Real Life

Relating astrology to real life

zodiac dresss

What Is “In Depth” Astrology?

I’m gearing up for my Blood and Guts Astro class which will begin in August. I want to get into the meat of things. This is necessary to truly benefit from astrology. As an example, relationships have truly become a trouble spot in the lives of many. You may even feel like you hate everyone! […]


The 7th House And Projection In Relationships

The 7th house rules “the other”. Consequently, whatever is in your 7th house gets projected. Hearing this, you might say, “not me”, but the fact is, this is phenomenon and no one is excluded. If you can catch on, the understanding will help you for through out your life, because the tendency will never leave

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Projection Conundrum

I was thinking about the Conundrum topic. This is one of the problems people have forming relationships. You’re told and shown that you can have it all. You believe it. This your hope and also your expectation, if you’re going to stick around. So you meet someone and initially, they’re perfect. You have very little

magnet and steel

The Difficulty Of Finding A Serious Partner

Finding a partner at any age has become inordinately difficult. This trouble is inorganic, from my perspective, just based on experience. Without interference, people find each other.  They are designed to find each other. Astrology is just one of the ways this is made clear. Do we not resonate with some people more than others?

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