
Short astrology videos

Nydia, the blind girl of Pompei painting

Blind Spots In Your Natal Chart

Eventually you meet yourself!  I think this was the first video I made after a ten year hiatus… and I don’t think I put it on the blog because I was nervous/embarrassed. But I’m over that now so… This is also interesting and on topic. Blind Spots & Core Personality Traits – Yours & Theirs

A Stable Home For The Restless Wandering Sagittarius Moon

Is your moon is in Sagittarius or the 9th house? Do you have Jupiter in the 4th house or Jupiter aspecting your moon? If so, I’m sure you’re like me – you’re restless. We’re travelers! We’re moving through, we’re moving on.  But have you ever heard that Saturn was the antidote for and overload of

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Synastry: What If Love Natures Are Mismatched?

What happens when two people love each other but their love natures are mismatched? Can something like this be resolved? Note, this video is from 2008. I’m talking about being influenced by the media. Clearly, I was aware of this then. It’s become a hot topic. Anyway, this is a merge between astrology and real

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