
The moon in astrology: home, family, roots, emotions..

Family Trouble: I Grew Up In A Religious Home, I Now Study Astrology

Hi Elsa, I am having trouble relating to my sisters. I talk to them all very superficially, but I feel I cannot be myself around them. We grew up in a religious home (evangelical Christians) but I am not religious. I curse like a trucker, I am pro-choice, I hang out with all kinds of […]

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She Fears Commitment-Phobic Boyfriend’s Parents Will Drive a Wedge Between Them: Saturn Transit Through the 7th House

Dear Elsa, My boyfriend and I have been together for three years, and love each other very much. However, Saturn just entered his 7th house and I am worried about our relationship. His family doesn’t know we are still together. They think we broke up a year ago. His mother is not the nicest person,

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Horrible Agony, Unbearable Pain, Skinned Alive

Dear Elsa, I’ve spent my whole life trying to connect to myself and other people. I feel raw and needy but I don’t think anyone can help me. I carry with me, since early childhood, an aloneness that I’ve only heard described by people going through the dark night of the soul and suffering intense

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