
Losing friends, keeping them and everything in between

Why Do We Lose Our Friends?

Sad, isn’t it? Is there someone out there who you miss having in your life? Do you think about contacting them? What stops you? Can these one close relationships be healed and put back together? If not, why is this? Have you ever reunited with a friend after a significant separation? Is there someone you

Venus Return – Love Coming Back To Me

If you’ve been around awhile, you probably remember that I was President of a Woman’s Club for some years. I had a particular friendship with two women. We used to meet for lunch and talk for hours and I mean three and four hours. Pity the waitress, right? I did. I used to be a

Why Can’t I Keep My Friends?

Hi Elsa! It occured to me that I’m not particularly able to retain friends. There was a bunch of people I used to go out with, when I was in school. After that when I joined college, I realised no one from my old group is going to be around me anymore (Not that we had

Moon in Scorpio Women

I’ve met a lot of people here. I like pretty much every single one of them, but two women have emerged as “friends”.  “Friends” in this context would be defined as someone who comes to my home or I to theirs. Alternately we might meet for lunch of some other activity. The women who have

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