Pluto In Sagittarius – Shadow Side Of Spirtual Types

shadow-alec-baldwin_l.jpgEgads! I included some gal’s feed on the Astro Dispatch and she wrote me this morning very indignant I was ‘stealing” her work. She insisted I respond immediately which I did:

“Okay, all your posts have been removed from the site and I have also removed your blog’s feed so nothing else will show up there. I am sorry this upset you, I meant no harm.”

She wrote me back: “Let me set you straight Sister…” to basically tell me I sucked. Apparently I have an ego, I steal and not only that she hoped my contact with her would save my lousy-ass soul as she was praying for it for some reason I could not really discern but she hopes I am “open to grow”.

She signed her mail, “Blessings,” with her name which struck me as surreal in a “Bless you, you rotten bitch,” sort of way and not appreciating being called a thief, I sent her back this:

“When you publish an rss feed, you make your work available – period. This is exactly the express function of publishing the feed. It it to make your work is available at large.

If you do not want people to have access to your work you can easily stop them by not publishing a feed but as long as you do, it is YOU sending your work out not me stealing it.

In whatever case I have honored your request so I am not sure what else you’d like me to do. I assure you I am innocent as you will find out if you research this just the tiniest bit.”

I suppose I should expect a firing squad to show up later today and here’s the part that kills me:

Her whole blog is full of flowers and lovey-dovey psychic energy visionary stuff.


33 thoughts on “Pluto In Sagittarius – Shadow Side Of Spirtual Types”

  1. “Her whole blog is full of flowers and lovey-dovey psychic energy visionary stuff.”

    OF COURSE IT IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. That is sooooo hypocritical and typical of that flowerey lovey dovey types. It is an act!!! I reminds me of those extremely religious types who talk shit about every body. I believe you were doing her a favor by referencing her blog. What a rag!
    Yep be prepared for a big backlash, she sounds the type that is very controlling and has to be right at any cost.

  3. I agree that by publishing a feed she is advertising for people to pick the feed up and publish her work elsewhere, without her express permission. She is ignorant but maybe she learned something in this exchange.

  4. Um, okay, can you say HYSTERIA?!
    I’m sorry I laughed when I read this post. Not at your expense Elsa, I hope that’s clear, just at the sheer MADNESS of some people.

    This kind of thing is routine, unfortunately. I call it pseudo-spirituality. It simply doesn’t translate into real life, and fails to execute any meaningful action in some people.

    This is definitely Pluto in Sag…sad and pathetic I’m afraid.

  5. I was really involved in the new age movement in the mid-late 1980’s and that cured me of any Neptunian la-la-la regarding that whole scene LOL. Not surprised.

    Sorry she barfed her flowers and blessings all over ya.

  6. “barfed her flowers and blessings all over ya” – love that imagery!

    not only that, but astro dispatch publishes EXCERPTS, not entire posts, so you’re including her would have done nothing but help promote her work to a wider audience. of course, i KNOW you’re getting rich off the adsense over there, getting ready to retire from readers that should have been hers.

    barfing flowers indeed.

  7. So funny – Unfortunately I can only visualize someone saying “lemme set you straight sister’ while they are getting ready to put their teeth in and leave their double wide to go out to the liquor store for reinforcements.

    Blessings…. that is sooo like 80’s. Totally.

    Oh, I’m gossiping, being caustic and taking inventories. I hope I’m channeling my repressed Gemini!

  8. “I can only visualize someone saying “lemme set you straight sister’ while they are getting ready to put their teeth in and leave their double wide to go out to the liquor store for reinforcements.”


  9. Wow … someone’s got issues, and it sure as hell ain’t you Elsa. Thank goodness you set her square.

    “Let me set you straight sister” … boy was SHE out of line.

    *shakes head*

  10. i cannot stand people who twist the new age-y stuff to plain old chastise someone else. it’s the worst kind of thing! i’d rather someone be straight up mean to me…at least it would be honest without being condescending. why do these people insist on wrapping themselves in the cloak of beneficience when they’re being a-holes? rargh. but your response was golden. er, don’t publish an rss feed if you don’t want to be linked dummy.

  11. Avatar
    Little Miss Hermit

    “Her whole blog is full of flowers and lovey-dovey psychic energy visionary stuff.” *LOL*
    That Neptune of hers probably lacks the grounding influences required for HER to do some growing^^
    Along the same vein, I’ve noticed that it’s the more aggressive personalities who send you the cutest stuff on facebook. Funny, I think!;)

  12. This is what happens when people refuse to recognize that they’re complex…they envision themselves as white-light happy do-gooders who don’t put out any negative energy because we’re all one big happy flower-family…and then their anger comes out all sidewise and twisted at something or someone who hasn’t really done anything, but is a handy scapegoat for their misplaced angst. It takes guts to look into the abyss, so to speak, and some people would rather avoid it and spew at random when they get too full of unresolved issues to contain it anymore. Sorry to hear you had to deal with that.

  13. This may be my Gemini moon, but I am DYING to know who this is. I know you don’t gossip, I’m just having a moment of weakness. Blessings, my ass.

  14. yeah, well if she writes me anymore bullshit, I am going to send her this blog and she sends me any more after that, I am going to name her so yeah. Put down your gun and walk away, otherwise we know without a shadow of a doubt she saw the knife and wished to be stabbed with it.

    Damned bastards, it’s a bear, walk away! Holiness or otherwise… you don’t have the trump card ’round these parts!

    Judge Roy Bean on duty yanno? ::smirks::

  15. LMAO! “Damned bastards, it’s a bear, walk away! Holiness or otherwise… you don’t have the trump card ’round these parts!” 🙂

    What goes through the minds of these people? They know they don’t make sense, are fighting a losing argument, wasting your time and pissing you off by the second, and yet they continue to provoke…a bear of all things. Everyone knows not to provoke bears, because though they may be slow to take offense and get angry, once they get going they’ll take a bastard down. And frankly, there’s always ample warning to do the right thing – they deserve what they get.

  16. i tend to figure that people who obssess with sweetness and light are actually hiding from the dark inside them….

  17. yeah, AnaBanana, I love that line too!

    the initial post made me think of this Jon Stewart quote:
    “in Dick Morris’ defense… he IS a lying, sack of shit.”

    altho I’d say passive-aggressive […insert the rest], bless her heart.

  18. Yep…I agree with all the comments here.

    Shadow side of the Love and Light Brigade strikes again! Nasty little pockets of unconscious darkness that they’ve supposedly “ascended” beyond.

    It’s funny how little it takes to get them snarling…

  19. This feed is hilarious! Excuse me while I go add this too the list of things I should have learned while I was busy trying to prove that I was a wild and crazy new age guy that was born in the sixties like millions of other special individuals.

  20. You did as she requested, told her you meant no harm, and she came back with that? Signing off with “blessings” after one has just spit on someone is totally wack. **Sigh**. What a fraud she is. I hope she gets some help owning her dark side.

  21. That’s so obnoxious! I hope she quits while she can. Though I do find it amusing when jerks get called out publicly. 😀

  22. “When you publish an rss feed, you make your work available – period. This is exactly the express function of publishing the feed. It it to make your work is available at large.”

    Aye. Assuming she wants visitors, she should be glad that you send more traffic her way by including her feed in the AstroDispatch aggregator.

  23. Hi – you know this tale strikes me as both hilarious and sad. IMO you handled it brilliantly – what restraint – but mostly, what decency and respect. So sad that this was completely lost on the other person – and there is the real tragedy of it all. I can’t help but wonder what’s going on for her – probably nothing to do with you at all. But it clearly ain’t good.

    The comments that have followed on here have totally tickled me. And brought some stuff home. I worked with a ‘so-called’ spiritual teacher off and on over the last few years. Initial meetings were intriguing and I had to know more. But of course after peering in a bit further, I then discovered the most tightly wound ball of control freakery. Almost beyond any possible human capacity for control 🙂 Spiritual my ass – as they say.

    Aye – I do wonder what that is all about…


  24. As there was gaps in between the lines of my previous comment, I will add this. It is interesting that people, who think that they have ascended above and beyond the realms of the rest of us mortals, spend so much time dragging themselves through the mud.

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