
Losing friends, keeping them and everything in between

man fishing on pier

Why Do People Fail To Make Friends Or Find Love?

Lilly started a discussion in the forum – Why do women tend to be so catty?  Great topic. There’s no denying, catty women exist. But there’s also no denying, there are great women out there, who love and support other women to their dying breath. I figure it’s about 50/50. I feel bad for, Lilly, […]

What Do You Do When A Friend Pulls Away?

What would you do if you noticed a friend had pulled away? Would you question them? Try to pull them back in? Or would you let them be, maintaining the friendship within the new frame they’d established? Where is your Venus and how is it aspected?

Scorpio Friend

Ben asked me something, yesterday. I fired back my answer. We’ve been friends for thirty-five years. I woke up this morning, afraid I might have offended him. I emailed to apologize, in case. I got this back:

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