How To Deal With Saturn Retrograde In Capricorn

Sir_Peter_Paul_Rubens_(1577_–_1640)_Study_(tronie)_of_an_Old_ManSaturn turned retrograde in April, 2019 at 20 degrees Capricorn. The planet will  retrograde back to 13 degrees, turning direct on  September 18, 2019.

If you have planets near these these of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn), you probably feel pressured and may also feel you’re losing ground. But there is a better way to look at this.

These are my general notes for Saturn retrograde:

There is no better analogy for Saturn but to think of a mountain one must climb. If you’ve never climbed a mountain, let me tell you how it works…

It’s a big mountain, visualize it. It’s entirely possible to come to a point on that mountain when you realize there’s an easier way. You might have gone off the trail.

When this happens, it may give a tactical advantage to backtrack until you find the path that will ultimately lead you to success.

In another case, you may have underestimated the mountain or overestimated yourself and your abilities. Basically, you see that you’re not going to make it unless you go back for something foundational. Food. Another canteen. A blanket.  So basically you’ve got to retreat in order to progress.

That’s sounds simple because it is simple but it does not mean this period will be easy.  You’re probably tired. No one wants to backtrack. However if your ultimate success depends on it, then there is no use arguing.

Actually, you can dig your heals in but then what? Saturn is slow-moving as it is. Compare that to not moving at all! Just think of the people you know who are like that. Stuck! Life moves on and leaves people like that behind. Still smokin’ crack, huh? Well, okay!

If you want to get somewhere with this, stick to Saturn principles. Do the right thing. Be responsible. Act like an adult, assuming you’re an adult.

If you get stuck, spend the money on this workshop that satori and I put together.  You can see exactly what you’re buying here: Get Ready To Get Real.

This is the sales page that shows an outline of what’s included in the class.  This workshop will absolutely and positively help you!

Saturn In Capricorn Workshop

How are you faring with Saturn in Capricorn?

27 thoughts on “How To Deal With Saturn Retrograde In Capricorn”

  1. I took the workshop and have been working the principles I learned in it. It’s been very helpful and I have had great results already! I plan to keep at it until I reach my goal! Thanks!

    1. I took the workshop, too. My ‘mountain’ is bigger, and older, than I imagined. It’s been a huge challenge during the winter to adjust to a change in plan. Slow going and backing down takes on so many meanings at this stage of my life. A funny example of plowing new ground: we are caretakers on community land. One of the activities that happens here is Pea Patching (people rent a patch of land to garden/farm) There is shared equipment to use. One of our pea patchers used the tiller to work up his new patch. Ordinarily, the tiller only goes ‘forward.’ This pea patcher tried to take a short cut, and put the tiller in reverse. He French-fried the operation. Yikes!

      Just one of the Saturn in Capricorn lessons my husband and I are learning about slowly and steadily being part of a community: sharing resources, reinventing ‘family’, accepting my limitations and differences living with chronic illness.

  2. Saturn has been conjunct my Chiron and Mars since late January, will remain so through most of this Rx, and will conjunct again after going direct. Salt in the Chiron wound, Saturn/Mars brick walls slamming down, again and again – waves of pain interspersed with blessed breathing room. In those peaceful intervals there’s a sense of deep lessons being learned and old conditioning being cleared.

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    I was just thinking in general how useful and relevant these posts are! Again it says things so unbelievably relevant. The point on crack… Although I am allergic in a way that is not a joke to the stuff, I do notice how people who are on that sort of stuff are very, very stuck. What then happens is people like that get jealous of others in a very real way and the troublesome patterns just deepen!

    I think Uranus also does this, it talks to basic fundamentals of life in a way that gets us to have to re- evaluate them.

  4. Yep, im at a point where i cant see the next foothold on my current path. Backtracking does suck. Hoping for some divine guidance here.

  5. Ugh. When Saturn opposed my Sun earlier this year, I took a job several states away (out of necessity). Epic fail. One mishap after another and ended up retreating back worse off than when I left. After a brief recovery, I’ve found two good options but both are still away from home. Much closer, but not within range to commute. And now I’ve got a Transit Neptune square to my moon adding a bigger dose of delutuinal thinking and a risk of repeating a lesson. Can only imagine what Saturn’s retro will add to that cocktail. The hits just keep on coming.

    On a positive note, I love the way you write. So at least there’s that.

  6. Saturn has gone retrograde on my Nadir. Thanks a lot. For me it means planning for my final exit one day and finding a new place to live suitable for my older years. Sounds like fun, right? Lowest point in my chart and my life.

    1. Hey JoFrance, my thoughts are with you.
      What a difficult situation you’re going through. Saturn makes it even heavier, but I hope that true to Saturn rewards, you will have a lighter, airier, freer, newer lifestyle on the other side of the murky tunnel. It’s the meantime that’s so discouraging. Hope for spring after a long winter.

      1. Saturn’s been creeping up ( or should that be : Down…! ) to the Nadir – and now going back the way to get a better kick…..Woopee….all set to join Pluto, who’s been squatting in there for years….great…Bring it on….

  7. 🙁 I thought Saturn was done with my poor Cancer Moon but back he comes. This was a really rough time, and I’m not looking forward to going back for more. But I’ll suck it up.

  8. Around 1990, when my daughter was born, there was a stellium of planets in Cap. She is in her Saturn Return now with all of these planets in her 6th house. Work has been very challenging for her of late and I worry about her health. This is very helpful and insightful. There will be a lot of 28/29 year olds feeling this.

  9. Natal sun is 13 Cap. I had a knee replacement (if that ain’t Capricornian, I don’t know what is) in mid-April and have had so many ups and downs (mountains have those too) so far in this first 6 weeks. Maybe September is when I can look forward to feeling progress again.

  10. I have my Sun, Mars and Mercury in Cap…It has been rough, health wise, during this period. Hope these problems don’t last until September!

  11. My daughter, as many do who were born in 1990, has a stellium in Cap (for her, in her 6th house) This has been a very challenging time for her workwise and it has also presented health issues. Very stressful.

  12. Funny, I thought of the first garment I knitted back in 2015.
    I had bought some very expensive hand dyed yarn for it and when I was almost done, I realized I had forgotten to read the pattern to the end, so I had to frog almost ALL of it and start over.

    Because the yarn was of good quality you could barely see the impact on the garment, and it ended up being very pretty ??
    But it’s a perfect example of Saturn Rx.

    I guess, if you are a knitter, you know patience LOL.

    Trouble in love or trouble with women……

  13. Timely words of wisdom. Thank you. My Saturn is 13 Cap and DSC is 15 Cap so I am in the thick of it. Old back and hip injury has flared and am in intensive PT, trying to get back on track. So that fits. Work these days is like trying to run in mud for months now. Not sure what I’m going back to re-provision, I will have to think about this.

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    the laughing goat

    Saturn in 12H walking back over my natal Sun 18 degrees…
    Currently dealing with lies and b*ullshit a former co-worker has been putting out there to cause damage to my reputation. I filed a complaint against this narcissist over a year ago and he is still licking his wounded ego. However, his claims are public record and I am showing these records to those involved and proving that he is a liar. I am staying calm, using what is available to me to show the truth, and walking the walk.

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