Gemini stained glass

I’ve Met My Mirror Image

Dear Elsa, I started working at my job about 9 months ago. My supervisor is a raging Sagittarius. I’m a Sagittarius myself and I can’t stand them. Now, as much as she irritates me with her patronizing, know-it-all, arrogant, and self-sufficient attitude I’ve come to realize that this might be a lesson. I’m seeing in […]

a man's shadow

Learn About Integrating Your Shadow, Pluto Transits & Projection

There has been some dialogue in the comments on the Effects Of Pluto In Capricorn On Cancer / Oppositions In Astrology piece. Korellyn asked: “So how does one go about digging into the psyche, barring professional therapy?” I responded: “When you think “they” are horrible, just make sure you’re not EXACTLY like them… and when

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