
Jealousy in all forms…

A pang of jealousy

Envied By The Rich

Hi, Elsa I don’t have much material wise in life, but I have many talents. I use them to live an interesting productive life. I never boast about them. Quiet soul. No matter what- everywhere I go I meet envy…someone Always wants what I have- even the small possessions that have only sentimental value. Even […]


What Rules Jealousy In Astrology

Someone asked me about envy. I’m grappling with how to handle the question. In the meantime, here’s an earlier post. People do all kinds of mean and crazy things, driven by jealousy. I seem them build a case against a person or persons, totally unaware of what’s driving them. Maybe they feel the person who

8th House: Jealousy? Fear? Possessiveness? Mothering Gene? Survival Instinct?

Re-running this from 2008. Kingsley was obsessed with analyzing the interaction between my husband and I. That aside, this is interesting.   Kingsley writes on Men, Women. Venus And Mars In Nature: “Jealousy is the anger about the prospect (scare) of being rejected. It could be a way in which you keep together Elsa. It would

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