Pisces Woman Inundated With Heartless Cheating Scorpio Men


Hello Elsa.

I am a Pisces who grew up with a very strong, almost abusive Scorpio mom. I’m not sure if my anger and resentment towards Scorpios comes from that – all I know is that it is there. Well, I have had a few scorps as friends, a little weird, but we got along all and all. A couple of months ago I realized hat Scorpios are nearly heartless and decided I would no longer associate with them, or try my hardest to avoid them.

Well, right after I said that, I met about 5 Scorpios within 1 month. I started to date one and he just about used me for a good 3 months and left me for his ex-girlfriend. Again, I swore them off again… not even 2 weeks later I fall for another guy that happens to be Scorpio.

Now, it is definitely NOT me going after them, they come after me. Also, as soon as I start liking them back, they stop calling. What am I doing wrong with these Scorpio guys? Is it because they feel I am interested and lose interest? Also, why am I attracting Scorpio people all of a sudden?

Is a Scorpio man capable of being faithful because I have yet to meet one who can. Also, this Scorpio that I like now called me everyday for about a week and stopped calling me, when I called him – he didn’t answer my calls or call back. What now??


Dear Confused,

Scorpios can be faithful when they choose to be and are in fact well recognized as one of the most loyal signs in the zodiac. Matter of fact, I would be more apt to trust Scorpio than any of the other signs by far, so I don’t think this has to do with some shortcoming universal to Scorpio at all. It’s more a personal problem you’re having and all through your post I was thinking about Mixed Nuts.

See, I am attracted to Mixed Nuts. But every time I open a can of them, I eat the whole thing. And the size can is of no consequence. If it’s a small can, I eat the whole thing. If it’s a standard-sized can, I finish it. If it is a family-sized can, I will still finish it by the end of the day and this is true even if it is family-sized can with “30% more, free bonus”!

So what do you think of that? What do you think I should do when I pass the nuts section of the grocery store and all those cans of nuts beckon? Because they do call out to me, you know. “Elsa! Elsa! Come Hither!” they say. “We’re on sale, maaaan!” ::smiles::

Well obviously I can respond to that. I can dutifully put a can of nuts in my shopping cart just like you can put another Scorpio man in your bed, but I don’t think either one of us should expect a miracle, do you?

Look. I have a problem with Mixed Nuts and you have a problem with Scorpio. I am down to just one or two cans of nuts a year. Someday I hope to blow them off all together. And maybe you should try this with your Scorpios. Damage control, you know?

Good luck.



56 thoughts on “Pisces Woman Inundated With Heartless Cheating Scorpio Men”

  1. Spot on.

    Also, consider what qualities these guys share that attracted you to them. Once you figure out why these ultimately not-good-for-you guys are appealing, maybe you can stop going for the same type of man.

  2. Pobrecita!

    I feel for you. It’s interesting how we subconsciously, unconsciously attractive certain people–and I believe that it’s a combination of a pattern being repeated along with the idea that we probably should be learning something from the experience. In pretty much every instance where I interacted with someone or a certain type of person multiple times, it was to absorb a certain lesson or truth about oneself. Unfortunately, a lot of these lessons are painful, but only because they trigger something so deep and difficult–but oftentimes it does take some traumatic or intense experience/s to ferret out the things we most need to work on. For you it may be the classic Piscean tendency towards merging and surrendering. Use your compassion on yourself!


  3. I, too, had a heartless and abusive scorpio mom. I, too, continued to be attracted to men who shared her same heartless qualities and would blame myself for the relationship not working. I dont blame it on Scorpio’s and I have to learn to quit beating myself up when the relationship doesnt work. I have to take responsibility for my self esteem allowing people that arnt good for me into my life. Like Elsa pointed out, she put the nuts into her basket. You let these people show up. Dont beat yourself up, do it differently. And it isnt easy. All I know about love I learned from my heartless mom. Lord knows who taught her. So, I dont hate her, we just have to find better teachers. They are out there! Good Luck.

  4. I wouldnt say Scorps are heartless (can you guess my sign? hehe) I would say rather that they feel TOO much, all of the time & deeply, so tend to not let it show if they can help it. Makes em feel too needy/vunerable.

  5. Cassi,

    It’s true–we don’t know who our teachers’ teachers are. Beautifully said. The crazy thing is, we aren’t always aware of who we are teaching, either. Makes living ‘mindfully’ all the more important, yes?

  6. Pisces,

    You may not be this way, but I think if one comes across as a cling-on the Scorps, even the ones that are full of heart will likely run for the hills. They may be just as overflowingly full of dreams of a deeply fulfilling and desirious of a depth filled emotional bond as you are but if somebody comes across as too aggressive or are seen as overly needy, the Scorpio will likely back away. Maybe it’s part of the dance of romance, maybe it’s out of the ocean all the way. Day at the beach, OVER!!

    At least I would be doing some withdrawal. A wait and see. If they did a bit of the push-pull, okay. If it’s all push with no notion of when to back away, I’d be leery.

    And lots of males are like this anyway, even if they are of a different sun sign. They want to be the one to do the chasing. If you’re too easy of a catch, there is no sport.

  7. Huh – I must be meant to read this!

    I never attracted Scorpios before but figured I’d start to when Pluto was on my descendant. Bingo!

    I’d take from this latest that a.) the reason I’d attract Scorpio was because something in my life / self was decaying, they’re attracted to this, and b.) Scorpios tend to be needy, all I have to do is express a need myself and they’ll disapear. (Back to their wives / girlfriends / dominatrix / whoever. 🙂 )

  8. They are like Browning’s little girl with the curl: “When they are good, they are very very good; and when they are bad, they are horrid.”

    The Phoenixes are rare among them, but then again who is perfect? Get to know each one better to see if he/she has reached a stage of compassionate wisdom where they understand that their actions hurt us as much as they can be hurt!

  9. Hi,

    I’m a Scorpio and my mom called me ‘The Girl with the Curl’ my whole childhood…..what a trip.

    I am probably the MOST loyal person on the planet – kinda of a mix between a Labrador and a Limpet – to quote Elisabeth Gilbert.

    But Scorpio men can be kinda tricky I have to agree. They do tend to be ‘playa’s’ until they’ve met the ‘right’ woman. The trick is not to be the ‘inbetween’ girl.

    The one thing i noticed about ‘Confused’ is that she seemed to be in victim mode. Don’t allow yourself to be someone’s plaything. Chances are you won’t be hurt if you don’t engage!

    Love and blessings

  10. Have just been burned alive by a Scorpio (and being one myself I should have known better) I have to say that they just don’t seem to have any knowledge of the pain they are causing.

    It’s the worst kind of brutality, that cold Scorpio freeze.

    Ouch. : (

  11. I wonder if Confused Picses didn’t realize that most Scorps would quickly pick up on the fact that as she herself stated she has ‘anger and resentment’ towards Scorpios?

  12. every sign has vices and virtues. some scorpios are more vice than virtue and some are more virtue than vice. sounds like you keep encountering the first type. i am a scorpio and i can tell you that i am through and through a one woman kind of guy. deep wells of affection to give, passion and adoration is my language of love. there are good scorpios out there.

  13. Cece- “they just don’t seem to have any knowledge of the pain they are causing”

    now how can this be? I bet they know exactly what kind of pain they are causing. That’s why they do it. The best way to get rid of these heartless cheaters is to learn to pick them out and avoid them. Next best thing to the ‘cold scorpio freeze’ is to turn around and freeze him out. problem solved.

  14. Wait – how did we get from Pisces’ Scorpio mother being cold & her Scorpio friends supposedly ‘using’ her and then others not returning her call, to them being cheaters?
    to all of us being cheaters?

    As far as I’m aware, not all Scorpios are cheaters, as I’m one, and I can attest to the fact that I have never cheated on my spouse.

    What gives?

  15. i am a taurus girl and have always known to stay away from scorpios i dont know why maybe someone told me that when i was younger and it stuck who knows, that being said i met a scorpio guy and the first time we met we were instantly attracted the kind of attraction seen only on tv and then nothing in fact i think he had a girlfriend. guess he couldnt help himself. anyways because of mutual friends we continued to know eachother that is me ignoring him and him always watching me, one night however we ran into eachother and no mutual friends were there and we foght so intesly you woulda thought we known eachother our whole lifes, i told our mutual friends to keep him away form me and it seemed to work because he was nicer when i seen him next, of course those mutual friends were there, funny thing happened though we being in a mutual enviorment found we had many things in common. weird. next thing i knew we ran into eachother again and he was nice as pie to me, since then we have been talking ummm well i mean intimate and all i can say is the sex is phenomal if you can handle the hot cold biteing rough jealous ignore you watch you always type of guyt you just dont understand…guess ill keep ya posted. hehe

  16. As a scorpio woman with a scorpio son and a scorpio lover I must truly admit that i don’t know where any of you are coming from with all of your scorpio angst!!!
    The point is that your problems have less to do with the month that someone else was born in as much as with the real innerworkings of yourself.
    He who doesn’t go within goes without, as it’s been said, and you may surely go without some real self awareness and a potential chance to improve all you human relations.
    You begin saying that you have resentments toward scorpios, but have no problems with having them as friends. Then you decide that they are heartless and you want nothing to do with them, so you try to avoid them.
    Since you were putting so much mental energy into avoiding those nasty scorpios you probably noticed more and more the scorpio people who were already there to begin with (below your radar).
    And since you expect the worst from these people you find a way to manifest it in your relations.
    Maybe you should just make peace with scorpio and move on, after all forgivness is for you not for them. Who knows maybe that pheonix doesn’t dare come down to visit you because you refuse to look up and see him. After all he is shy.

  17. Its Because they can see right through you and you put on a front to impress them
    you are not being you
    they can’t see whether you are coming or going
    Scorpios like/demand pure truth and reality
    costume and mask wearing pisces confuses the scorpio

  18. Avatar

    I don’t really believe in this stuff fully anymore-

    But for the sake of a contribution to this discussion..and maybe by God’s grace, helping someone else-I will share myt experience in brief.

    I am pretty much-except for the drug and alcohol allusions- a text-book Pisces description..

    Artist, exquisitely sensitive, strongly intuitive, big in the faith, inclined towards beauty and peaceful pursuits, etc.etc, etc.

    I have had good superficial relationships with Scorpios over the years, my late Grandma being one of them. She and I got closer at the end.

    I met one Scorpio man at a nightclub in the early 1980’s and, of this he may not have been aware, fell truly and sincerely in love.

    When I walked with him, he was kind and mannerly, and I felt like a princess in the presence of a prince. It seemed so quiet and royal to me. I was very happy.

    At the time I was being treated by a doctor for low grade depression, ( ups ‘n downs in my then family life)-
    long story short, the doctor was experimenting on me with medicine.

    Concurrent with this, I was dating this Scorpio young man.

    As time went on I began to feel he was drifting from me.

    One night he left me alone in his Mom’s apartment, with music on. I sat on his bed all night til 11pm, with no full explanation of what I went through. I was sitting ther ealone the entire evening.

    Other times, he would take me on trips in the NY State mountains, near where we lived, and talk to me about his life and his family. Every time we had a nice time, which was most of the time, I was drawing closer to him internally.

    At the end I was conflicted, because he was kind of dropping the ball in how he was treating me.
    I was 21 he was, about 22, or 23. I am sure we were both sort of green and naive.

    Still and all, I never meant to slap his face when he came to my folks back door incredibly late that day. It was just building up, all these things..

    He wrote me a long hand typed letter, I have a block about remembering. But I remember regretting what I did that day.

    Now, of course, I am joyfullywed to a Crab who is my dear Love-and one whom I’d never trade. I adore him, and he is so kind to me. I thank God everyday.

    Still though, I recall with some sadness, on some ocassions, how I reacted to that young man who dated me.

    With the “cold freeze” stories, I would agree indeed. Not long after I saw him at a Halloween party at a nightclub, him an astronaut, me Cleopatra-he was dancing with another individual.

    He looked past me, not even through me, the entire evening.

    He probably had no idea the tailspin he sent me in. Or how much more excruciating the pain of his cold rejection was to me that day.

    Over 20 years later, I have never forgotten any of this. Although I forgive him.

    I wished, years later, I could have said I was sorry..Not sure I ever did..

    I still recall how much it hurt me beyond belief, when he shunned me that day.

    To my understanding, I was persona non gratis to him..

    Sorry if this was longish-
    I really hope this helps someone make sense of something.

    It is a strange and painful memory for me..

  19. I loved your story!

    I’m sure he knew you regretted it. The thing is when we (Scorpio’s) are hurt – we really hurt.

    I loved a boy recently. We broke up over 18 months ago and he really screwed me over. My friends tell me he’s a hound-dog and that he doesn’t deserve a second in my thoughts BUT I loved him. I really, really did. So, I’m doing my best impression of a glacier round him (we work together so i still see him every now and then). He must think that I despise him but I heard on Friday that’s he’s relocating and that was me. Crying in the bathroom for an hour.

    He would never know it…….but it’s still there…..and i won’t let him see it. It’s a combination of pride and hurt. When you hurt a Scorpio we’d rather scuttle under the nearest rock and pretend you don’t exist. It’s the only way we can process our hurt. On our own……slowly……

  20. Scorpio and Pices can be very compatible.. I haven’t yet figured out what it is. I wish I knew more. Elsa maybe you could post some info on this if you know anything about the pices scorpio thing that happens?

  21. @ Carrie, thank you for sharing your story..
    I am sorry you had to go through such grief..

    ‘Though I am pretty sure this guy had no feelings whatsoever of regret or sadness/care re. me

    It’ so long ago (1985), but I remember it so clearly..

    He did not seem effected seeing me..or moved..in that club that evening..I do not look back in regret, in terms of that, as it is what it is..Was..No changing people on certain things..

    Perhaps, you’re saying, this is the way it goes..in terms of certain signs and things..
    But that seems to be a disservice to people..in a way..

    I mean processing your emotions in your own time is normal, even, a good thing..

    Cutting others off, even if you loved them, well, I am not so sure..I understand it’s a guard, I do it myself-ocassionally. So, I get it…

    But never to be unkind! And only forever if they can’t be trusted..And not to that degree!!!

    ..But writing others off as persona non gratis..Just cruel, almost, and confusing..

    (I am not speaking of you, but him. If this was indeed even his story..If that idea of such a person caring was, for him, even true..)

    I mean, I am happilywed, obviously, it still worked out for the best..

    But this guy must have been an AMazing actor!

    He fooled (even) me..(I can kind of read people, on most days.)

    He fooled me so much, I pretty much walked away and closed the door on it..

    He DID write me a very long letter before that, after we broke, which, as I shared, I can’t recall-except thinking back in college..

    ‘This is confusing, what is he trying to say..??? I don’t understand this..’..

    In short, I didn’t understand it..And now, I can’t remember..Those are the clues..

    He is the only one in that birth time that I ever dated..

    He’s not my Husband, no..That is a choice I made which IS Good..

    But I never did forget his name..

    And, yes, again, I dannced in circles around this couple at the little club..all those years ago, back then..

    I have a pretty good understanding of when I am so meaningless to someone they don’t even take the time to look through me..

    I am not saying I-or anyone- is meaningless..I am not even suggesting it is wholelly true..

    I am saying THAT is how bad it was..

    And I still cared for him..

    I’d have bet cash he couldn’t have cared less for me..

    I’d have spent pennies that he didn’t think on me fondly or meaningfully again..Though I’m not a betting girl.. I could be mistaken..

    There was a time of pleasant peace and happpiness..

    But, cold and gone..

    If that was prizing me most amongst all the others he’d known, he did a collossal job at giving me NO clue..

    He did a masterful job at giving me NO other concept but true rejection..True and profound,
    as if I weren’t in existence..to him..


    ‘Til I left that night..’Til the end..

    Those were the last impressions he gave me..

    And-clearly-fast forward 20 + years..

    quite distinctly..

  22. In defense of………Scorpio is one of the most misunderstood signs of the zodiac. I am sorry but worse things happen to people than getting looked over, or through or whatever at a party. ALthouogh I completely understand how this could be painful, hurtful. You write beautifully and the immages that are absorbed vivid and real. However. And I don’t mean to sound authoritative, scorpios are NOT and I repeat not the only ones although they are very capable of being the very worst of people. However this usually is the result of some hurt that they have not been able to deal with, somthing so horrible that was done to them, that they can not let people in. Pices teaches people to love again, scorpio teaches us not to forget that we have been hurt.

  23. I meant to say the other day… I’m really glad that someone brought this back up to the top of the queue by leaving comments.

    Because this is just absolutely the neatest advice I’ve ever seen and I’ll be using it before the week is out. Mixed nuts! GENIUS!

  24. Avatar

    See I could never do that..

    Insult an entire group of people for sharing rheir innermost thoughts and feelings on painful life experiences..

    I’m not sure that has anything to do with when I’m born..

    I just consider it personal human decency..

  25. I really hate to use generalities, and realizing that a person’s chart is more than just the sun sign (in fact, it is often considered that it is the Moon sign that has the most influence.) However, I have found in my own life, that virtually every Scorpio that I have gotten to know on a more than “associate” level, that is, let into my life on more than a casual basis, whether male or female, has F***** me over. I never realized this until about a year ago.

    The first, was a woman who APPROACHED me as a friend, because she saw that we were raising children alone. I knew her for years, and thought we were close. But as time went on, I could see by her behavior and words, that she did not think as highly of me or our friendship as I did of her. At various times, she would be hostile, and since she had a streak in her, I would disregard it. But it was a red flag, and I should have distanced myself before I was in a position of getting hurt. Whenever she got a boyfriend, I was history, until she was broken up, whereupon she would want to go hang out again. I wound up renting a condo from her, and she ended up screaming at me when I moved out, because I didn’t clean behind the refrigerator. She said very hurtful things, accusing me of taking advantage of her. It was unbelievable. I did not speak to her again after that. Years later, she spotted me walking downtown, and went out of her way in her car to stop me to speak with her. We became “friends” very briefly again, and then just as quickly as she went out of my life, she disappeared again. I’d heard that she left town. Never heard from her again.

    The next one that I recall, was a lawyer boss, It was humiliating and infuriating. He would act as though I was very important to him, but then not give me credit on things that I did, and even though he KNEW I was the best assistant he’d ever had, he would never give me the kind of performance evaluation that I deserved to get. I bent over backwards for him, and everyone else noticed it. His subordinates could not believe how I could work with him. Every one of the associates he had working with him wound up leaving or getting fired. After I left my job, he never did get a replacement for me, and it has now been over 4 years.

    During the time that I worked with the Scorpio boss, there was an office worker that I befriended. He had been a sub-pro basketball player, and suddenly found himself working in the mail room. He knew I was a writer and asked for some help on a business proposal for a basketball league he was creating. My proposal garnered him $50K, and I barely got a “thank you” out of him. He wound up F****** me over BIG TIME. He would disrespect me by standing in my way, telling me to do his job, and interrupting my business conversations. When I ignored him, he’d have an attitude. I finally broke down and told him off, when he promptly had his supervisor complain, which got me suspended without pay for several days. Nothing like that had EVER happened to me before, and without his provoking, it never would have. Management totally backed him, despite the fact that he was openly lazy and disrespectful to virtually everyone, openly flirting with all of the women in the office. He ended up quitting and leaving the firm hanging, which I thought was really funny, so he f***** them over, too!

    Around the time that I had the above assholes in my life, I had a co-worker who remained my “friend” for a while, who was a woman. She was quite introverted, and had very limited interests, so we mainly just had lunch and saw movies together. She could be fun to talk to, but never had much to add to our friendship. I had encouraged her to get Internet access, which she finally did. She met a guy online, and I never heard from her for 2 years. Same as the other woman friend I met many years ago. As soon as she had a boyfriend, I was history. I realize that many women do this, but for me, it is more of a problem with Scorpios than anyone else. Her boyfriend called twice during an hour, after I hadn’t seen her for a year. She had invited me out to lunch. I never heard from her again until another year later, after she broke up with him finally. She sent an email asking if she could ever be forgiven for being such a horrible friend. I accepted her back in my life, but I should have known better. Months later, she moved back in with her parents after her apartment flooded, which was very far away. Months after that, she wrote me an email, saying that she would pay for a trip to my hometown, Chicago, because she was SERIOUSLY at her wit’s end, wanted to find property to buy, which is impossible unless you’re wealthy, in CA. She really pitched the idea that she was READY for this. She knew that I had been interested in having a Bed and Breakfast, and thoroughly convinced me that she was interested in this. I was unemployed at the time, so took it upon myself to research everything and put the whole trip and excursion together. So we go on the trip, and it is plain to me, that she really isn’t ready to move. The bottom fell out for me, when the excuse she gave, despite falling in love with Chicago and saying she could see herself living there, when she said that she would not be ready to move until after she got her f****** Xmas bonus. There I was, without a job, willing to give up a rent controlled apartment by the beach, but SHE couldn’t let go of a few thousand dollars? She’d been living RENT FREE for almost two years with her parents! What a greedy fucking BITCH! I was set to sacrifice far more than she ever was in that deal, and yet, all she could think about was herself? Unbelieveable! But not for a Scorpio, I’ve found. It’s par for the course, for them! She still her her job and her cozy free living arrangement to go back to, and now I had to focus on finding a job in the same place I was, when she had led me to believe that she was ready for big changes. I had even confirmed the job market and pay scales, which were on par with L.A., so we knew we’d be set.

    Two years later, she had the BALLS to say to me that she still dreams of the place I found there, that was absolutely GORGEOUS and just PERFECT! IT WAS SHE WHO BAILED OUT OF IT. I was ready. I had even packed. I just couldn’t believe it. In retrospect, I believe that it was not meant to be, because I wound up getting a writing job from home, which is what I’d always wanted. The training for it was in LA, so I don’t know that I would have found the same thing in Chicago. Just have a feeling about that. I just responded that though I was ready to go TWO YEARS AGO, it wasn’t meant to be, that I was glad I didn’t go, because I now had this job that I’d always wanted.

    I met a filmmaker who became a friend, because of common interests. At first, he acted like he was romantically interested in me, and really went out of his way to show it. As soon as I showed interest back, he backpeddled and I was left wondering what the hell went wrong. It’s fine to change your mind, but I felt he was disrespectful, given that he knew a lot about me, and we shared similar spiritual beliefs, as well. Even though he made it plain that we would have no relationship, he figured out ways to have me around (which is my own fault) – and wanted me to work with him on projects. Then he would try to arrange for other activities like massages, etc., that I consider to be intimate. Sometimes I would give in, because I do love massage and was on a budget. I don’t blame him for this, really, it is my own fault, but it is inappropriate to suggest such things when you’ve said that He would ask me to stay over, We did not have sex. He had once said that I needed to be aggressive with him, early on, but after he made it plain that there would be no relationship, I considered that it was not appropriate to be intimate with him. I would get irritated with him because he was always late, never went out of his way for me, yet I was always going out of my way for him. Finally, one day when he had said he wanted to come by (which was rare; I ALWAYS had to go to him, despite the fact that I lived in a better place and area) – things came to a head when he once again, stood me up because his stupid computer froze or something. I didn’t answer the phone, and did not call him back. He sent emails apologizing, and I reminded him that my time was just as valuable as his, and that I was not interested in making any further plans with him of any kind. Months later, he asked me to be in one of his films, and arranged to come by. Of course, he was late. But he took me out to a nice dinner, and I know it was because he felt guilty about all that he had done.

    The Scorpios I’ve known always wind up “apologizing” to me somewhere down the line, because they have disrespected me when I did not deserve it. I feel that Scorpios are conniving, self-centered, self-absorbed, selfish, and very dangerous. They are not givers; they are takers. They only give when forced, and after realizing that they have done wrong. They are excellent at making you feel comfortable, and like they have your best interests at heart, when in fact, the only interests that they have are their own. They are really good at accusing people of doing them wrong, when it is THEY who do people wrong. I’m now at the point where I just don’t trust them at all anymore, and certainly would not want one as my partner, in any way, shape or form.

  26. …but they are still compelling!

    A scorpian comes to a river. He stops a passing crocodile and say’s
    ‘Hey, can you give me ride to the other side of the river? I will just stand on your back and I’d really appreciate it.’
    The crocodile looks in disbelief
    ‘Well how do I know you won’t sting me?’
    The scorpian say’s ‘Well obviously I’m not going to do that because then we’d both die!’
    ‘good point’ says the croc. ‘ok I’ll take you’.
    Half way across the river the scorpian stings the crocodile and the croc says
    ‘are you crazy? why did you do that? you will drown as well’
    ‘It’s just in my nature’ says the scorpian.

    I have a scorpio friend and me, with my pisces moon can’t imagine why she she loves this story!

    Astrology can enlighten us to others’ natures’. When you can accept someone for who they are you don’t have to ask them to give you what you know they can’t (in scorpio’s case: possessive devotion to your every need) and love them for what they do give you – which has been well established here: passion, excitement, fear, sex and mistery.

    get your Cancerian, Piscean needs met elsewhere and enjoy these scorpios for their dangerous nature.

  27. Well, personally, I don’t think it’s fair to categorize-or misjudge-anyone, simply based on the time of year they were born alone.

    While some general stereotypes may apply, it’s probably best to only apply good ones, and then, only after getting a good idea about a person and their personality.

    Case in point-another place on this blog talks about ‘Pisces” not having boundaries, and assumes they are weak and all in that regard, and maybe in other things-but, for me I can say-that is NOT true!!! I am much more inclined to be kind, but cautious, about folks, and am not the sort who lets everyoone in so easily. Though I like to maintain thinking the best of them. It’s not an honest or fair stereotype to suggest we are wishy washy or weak!!! Everyone has heard the story how it takes more strength to bend and forgive-you can believe this!

    As for the man I spoke on above-I need to cut him some grace-for the sake of this discussion-He wad not a bad man at all. He was only 22, 23, tops. He was, obviously, going through some kind of confusion in his life, which I was not fully aware of-and, hence, his confusing behavior with me.

    I never found him the type to mess folks over. Nor did I ever see him as an unkind or bad, or using type of individual. And, he was born in mid November..

    If he was so awful, I never would have cared to trust to have feelings for him. And, I did..

    I hope this helps with some perspective, for my story anyway…

    I believe, despite the fact that he hurt me, and apparently had a hard time forgiving, that that person I dated was a decent sort of man.

    I’d hate my story to cause a negative stereotype of anyone, and surely not of him.

    Just to say, it can be quite unfair to misjudge others before you’ve had some idea of how they are, really. Or lump them all as good or bad just because of a birthdate..

    That’s the last I’ve got to say on it..But I wanted to come back and say that, to be fair to others, and to him..

  28. Well this is more of me asking for advise then adding a comment to the question. You see i’m kinda confussed here, i’m haven a long distance relationship with this scorpio i’m a leo. anyways for a month and we finally met up just last weekend, things were perfect, sepent the weekend together he treated me like a queen, i offered to pay for breakfeast cuz he paid for everything else. But he didn’t want me to. cuz he was my man he wanted to pay. Also after the weekend on his way home he called me and we talked and this was a sundy, then he texted monday night to let me know where he was, then tuesday morning to let me know what he was up to. But now he just doesn’t call or reply back to my text or take any of my calls. Is this typical of a scorpio man to do. I’m confussed He always calls me or text to let me know what was going on with him, or let me know he was ok and things like that. should i worry or am i just being paranoid.
    Please if there are any scopios out there are you guys like this, this is my first real relationship with a scorpio, usually it’s just a sex thing.

  29. Avatar
    What a scorpio is like

    Scorpios have been misunderstood.

    I’m seeing a scorpio atm. Sure he is very sexual, nice and manipulative. But if you tell him to back off, he does. He says he’s only keen when I am on sex. If I ignore him, he would contact me first. If I text him first, sometimes he would reply. But, if he doesn’t reply me for a few days, (and me, giving him my constant obsessive texting) he’ll text me back with truth which no other signs could ever do.

    He’s dead honest. I know some other scorpios who lie (well, I’m sure you know other signs who lie too!), but this one I’m with is unbelievably honest. He’ll tell me how many girls he has kissed, his sexual experience. Probably his honesty comes from me being accepting of whoever he is. What ever he does or is obsessing over. I never respond with a “Gosh, that’s dirty/taboo! You shouldn’t think like that.”

    I’m a pisces if you are wondering. and I’ve never met a person who is so close to life. So aware of the emotional undercurrents that drive us all. I like acknowledging life with him, through contemplating philosophies, the metaphysical, he knows it like the back of his hands.

    The only time I got him mad, was that I assumed too much, and said it’s how he’s feeling. He got real angry. but the solution to this is that you don’t lose your head. Be very calm and keep communications open. He calmed down in less than five minutes.

    So… it depends on your life goals. If you want to see life as it is, is patient about scorpio’s secrecy and need for the darker side of life, he’ll open up to you eventually.. and he’ll really care when he does.

  30. Scorpios are not as enigmatic as they imagine themselves to be. And, they’re not that powerful, either. Of the 3 water signs, Scorpio undoubtedly exhibits all the ‘lower’ qualities of integrity in human relations. I’m speaking from experience (3 romantic liaisons, two colleagues and 2 friends, who stole from me to prove a point).

    Their immense egos persuade them into viewing others as inferior and taking advantage to the point of criminality. I’m a frank and honest person. I put my faith and trust in Scorpios and invariably, was ‘stung’. I find their personal interactions and preference for secrecy, devious and subversive. These traits sabotage communication and understanding in relationships.

    I’ve walked away from Scorpios feeling irritated and disregarding their weaknesses. I told a Scorpio he is as transparent as glass and he became visibly upset. How dare I fathom to know him? Pity, he was…so were the friends and two colleagues. Insecurity is definitely not an excuse to treat others as stepping stones in self-advancement. Whenever they try to re-establish contact, I ignore them.

  31. Wow!

    Can’t beleive this discussion is still going on :^) Are you folks still trying to dissect people simply based on the fact they were born in November?:O)

    Let me just say, I would not pretend to know all there is about everyone born in late October to mid November, simply because I was born in the first week of March!!!

    The guy I spoke about above wasn’t a bad bloke..
    He just, evidentally, didn’t love me enough..

    The reason I say this is one bad action on my part never got a chance for explanation, or, even, my apologies..I was supremely judged and summarily pushed away, and cast aside, in one fell swoop.

    That man taught me a lesson.
    On account of him, I never ever did that kind of thing to another human being, or anyone I was involved with that I remotely cared for, ever, ever again.

    I don’t think this man was subversive..
    I don’t and didn’t see him as some sniveling, snarky, sleazy, sneaky creature..

    In retrospect, (looking back to 1984:O) ), it seems to me, for my case anyway, he was dealing with some kind of obstacles, and, ok, yes, was not very transparent with me. To this day I am not sure.

    All I can say is God works things out for the best.

    Don’t! back away from others just because of when they are born. This reminds me of the horoscopes that call us Pisces drunks and lushes. A lot of us are more than these reputations, and most people are ones you should look for the good things in..

    As for sex..

    Who said anything about that?

    Even though it was a relatively brief, yet extremely intense, relationship in my life..it was about more than just that..I am convinced it was more than just those things..I know I was more than about just that in this past relationship..That’s a fact I can see..

    And, looking back, it’s probably true, I am just sentimental about someone who-maybe-did not quite care for me..

    It’s enigmatic..

    Because, even as I type those words, and place them on this screen, my memories say something else..So, I am not entirely convinced I was just some non-pressing memory.

    Perhaps it was that very long and intensely heavy, yet, confusing, letter he wrote me at the end..I have no idea..

    Odd it still hurts..

    I still feel it..

    I have no idea why lately I am still dealing with these memories..

    It’s not like I would do anything with them.

    It’s not that what I’m sharing is me trying to be vascillating..or going back and forth.

    It’s that I was -sincerely-left with two impressions..

    I was quite important to this fellow..

    But, maybe, not quite important enough..

    O *laugh* who’s the real enigma around here..

    25 years later, and I still don’t know..


  32. p.s.

    Jeffrey, from a million years ago..

    If you ever happen to stumble upon this website and remember me..via this website and scramble-y kind of words..

    I just want to say, yea, I am gratefully, happily married..

    And, thank you, thank you for the chance of knowing you-back then..

    And, yes, I am really sorry about that night..
    And how things turned out..

    Sorry about that slap..
    It was a really hard time for me..

    signed, “P.”


    Happy Birthday, across Eternity :^)

    Safe boating with those fish out there..

  33. I dunno about Bonny who said Scorpio’s not being enigmatic. I am half Scorpio and I can tell you my days are spent with thinking about love sex or death at any given moment. There is a depth of feeling there. I don’t know any Scorpios but what they say about water signs is quite accurate. Scorpio, Cancer, Pisceas. They have depth that they may try to hide but its there.

  34. If you betray a Scorpio god help you. I could actually remember the time when people died to me because they either betrayed me cheated on me etc. You might as well be dead if you have no loyalty to the Scorpio you really are dead. There are some things that will never be forgiven without hurting the Scorpio’s sense of self preservation and pride. I am no astrologer but I sense this.
    I wonder if someone you loved betrayed you in ways you can verify and you were a Scorpio if you would ever take them back. I think not.

  35. @I Don’t Believe:

    Grace and Peace. I’m glad you settled with your suitable mate. I also appreciate you acknowledging your Scorpio friend’s good traits, which I’m sure were very good.

    I’m glad you also realize that Scorpios are not simply fickle lower-quality beings without any integrity, as some would have it. (Besides so many planets go into any specific person’s personality makeup besides just the Sun sign.)

    Scorpio simply feels, knows, understands, loves, and invests compassion, loyalty, and good will in a very deep, tangible and absolute way. Thus we also feel more hurt, more disillusioned and more indignant at betrayal after having given our all.

    Also, I noticed you say you don’t really believe in this (astrology) fully anymore. I don’t know if this applies to you, but some people are afraid to acknowledge or “believe in” astrology because of church beliefs and a stigma against astrology as being “underworldish”, but all astrology really is is a *science* of how energies combine and interact with each other. I find astrology can be very insightful, even therapeutic in helping one understand their own feelings, issues and strengths.

    Just like the force of Gravity, it is larger than us individually as human beings, but acknowledging astrology does not preclude having spiritual beliefs in God or a Higher Power than even astrology (and gravity).

    As I see it, even astrology’s effects and leanings can be transcended from the lower nature to the higher nature. God/Spirit transcends. However God/All That Is/Divine Spirit cannot be transcended. God is. IMHO, they are on two different planes of existence. (Just my 2 cents for what it’s worth.)

    God bless you, sweetie.


    Scorpio woman here. Your words are so on the mark it’s not funny. The depth of emotional investment a Scorpio gives can be ridiculous once truly involved. That loyalty and investment ought never be dismissed, scorned or abused.

    You said something I feel is quite profound:

    “*You might as well be dead if you have no loyalty to the Scorpio you really are dead.* There are some things that will never be forgiven without *hurting the Scorpio’s sense of self preservation and pride*…. I wonder if someone you loved *betrayed you in ways you can verify and you were a Scorpio* if you would ever take them back…”

    The good thing is that even Scorpios can grow into healing and forgiveness.

    God bless ya, girl.

  36. @ SpiritFree.

    Thanks for your kind words.

    Yes, I met my dream -my Husband-almost 20 yrs ago.
    He’s born at the end of June.
    He’s my life under God.
    We are extremely close..and happy..

    As for your comment..
    While I respect, and do not judge, others here for their beliefs or life/spiritual choices, I do not follow astrology anymore, not out of fear, but of faith.

    It is not that there aren’t possible elements of truth inherent in many belief systems, the question lies in the misdirection which happens when once chooses to follow a thing that has some truth, but not all. Mixing truth and not truth can be a heady, confusing brew.

    At the time I came to faith I was a preprofessionally trained astrologer, and, this impasse’ was getting worse and worse, it was a fearful road and not Truth, capital T. It did not work for me.

    However, I know that many get mislabeled strictly by virtue of the fact of when they were born in the year.

    I mentioned my November born boyfriend from back then, because, for some reason my mind kept calling him up to memory, since this past year.

    It’s possible my sharings on him were with rose colored memory glasses, because no one likes to be rejected, especially by someone they-probably LOVED-and -even in retrospect, it can be such a painful memory.

    You can look at two men born in this time frame, one making a choice for Good, say a Billy Graham, and one making a choice for Evil, say a Manson.

    I am just saying, there is just so much more to we humans, it seems unfair for us to prejudge anyone simple based on their birthday.

    Sure I married a ‘Crab’, and tend to almost always get along with them. But my Dad was one too, and it was an up and down journey..

    But one guy ‘Scorpio” I dated, and my brief time with him then (1983-84) still haunts me to this day.

    Does it make sense?

    Can I put my finger on it?:)

    Does it make him a cad and me great?

    Did he love me?

    Or think ‘who needs her?’

    I have no idea..

    I only know..

    Looking back in memory..

    sometimes I miss that guy..

    just wished I could have made that right..that thing..

    And it’s not because of not being happilywed or blessed..I would not look for someone, am not seeking a thing..

    Just because that’s sometimes what happens to we humans..

    We think of people and things..

    a song

    a memory

    and the thing catches on to our souls with a dogged determination..

    Friend, for me..
    I have no idea why I continue to remember someone long gone and a long gone memory..

    To make sense of it would be to capture clouds..

    Does it matter?


    In the end I have to take such feelings, thoughts, impressions, and throw them on top of God’s back..

    I mean, there is a book they have out now..
    I’m sure it is possible it was maybe a relationship I wanted, and hoped for..that just never came to pass..I mean, people are making sense sometimes when they share, ‘He’s just not that into you’..

    And yes, does it even really matter, since I am happily faithful, and we are talking about a man, now in his 40’s, almost a boy in my memories?..

    Odds of him seeing this here are probably quite small, and even then, what would it mean?:)

    If the regrettable incident ever occured with MY Husband, HE would have loved, forgiven me and taken me in.

    And I think THAT was my point, that not all get along, and not all meant to be, and not all read minds, and not all are bad..

    Hope this makes sense.
    These are my views as per my sharings..

    Thanks for writing, dear 🙂

  37. so, I just stumbled on this while I was reading about scorpio man and pisces women. After reading the comments, I had to leave my 2 cents…

    Well, as someone has already said, we are a breed of extremes, we also feel everything way too much all the time. But I have to say that looking back on previous relationships, pisces always the most natural and intimate connection. Not only have I never cheated but out of the ex’s pisces for sure would be the last one I’d hurt. I love them! So, keep on looking pisces girls, there are the true-love scorpios like me out there. I’m looking for ya, lol

  38. Something tells me this may well be a Lilith issue. Lilith in Scorpio would entice you to choose Scorps, then use whatever hidden gunk there is to work on to turn that Scorp into a bad Scorp. This way, both the victim and the transgressor are forced to recognize and deal with their issues. Painful, annoying, exasperating, but necessary. Perhaps this Piscean was a professional victim in a past life. Perhaps she allowed herself to be manipulated, exploited and hurt, just so she could get her daily fix of Scorpio. In this life, she needs to become her own master, in stead of seeking domination by a Scorp. When she’s evolved enough, she may well be able to do Scorps again, but this time it’ll be advanced Scorps with no interest in controlling or manipulating people. Those will be Scorps who’ve suffered greatly in past lives because of their inclinations. Yes, it’s possible to sting yourself in the back, just like it’s possible to shoot yourself in the foot. With advanced Scorps, there will be great synergy. By that time, somewhere in the distant future, Lilith will have already moved into some other sign, because the job in Scorpio is done.

  39. “See, I am attracted to Mixed Nuts. But every time I open a can of them, I eat the whole thing. And the size can is of no consequence. If it’s a small can, I eat the whole thing. If it’s a standard-sized can, I finish it. If it is a family-sized can, I will still finish it by the end of the day and this is true even if it is family-sized can with “30% more, free bonus”!”
    omg..ME TOO! I’m not giving them up tho. The high price keeps me from getting them too often anyway

  40. I want to express my thanks and appreciation to everyone who contributed to this discussion. It’s been one of – if not THE best – I’ve seen to date on this topic and the related issues.

    From this Scorp Sun, it’s very helpful for me personally. Thank you all. 🙂

  41. My Scorpio ex was about as deep as a puddle even with his Scorpio stellium. Sure, he could turn on the water works in a second, but he was completely incapable of seeing pain outside himself. Or I guess, if that is not the case, then he enjoyed screwing with people. Not sure on that one.

    Anyway, personally, I don’t dislike or like Scorpios any more or less than another sign. I don’t get the “mysterious” hype or the “evil” hype. They are just people. I never found them to be spectacular in anyway more powerful.

    I think that if you have a grudge against a sign or just can’t plain understand them or get along, why force it to happen? Just because a Scorpio is there and willing doesn’t mean that you have to go after it…

    I don’t know… to me, I would look at the common denominator – aka the girl who is the relationships with all these losers.

    If you don’t like the ones you’ve had pick different guys! Read the signs! I have now gone through my past relationship and looked at all the red flags. They were obvious. I CHOSE to ignore them and give a second, third, fourth chance when I shouldn’t have. If you don’t want to get hurt again, make sure you don’t allow those to repeat!

  42. I am confused. Does the scorpio man eat the whole can of nuts or does the person with the scorpio man eat the whole can of nuts? Is this a protein deficiency in scorpio men and/or their mates. Where are my cashews anyway? The moon is in pisces. Cashews in the light of the moon. Ahhh sanity.

  43. OMG ! FISH CAKE !!! I L-O-O-O-V-E IT !

    And, oh yeah, I avoid Scorpios like The Plague. It’s just better if I don’t ‘go there’.

  44. geez the Scorpios in my life are the ones who have really been there for me, believed in me and supported me… they can be a little volatile at times but they are fiercely loyal. Of course I never dated one so I don’t know that side. I think when we attract a repeating circumstance, it’s simply telling us to believe in ourselves and keep developing our creativity and if someone is mean, just tell yourself, it’s their problem and I’m not buying it… a sense of humor about these things and not allowing a victimized mindset, despite all that goes on, will really help.

  45. I’ve known one Scorp, a man, with huge intelligence, integrity, generosity and loyalty. and who was a very good friend to me (he’s moved abroad). On the other hand one of the worst experiences of my life was instigated by a Scorpio man and went on for four years – sheer persecution, and all basically because I kept turning him down. He exhibited all the classic negative qualities of Scorpio in excess. All the Scorp women I’ve been close to have at some point betrayed my friendship…

    jv, I have BML in Scorpio but I’m definitely not attracted to Scorpio men (with only one exception, and that never got past night one!). I certainly don’t go looking for them lol

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