
Mercury around the ...
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Mercury around the Zodiac - Gemini

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All right all you Gems, do your thing. Tell us about Mercury, your pal, ruler of Gemini! What's it doing? How's it going? How is it playing with everything else in your chart?

I imagine something like this, going on all the time in your head (another fun thread, hang on to your seats!)

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The worst thing is when I am forced (work rules) to do something I think is stupid. I'm fighting this now, it's very hard for me.

Example: At a former job I was made to put a note on my drawing that was wrong, no one would listen (Mercury in the 12th house). My name was on the drawing which made me look stupid (Aquarius Midheaven). When the facility was being closed and moved I went back without telling anyone and removed the note! Ha ha ha

The best thing is that I'm easily amused. Even if I'm surrounded by boring people in a boring environment I can find something to focus on that is interesting. A bird outside, the way the wind sculpts the snow on a cliff.

My Mercury is in the 12th house and while it sucks to not be heard, very frustrating, it's cool to have access to information that others aren't picking up. My dreams are movies, plus sometimes I dream of people in detail years before I meet them. People forget that Mercury was the only god that could travel between the mortal and immortal worlds.

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@Tam That is the WORST: being made to do something you think it stupid. It feels so insulting to me. I cop an attitude in the worst passive aggressive way.

You're right. It's an asset and an amazing arsenal to have information that is easily passes over by most.

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Well I guess I can add something of my own. I'm not a Gem Mercury. I do have one planet in my third house (Scorpio, though). Neptune is there. I find that I pick up information out of the air, sometimes. I don't know how I know some things. Also, I am often aware of communications going on around me, putting the pieces together. I don't like overhearing things about myself and do everything to shut that out.

Also I can't remember many books or movies I've read even though I do remember the stories. In school I would understand things but if the teacher started explaining the topic in greater detail or in a different way, I would get lost and confused. I learned to tune out after they explained it the first time. Not always a good thing, though.

Not Gemini, but my take on a planet in my third house.

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My Mercury is in Gemini, 5th house.

My internal communications are always dramatic, to the point where I don't know the difference between what my head/heart/gut think or feel.  I try to work on this because if I could ever focus/hone my skills, I think I could be very intuitive.  Possibly somewhat psychic.

I relate to what Tam said about dreams.  I dreamed my ex husband would meet someone soon after our divorce was final, and I dreamed her in detail down to her name, her outfit, her glasses, and her job.  I never told him about it because after being married to him, I learned that these dreams of mine really bother him.  Still.  I wish I could dream my future so vividly.  Then again ... there have been things/snippets.

Lately though, I feel like everyone is speaking to me over radio with poor reception across a vast distance.  Lots and  lots of static.  And when I miss something and ask them to repeat, I still can't make it out, even if they oblige.

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Interesting, Lily. The 5H is where Leo is, so I can see how your internal communications would be dramatic, yet maybe not so dramatic, externally....Gemini.

Is anything hitting your Mercury?

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