Sample Natal Chart Report

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lana del raySample Natal Chart for Lana Del Rey

Lana Del Rey
June 21, 1985
2:46 AM
New York, New York

The interpretation of your astrology chart begins on the following page.

You will find that the interpretation of your chart is written in simple language, uncluttered by astrological jargon. If a statement appears to contradict another statement, then you exhibit these opposite qualities at different times in your life. For example, a statement that you are highly sociable and gregarious and a statement that you prefer solitude seemingly contradict each other; this means that you vacillate, and need both sociability and solitude at different times.

The astrological factor that the interpretation is based on is also given. The astrological factor is given for the benefit of astrologers and students of astrology. If you are not a student of astrology, then obviously the factor will not be meaningful to you, and you can ignore it.

If you find this interpretation of your birth chart interesting and informative, you might want to discuss your birth chart with a professional astrologer to learn more about the astrological influences on your life.

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Your birth chart interpretation is based on the positions of the planets at the time of your birth. For the benefit of students of astrology, these positions, along with other technical information, are listed below:

Sun     29 Gem 51               Pluto     2 Sco 03
Moon     2 Leo 52               N. Node  17 Tau 25
Mercury 15 Can 18               Asc.     13 Tau 34
Venus   14 Tau 20               MC       24 Cap 58
Mars     7 Can 52               2nd cusp 13 Gem 34
Jupiter 16 Aqu 32               3rd cusp 13 Can 34
Saturn  22 Sco 24               5th cusp 13 Vir 34
Uranus  15 Sag 24               6th cusp 13 Lib 34
Neptune  2 Cap 18

Tropical  Equal   Daylight Savings Time observed
GMT: 06:46:00   Time Zone: 5 hours West
Lat. and Long. of birth: 40 N 42 51 74 W 00 23

Aspects and orbs:
Conjunction : 7 Deg 00 Min     Trine     : 5 Deg 00 Min
Opposition  : 5 Deg 00 Min     Sextile   : 4 Deg 00 Min
Square      : 5 Deg 00 Min     Quincunx  : 3 Deg 00 Min
Conjunct Asc: 3 Deg 00 Min Above,  5 Deg 00 Min Below

Chapter 1: General Characteristics

Your fundamental needs, values, and orientation towards life are symbolized by the four astrological elements. Each person has their own unique balance of these four basic energies: fire (warmth, inspiration, enthusiasm), earth (practicality, realism, material interests), air (social and intellectual qualities), and water (emotional needs and feelings).

Your “elemental make-up” is described below. Remember that most people are “unbalanced” or lopsided, and if you are lacking or deficient in a certain element (or elements), it simply means that you need to consciously develop that aspect of yourself to learn to appreciate and/or to work harder in that dimension of life.

Sometimes we overvalue the element that we are least endowed with, sensing it as a lack within ourselves, but more often we neglect or ignore it. The qualities described below will be reiterated and explained in more detail in the following chapters.

Fire-Earth-Air-Water Elements are Balanced (F,E,A,W Scores = 11,13,14,11):

You possess a measure of all the elements and are thus less likely than others to overemphasize or completely neglect one dimension of experience for another. You are capable of both thinking and feeling, envisioning possibilities and dealing effectively with the here-and-now and so on. This does not mean that you do not have definite preferences and attitudes (these will be covered in the following chapters), nor even that you do not overdo or go overboard in your own particular way. But you are a more varied and complex person, less one-sided than many other people are, and you are able to draw on all of the elemental qualities when appropriate. In addition, you are able to relate to most people, recognizing a bit of yourself in their ways and values.

Chapter 2: How You Approach Life and How You Appear To Others

The following is a description of your basic stance towards life, the way others see you, the way you come across, the face you show to the world. In Chapter 3 you will read about the “The Inner You: Your Real Motivation”, which describes the kind of person you are at heart and where your true priorities lie. Read this chapter and the next one and compare them – there may be significant differences between them, in which case “the inner you” may not shine through and others are in for some surprises when they get to know you at a more than superficial level. This chapter describes the costume you wear, your role in life, while Chapter 3 talks about the real person inside the costume.

Taurus Rising:

You have a sensible and realistic outlook on life and your two feet are always planted firmly on the ground (though you may, on occasion, have your head in the clouds). Others often see you as a rock of strength, solid, reliable, dependable, and constant. You are, in fact, amazingly consistent for you possess great powers of endurance and do not like to make changes or adjustments in your regular routine. You do things deliberately and methodically and do not easily accommodate the unexpected. Though you have a gentle, even soft, appearance, you are enormously strong-willed and stubborn. You go at your own pace and refuse to be rushed or pushed into anything before you feel sure about it. You can be coaxed and persuaded by charm, beauty, love, or affection – but never forced. You won’t fight either, but simply stubbornly resist any attempt to coerce you to do something you do not want to do.

When you have a purpose, you are extremely fixed, immovable, and bullheaded about it. Your obstinacy is often infuriating to others, especially since it takes much provocation to make you flare up or respond to their anger. You appear calm, unruffled, and unemotional most of the time, but behind your easygoing and peaceable appearance there lies great strength. When it comes to a contest of wills, you often win simply due to your relentless persistence, your ability to outlast just about anyone. Another reason for your slowness to make changes is your very strong need for security. You are most comfortable in stable, relatively unchanging conditions and you also have a strong desire for tangible security – a home of your own, money in the bank, job security, etc. The other side of your steadiness is that you easily get caught in a rut and will stay in a familiar situation (be it job, marriage, or whatever) long after it has lost its vitality and interest.

You have a keen appreciation of the natural world and get much happiness from simple creature comforts and the physical world, with all of its myriad delights. You are quite sensual in a very natural, wholesome way and you know how to enjoy yourself. You are appealing to the opposite sex in an earthy way. You are also a great lover of beauty and your tastes are basically conventional or classic – not modern.

Venus Conjunct Asc.:

You have a friendly, affectionate attitude towards others and a great deal of personal charm. Your attractiveness is one of the first things others notice about you, and is probably something you care a great deal about. You get along well with people and know how to please them. You have a good sense of style and beauty.

Jupiter Square Asc.:

You have a rather generous, open, broad-minded demeanor, and you like to do things in a big way. If you do this primarily to impress others, you will find that many people prefer to avoid you. Even without meaning to, you can seem a bit arrogant or preachy.

Mercury Sextile Asc.:

You come across to others as intelligent, alert, articulate, knowledgeable, and communicative. You are quite curious and interested in the people and events around you, and can’t resist commenting about them.

You also need to be busy and active, and you move quickly. You also appear to be restless. Keeping your mind or hands occupied helps with that.

Uranus Quincunx Asc.:

You may be seen as the wild card, the unpredictable or kooky one, because occasionally you do surprising things that are either totally out of character or are actually intended to shock people. There is an erratic quality or rebelliousness that comes across at odd moments. It seems to be your role to shake things up a bit and you may not be entirely comfortable with this yourself.

Asc. Opposition Saturn/Pluto

You tend to be extremely hard on yourself and others. You may have been brought up under difficult circumstances and now feel that life is very tough. You do your duty, expect the same from others, and have no pity for anyone.

Chapter 3: The Inner You: Your Real Motivation

Ascendant in Taurus and Sun in Gemini:

Although you have a sensible, realistic outlook on life and you are able to dedicate yourself wholeheartedly to your interests (as described in the previous chapter), you are also very adaptable, flexible, and varied. You appear more conservative and conventional than you are. From your appearance, others may not realize that you are familiar with a wide range of life styles and you have varied tastes. You are able to put ideas into practical action and you are likely to be successful in an field that requires good communication skills and presentation of ideas.

Sun in Gemini:

You are, in many ways, an eternal child. Your mind is bright, alert, curious, flexible, playful, and always eager for new experiences – and your attention span is often quite brief. You grasp ideas quickly and once your initial curiosity has been satisfied, you want to go on to something else. You crave frequent change, variety, meeting new situations and people.

It may be hard for you to decide just where your talents and true vocation lie, for you have a multitude of interests and are loathe to limit yourself by concentrating on just one. You are easily distracted by all of the other fascinating possibilities. Your curiosity and restlessness propel you into many different experiences in life, and you are willing to taste or try anything once. Doing the same thing over and over again, even it is something you do well, is real drudgery for you.

You live in your head a great deal – reading, observing, thinking, spinning ideas around – and you need mental stimulation every bit as much as you need food and drink. In fact, if you had to choose between a good book or movie and a good lunch, you would very likely choose the former. You have a creative mind and often live by your wits.

You are also a very social creature, with a strong need to communicate and to interact with people. You enjoy using and playing with words and have a real flair for getting your ideas across in a clever, interesting, articulate manner. Writing or speaking are areas you have talent for.

You also have a rather light and mischievous sense of humor, and often do not take anything too seriously. Though you crave emotional involvement, it is hard for you to achieve it, for you are frequently unwilling to commit yourself to anything, to take responsibility, or to limit your personal freedom and mobility.

Your happiness lies in using your creativity and your language skills to communicate something meaningful, to teach, inspire, or bring people together. You have an unbiased mind and can usually offer a fresh, clear, uncluttered perspective. Your faults are your lack of constancy and persistence, and your tendency to overlook or ignore deep emotional issues and other people’s feelings.

Sun in 2nd house:

Ownership gives you a sense of security, and you have a strong attachment to your possessions. You also have a natural instinct or understanding of economics, finance, trade, and appraising the value of merchandise.

Sun Opposition Neptune:

You are extremely sensitive, compassionate, and giving, often to your own personal disadvantage. Your ideals and spiritual values motivate you, and you cannot live only for personal gain or materialistic concerns. There must be an element of beauty, magic, imagination, inspiration or creativity in what you do. Otherwise you become listless and aimless. The arts, theater, music, and/or charitable works suit you well.

Sun Trine Pluto:

You have a deep belief in your own power and your ability to survive any change and to emerge victoriously from any difficulty. You have tremendous inner resources and strength. Intense, strong willed, and zealous, you pursue your desires and goals with complete dedication and singleness of purpose, and you may be somewhat compulsive, even fanatical at times. You like to live intensely and have no respect for people who are weak, who avoid confronting life and their own destiny.

Chapter 4: Mental Interests and Abilities

Mercury in Cancer:

You are highly interested in inner, subjective, and personal issues, and your thinking is based more on feelings, intuition, personal experiences, and prejudices rather than reason or logic. Intellectual abilities and accomplishments without heart or soul mean little to you. You are empathic and would be an excellent counselor, for you are a sensitive listener and deeply interested in a person’s feelings and inner life. In addition to psychology, you are drawn to education, art, poetry, music, or mythology. You are not especially confident about speaking in public, but will open up and share your thoughts in small, intimate groups. You enjoy keeping a diary or personal journal and reading the chronicles of others’ lives and personal development.

Mercury in 3rd house:

Inquisitive and communicative, your mind seems to be “on” all of the time and you are forever gathering information and sharing ideas. Your attention span may be rather brief; you have many and diverse interests, and are easily distracted. You learn quickly, are eager to pass on what you are learning and thinking about, and may talk excessively.

Mercury Sextile Venus:

You appreciate aesthetics and have a fine sense of form, design, and beauty. You could develop great technical skill as an artist, designer, craftsman, or creative writer. You could also sell objects of beauty – artistic products, cosmetics, jewelry, etc.

You have the ability to please and harmonize well with others and a talent for assuaging strain in the relationship of two other people. Your sense of humor, tact, and personal charm are a great benefit to you in any work with people on a one-to-one level.

Mercury Quincunx Jupiter:

You often seesaw between what your conscious reasoning tells you versus a belief in things which seem to defy logic. You have a penchant for thinking big and being able to visualize the future, but beware of grandiose schemes and exaggerated claims. Oftentimes the most “far out” theories or speculative ideas seem perfectly plausible to you, but it would be wise to test these ideas before you invest too much into them.

Also, you are prone to severe wanderlust at times, so try to see as much of the world as you can.

Mercury Quincunx Uranus:

Your mind works in a rather electric, inspired, sometimes brilliant way, and you grasp new concepts very readily. However, your retention may be poor, as you tend to leap from one idea to another in a flash, and often without thoroughly digesting any of them. Your mind may race so quickly that it is hard for you to sit still for any length of time. You have a highly sensitive nervous system and need a relatively calm, stable environment to be at your best. Avoid overstimulating, frenetic places in order to stay balanced.

Mercury Conjunct Sun/Moon

You have an innate understanding of relationships and a positive attitude toward marriage, family and children. You may have young parents or possibly become a parent at a young age yourself. Conditions in your home are likely to be harmonious.

Mercury Opposition Jupiter/Uranus

You have an abundance of thoughts and many ideas to expand your horizon. Always receptive to new ideas, you tend to acquire considerable knowledge. New vistas of understanding may appeal to you, and you may get involved in groups that teach these ideas.

Chapter 5: Emotions: Moods, Feelings, Romance

Moon in Leo:

Warm, loving, and generous in your affections, you inspire tremendous devotion and loyalty in your loved ones. This is good, since you would never settle for anything less! You want to be adored and worshipped like the king or queen that you feel you are, and it is difficult for anyone to resist the warmth and attention you lavish on those you care about. You have a great deal of pride and need to be recognized and appreciated. The way to really hurt your feelings is to ignore you. You are genuine, sincere, and have a strong sense of personal integrity. You hate emotional games and dishonesty.

Moon in 3rd house:

You often make decisions solely for emotional or personal reasons, because something “feels right” or because you’ve always done it a certain way and you are uncomfortable changing it. Even when you think you’re being rational, your prejudices, intuitions, and feelings influence your thoughts a great deal. You are comfortable talking about feelings and personal subjects, and sharing confidences, which enables others to express their own inner feelings with you as well. You have good psychological insight into others.

Moon Quincunx Neptune:

Highly sensitive and rather easily taken in, you need to beware of deceiving yourself and allowing others to take advantage of your impressionability or gentleness. Daydreaming, fantasizing, or other forms of imaginative, escapist behavior (such as watching television excessively or living your life through romance novels) could be something of an addiction for you. You tend to confuse images with reality and need to learn to be more circumspect and discriminating. Disappointments through women and in close relationships may occur if you do not.

Moon Square Pluto:

You have intense desires and feelings and your personal relationships are deeply emotional, passionate, and often stormy and painful as well. There are powerful magnetic ties between yourself and those you care about, and you could become emotionally obsessed by another person. Your feelings can become so urgent and compelling that you do things that are not rational. You undergo periodic emotional upheavals and purging, when you must break all ties, release the past and begin anew.

Venus in Taurus:

In love, you are steadfast and loyal, especially if you have a warm, demonstrative partner. You are very sensually oriented and need lots of touching and physical affection. You enjoy being pampered with a good meal, loving massage, or other sensual delights. You are a wonderful lover, very attentive to the comfort and enjoyment of the one you love. You are tremendously responsive to beauty and physical appearances, and the physical attractiveness of your partner is very important to you.

Venus in 1st house:

You are very much aware of your personal appearance, attractiveness, and charm, and you can be rather narcissistic. On the other hand, you are concerned with getting along with others and you have a pleasing, agreeable manner that people find quite appealing. You use tact or charm to get what you want rather than intense effort or force. Your desire for love and affection colors everything you do.

Venus Square Jupiter:

You share freely whatever you have, and your friends know they can always count on your generosity and support, both emotional and material. Your good-hearted acceptance and tolerance of others’ foibles goes a long way in maintaining harmony in your relationships. You also have a lazy streak and sometimes avoid confronting difficult issues in relationships simply because it seems like too much trouble and too petty. You like to socialize and will use any excuse to celebrate with friends. You cannot tolerate too much restriction by your love partner, and encourage your partner’s freedom as well.

Venus Quincunx Uranus:

While you may seek loving companionship and an “everlasting” love, this is not easy for you to find  —  or more precisely, to sustain. When you become romantically involved with someone, either you or the other person will create rifts once a certain level of comfort and predictability has been achieved. Even if there is no outward break in the relationship, a certain emotional aloofness or dissatisfaction is apt to develop. This is because you really want both closeness and absolute freedom  –a combination that is difficult to attain. However, if you do not at least attempt to honestly fulfill both of these urges, events seemingly out of the blue will wreak havoc in your closest relationships.

Venus Conjunct N. Node/Asc.

You treat others in an agreeable, affectionate and tactful way and freely show your affection for them. Your circle of friends is likely to be large and you strive for the development of a strong community spirit.

Chapter 6: Drive and Ambition: How You Achieve Your Goals

Mars in Cancer:

You avoid direct confrontation as much as possible and are uncomfortable with aggressiveness, competition, and personal power. Your ego drive is not very strong and you are not especially ambitious or eager to push your way to the top. You may feel inadequate in situations that call for strong, forceful action. The only instance in which you will really fight is when you feel your loved ones, or something dear to you, is being harmed, for then you are a fierce defender. You have a very strong protective side. You act on impulse and instinct and may lash out at anyone you perceive as threatening to your home or family. However, you will rarely initiate a confrontation. Your goals also tend to be very personal and centered around family closeness and inner satisfaction rather than worldly achievement.

You are sensitive to stress and do not handle a high-pressured, competitive atmosphere very well. You are very touchy, irritable, and difficult to live with when there are many demands or tensions at work. Your energy level is inconstant and is very much dependent upon the emotional harmony (or lack of it) in your home. A supportive partner is of great benefit to you in helping you achieve your goals and desires.

Mars in 2nd house:

You often buy things on impulse and you can be reckless with your material resources and money. You have certain possessions that you are extremely attached to and possessive of.

Mars Conjunct Sun/Mercury

You are willing to fight your own battles and don’t depend on others for support and encouragement. You have a tendency to think somewhat critically though, which could lead to arguments and quarrels.

Saturn Sextile MC:

You achieve your professional goals and long-range ambitions through self-discipline, concentration, and climbing the mountain one step at a time. Unlike the lucky few for whom all doors seem to magically open, you have to formulate a realistic plan and follow it diligently in order to succeed. You’ll have to pay your dues and endure a few setbacks. Patience is your ally.

Your father or grandfather probably influenced your choice of career, and will back you up — as long as you choose to follow in his footsteps.

MC Opposition Moon/Mercury

Your mind and feeling work together harmoniously and your ability to convince and lead others comes out of your deepest inner self. An independent thinker, you form your own judgments and opinions. In relationships you seek out people with whom you can feel a soul-link.

MC Conjunct Jupiter/Neptune

A big dreamer, you love comfort and are likely to promote human welfare. But you also could be somewhat of a fortune-hunter, like to speculate, and have a tendency to squander your money. You are always hopeful and don’t take life too seriously.

Chapter 7: Growth and Expansion: Areas That You Enjoy

Jupiter in Aquarius:

Your strength lies in your ability to be innovative, open to new progressive concepts, willing to experiment and to reject customs and traditions when they cease to serve any positive function in the present. Also, you have an expansive view of the world, one that includes humanity and not only your own small, personal circle.

Jupiter in 10th house:

Your career or contribution to the world at large is likely to touch many people’s lives in a very positive, helpful way. You aim high and have an innate confidence and trust both in your own abilities and in life in general, which enables you to go far. You want to do something BIG with your life, and you attract the support you need to do so, for your aims are not solely for your own personal benefit. You want to give something back to the world, or to improve others’ lives as well as your own.

Jupiter Sextile Uranus:

You are always open to the new, willing to plunge in and experiment with a fresh approach, and enthusiastic about learning, growing, and expanding. As a result of this positive attitude, opportunities and unexpected good fortune are drawn into your life. You embrace change, delight in discovery, and enjoy sharing your excitement with other people. A sense of happy expectation and a sometimes outrageous sense of humor are two of your great gifts.

Jupiter Conjunct Saturn/Asc.

You have a tendency to by-pass any difficulties you may encounter and give the impression of being indifferent. You seem to be happy and content living in modest circumstances and try to keep other people at a distance.

Chapter 8: Areas That Challenge You Or Are Difficult For You

Saturn in Scorpio:

You both yearn for, and fear, being emotionally vulnerable with others and experiencing deep emotional intimacy. Trusting others and letting yourself be known in a deep way doesn’t come easily to you, and sexual inhibitions may result from this. You are very self-protective and may be compulsively secretive. Learning to relinquish control in personal relationships, and to be completely open, are important tasks for you.

Saturn in 7th house:

You take your commitments to others very seriously, especially in close one-to-one relationships. Your strong sense of responsibility to the other person makes you a trustworthy and dedicated partner, but you often feel that marriage or any binding commitment between yourself and another person is too restrictive and burdensome, and thus seek to avoid it. Close relationships may be more work than pleasure for you and it may seem that you are always “working on” your marriage rather than enjoying it. You will persevere and ultimately grow through the process, however.

Saturn Conjunct Uranus/Pluto

A bit stubborn and self-willed, you persist no matter what obstacles you have to overcome. You have great endurance and strength and force yourself to work very hard. You could be somewhat one-sided in the pursuit of your objectives.

Now we will discuss patterns of behavior which you instinctively and habitually revert to when under stress – a mostly unconscious process and one which you are apt to overdo because it is so familiar and thus easy for you. The direction you need to follow in order to develop balance, greater awareness, and wholeness is also described.

N. Node in Taurus:

You gain by becoming more aware of the rhythm of the seasons and the natural world, learning to slow down and allow life to unfold in its own time. Nurturing a garden, a child, or some other living, growing thing gives you a sense of inner balance.

You have a tendency to be deeply suspicious, to not take anything at face value, to see hidden agendas and dark motives even where none exist! Life does not have to be conflict all the time… learn to accept things as they are.

You also need to develop patience, peace and stability by grounding yourself in your daily work and acting in a consistent and reliable way towards others.

N. Node in 1st house:

The arena you are most likely to wrestle with these issues is in your immediate, direct encounters with others. There is a dynamic balance (or conflict) within you between acting spontaneously and being true to yourself versus modifying yourself or your behavior to suit others. You seesaw between being inordinately concerned with self to being overly conciliatory and concerned with others’ needs, rights, or opinions about you. Learning to act authentically and forthrightly regardless of possible consequences is your task.

The specific habits which are likely to hold you back, or which you are prone to overdo, especially during stressful periods, include:

N. Node Opposition Saturn:

Rigid self-control which overly restricts your ability to freely express yourself or explore possibilities, excessive concern with work, duty and security, fearfulness, judgmental attitude towards self or other people, feeling alone and cut off from sources of nourishment outside of the self. Try to learn to relax and recognize that everything is not your responsibility.

The following are specific activities that will support you in your growth. These may or may not feel natural to you, and often there is some feeling of resistance or initial awkwardness about doing these things, but they are important on your path to wholeness.

N. Node Conjunct Venus:

Give and receive affection, love, and pleasure (especially using the qualities described previously). Learn to respond to, appreciate, and create beauty, art, harmonious surroundings and relationships. Be aware of aesthetics and do things in a gracious, pleasing manner. Enjoy life, nurture friendships, and cultivate your ability to love and to receive love.

Chapter 9: Originality and Imagination
Areas Where You Are Creative, Unique, Unstable, or Compulsive

Uranus in 8th house:

Your life is characterized by sudden disruptions and events which change the direction of your life quite unexpectedly. You may be impatient and reckless at certain times, impulsively acting out your urge for new life and change. You are an emotionally complex person and you are capable of intense, unexpected outbursts of feelings and desires.

If you share material assets and resources with another person (as in a marriage or business partnership), your fortunes are likely to fluctuate wildly or change quickly for better or worse.

Neptune in 8th house:

You have a very active imagination and powerful fantasies. You may develop an interest in the supernatural, psychic phenomena, or occult subjects. You may have strange fantasies and/or nebulous fears of “ghosts”, “the astral plane”, or death. It’s better for you not to dabble in such areas unless you are thoroughly grounded in the practical world as well.

Pluto in 6th house:

You can become obsessed with your health, self-improvement and personal development. The psychological elements of disease interest you, and you may endlessly psychoanalyze yourself and others.

Also, you may work compulsively and exhaust yourself through overwork. You can be a tyrant with co-workers, and it may be easier for you to work in solitude.

Uranus Opposition Mercury/Venus

You are very lively and have the ability to enjoy every moment. Creative, inventive and colorful, you have a lot of ideas and would make a good public speaker with quick answers to any questions. You like change and are always ready to try something new.

Uranus Opposition Mercury/N. Node

Your ideas and thoughts are likely to change quickly and you also may receive sudden new ideas and plans during team-work with others. In fact, the most stimulating ideas you get probably will be through other people.

Uranus Opposition Mercury/Asc.

You are somewhat irritable and have a tendency to lose your temper quickly when you are with other people. You enjoy sudden frank talks or discussions with others, but are inclined to become upset or heated with people too easily.

Pluto Opposition Mercury/Jupiter

You are likely to have great intellectual insights and have the ability to learn whatever you wish to study. Your words carry great influence, because the depth of your perception is evident to others. You are a good orator and can influence many people.

Chapter 10: Generational Influences: Your Age Group

In this chapter we will discuss characteristics and traits of your generation. Of course, you may not share all of the characteristics of your generation, but you are greatly affected by the tone that is set by your generation.

The first topic is “The Subconscious and Emotional Drive of Your Age Group”. In this section we will describe a deeply felt urge, even compulsion, of your age group. This deeply felt drive comes to the surface with great force and power, and consequently leaves in its wake considerable upheaval and change. The second topic is “The Ideals and Illusions of Your Age Group”, that describes the dreams, fantasies, and spiritual aspirations of your age group. The third and last topic is “What is New and Different in Your Age Group”, which describes areas in which your age group tends to be innovative, inventive, unusual, and also where it may be unstable and unreliable.

The characteristics described below may affect a group of people for anywhere from a few years to about 30 years. There are one or more different astrological factors described in each of the three sections below.

The Subconscious and Emotional Drive of Your Age Group

Pluto in Scorpio:

You are part of a 12 year group of people who have a complex and deep emotional side. Your age group has a great fascination for the mysteries of life, and members of your age group will make extraordinary breakthroughs in the understanding of life processes; major advances in biological sciences will open up new technological possibilities. Intensive probing into genetic structure and cellular processes will accelerate genetic engineering into new vistas. Your generation also probes the mysteries of birth and death, and members of your age group will even develop laboratories for forging new understanding of what happens at birth and death. Other breakthroughs will be made in the understanding of animal behavior and sexual activity. Archeological studies will unearth vast new insights into the history of man, and the exploration of the ocean will receive a new impetus, spurred by unusual and interesting findings made at the bottom of the sea.

Behind all of this work is the deep, probing, penetrating interest in the mysterious. There is a deep fascination with sex, power, and the occult as well. Hypnosis, karate, and other mental and physical training techniques are likely to be very popular with your age group. The love of mystery is also likely to bring a revival of mystery novels and movies; your age group will bring the macabre into current fashion and style.

You are an emotionally complex group, and you can be prone to some very strange behavior. Intrigue and mystery are exciting to your age group, and hopefully this does not get the better of you, causing you to act in a cruel or grotesque manner. There is a chance that crime, violence, and emotional disturbance will be relatively high in your age group, but hopefully your interest in the mysterious, strange, grotesque, and macabre will not manifest in this way.

The Ideals and Illusions of Your Age Group

Neptune in Capricorn:

You are part of a 14 year group of people who are conservative and traditional in spiritual aspirations and religious outlook. Your age group returns to some traditional basics in religion, and also traditional styles in music and art. Classical music and literature have a revival with your age group, and a great deal of inspiration is gained from the masters of arts, music, literature, and philosophy throughout history. Your age group is contemplative and reflective about religious matters and you take an objective and logical approach to religious issues. Many of you are cynics and critics of spiritual and metaphysical ideas.

Other age groups criticize your group for not having enough heart and compassion. Sometimes this is true and is evidenced by some unusually crafty and manipulative fraud and deception that occurs in the higher ranks of governments and large businesses.

Neptune Sextile Pluto:

The entire generation to which you belong has tremendous opportunities for spiritual rebirth and awakening. This will not be forced upon you or precipitated by unavoidable events, rather it comes from an inner yearning and a natural propensity to seek the depths.

What is New and Different in Your Age Group

Uranus in Sagittarius:

You are part of a 7 year group of people who are extremely enterprising and forward-looking. You are optimists and explorers. Your age group shoots for the stars, figuratively and literally. Space exploration takes on new dimensions as your age group pushes fervently to the next frontier. There is a buoyant and youthful optimism and enthusiasm in your group, and you have your share of great discoveries as well as pipe dreams and disillusionment. The discoveries and contributions, however, are many, and more than compensate for the failures.

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