
double pinochle

Strong Hands Marry Strong Hands (Pluto In Capricorn)

I have been doing a lot of consulting, talking to a lot of people from all over the world. With a packed 8th house, I’m sensitive and interested in the collective. I can’t help but pick up on trends. People are sub or semi-consciously moving to secure themselves. This would be in response to Pluto

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The Shadow Side Of Love (A Topic Coming Into Vogue)

As Saturn in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn in the coming months the reality (Saturn/Capricorn) of the shadow side (Pluto) of love (Libra) is going to be your face.  Currently Mercury in Libra squaring is squaring Pluto which opens the door for a dialogue on this topic. With Pluto involved the deeper you go, the

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