is in ruins, but strangely (must be the optimistic Jupiter on my Ascendant) I still hold out hope.
    I have to say – my life was a pretty peaceful and smooth sailing until now (although I did go through the civil war, had to move to another country far away from all my family and had to start a new life here). But the last 4 years were definitely the worst ones ever, and I’m hoping for a bit of a break, although I know I will probably not see one in the next year at least. Sorry for such a long post. I used to actively practice astrology and I totally believe the influence the stars have on our lives.

    1. Rene, so sorry to hear how challenging and roughthe past four years for you. I hope all comes out well for you and your family. I too absolutely believe in all things astrological; it’s uncanny how accurate the Saturn and Jupiter cycles are, for example.

      1. Thanks Johnnie and Elsa :))
        Johnnie, I also noticed Saturn is definitely a good predictor of events for me, as well as Mars for some more short-lived but intense events. What I also like very much is – doing my solar return charts every year. I have been able to forecast some major years in my life just by looking at my solar returns.

  45. I will have Saturn crossing Sag soon. How do I prepare? It’s been a rough three years for this Taurus with Saturn in my 7th!!! What do you suggest?

  46. Saturn is now 10 degrees before my ascendant in sag(0.05) and 6 months ago I already started taking more care of my physical body by loosing some fat around the stomach and getting rid of skin problems. I went to a dermatologist the other day due to a suspicious looking mole on my forehead that appeared 3 yrs ago and kept growing since then. I´m so nervous right now waiting for the results. Not exactly a fun period.

  47. I’m the same a “someone” I’m a sag rising and I’ve been loosing weight, just paying attention to my appearance in general. More make-up than skin care.

  48. Transiting Saturn in the 12th says “contemplation of our failures” and marks an end of a cycle bringing with it discontent and confusion. Others says it marks “a serious, heavy period of time” where major psychological spring cleaning takes place.

    Saturn conjuncting Neptune say roughly the same thing…people “have a difficult time understanding themselves and coming to terms with bad habits & anxieties.” There is a feeling of doom and self-criticism

    So, I lost my teaching job in June and over the summer was constantly reviewing the dramatic way in which I lost the job, and still am. (the ruler of the 12th is on the MC). I wake up noticing fear that my career is over. The fear can be quite palpable and entrenching and is not fun.

    These days, I am meditating a lot and trying to get these irrational fears under control. Cause I’m not working I spend a lot of time alone probing & experimenting the falseness of the ego and the truth of what is real. The ego is one sneaky SOB and I’m doing my best in simple observation of various states of fear and panic.

    It seems like a powerful conjunction especially in the 12th. I also have 4 natal planets in the 8th. Any insights or comments regarding Neptune would be appreciated. thanks

  49. Thank you everyone for sharing their experience. Saturn will be crossing over my ascendant on December 5th 2014 at 28 degrees Scorpio and right into my 1H. I feel like I am hidden away in a cave from the light of day and I am about to emerge. I’m excited for this new birth. The 12H transit was super rough. My mama passed over when Saturn conjunct my natal moon at 9 degrees Scorpio. I moved countless times. I was laid off from a decade long job this past June which I had well outgrown a long time ago. There have been many many work start ups that have flopped. Finances have been down right challenging. I don’t have a mama or daddy or a partner to run to for help. The financial tightness is driving me Choo Choo for cocoa puffs. A charity paid my rent last month thank goodness. I love to live a carefree life of spending (Leo Sun) but I have found myself using the words economize and conserve regularly. I am proud of all the dollar bill stretching that I have been doing. It’s giving me the strength to know that I can get through anything. I have not had a partner in a decade. I have not had a love interest in well over a year and a half. Finding work has been challenging as well. I want to build a good foundation right now. I don’t just want a JOB. I want to put my energy into my passions. I have always been a writer on the low and I finally started blogging over the past few months. It feels really good. You can check out my blog about holistic health and wellness here: . I just started working with an artist cultivating her image which I love but this project is going to take a while to grow into something. I am also starting a part time job next week for the holidays at a clothing store as a sales associate. Yes this is a job in which I did at the end of high school 28/30 years ago and how weird that I am starting here again. My goal is to get out of the house and connect with new people. There are new experiences to be had and new opportunities to be explored. I feel, sense a big ending right now and that a new beginning is almost here. Oh but then it will retrograde back over my ascendant in the early spring. What will the retrograde bring as Saturn revisits my 12H again till August? No more tightness please!

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      Blessings to you Niche, you have endured quite a lot from what you have shared with us. Saturn always delivers this hard hitting challenges that weigh oh so heavily, but eventually do come to better us in ways we would have never thought possible in the moment of anguish.

      I, too, have my ascendant at 28 degrees Scorpio. So we are literally in the heart of this conjunction right now, with Saturn right on our rising point. It’s crazy how strikingly similar our experiences have been with Saturn detouring through the 12th house. It was a time of deep isolation, reflection, and introspection. So much death and revulation was done. I feel as if I spent so much of the time in a watery daze; utterly lost and confused.

      Now, even as much pressure and heaviness is accompanied by it, there’s a fresh new start looming on the horizon as we cross over into the first house; now being given the time to reclaim our sense of self and personality. How are we in relation to the world and ourselves?

      With Saturn in the 12th, we have all of these endings and deep introspection into what’s no longer working so that by the time we get to the first house, we can learn to express ourselves with out all of the dead weight that would have only held us back.

      We’ve worked hella hard, now it’s time to reap the rewards. Wherever we invest ourselves and fully do what it is we know we need to do, we’ll always be awarded with the accomplishments that Saturn delivers.

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