Pluto Transit To Your Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven or IC

First, this disclaimer: I use EQUAL houses. When I say “angles of your chart”, that’s exactly what I mean. I am referring to Pluto transits over the angles of your chart, where the angles are the same degree as your ascendant.

Pluto transits over the angles of your chart are invariably drastic and life-changing. For example, when Pluto crossed my midheaven,  my life took such a turn! I had to live underground for close to ten years. Me! A social, outspoken person.

Prior to this transit, I’d always lived in the light. I was listed in the phonebook by the time I was 17 years old. All the sudden I ceased to exist in public (10th house) life. Not only that, I lie dormant for nearly a decade.

I know a man, he’s a Virgo with a Sagittarius Moon.  He’s a vibrant, kind, active person. When Pluto crossed his descendant, he had a motorcycle accident that wound up costing him his foot and leg below the knee.  He owned a business with an office in an open loft above the ground floor of the large open space that housed his operations.

I watched him hop up those stairs on his one leg, after that accident, wondering just exactly how he could manage.  He had a family who relied on him, foot or no foot. I guess that was that.

Not everyone has a Pluto transit an angle of their chart in their lifetime but some people have this transit twice.  I will fall in this group, provided I live a through 2021. That’s when Pluto will cross my ascendant.

Have you ever had Pluto transit an angle of your chart? What happened?

333 thoughts on “Pluto Transit To Your Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven or IC”

  1. Pluto: takes some intuition but if you find you can NOT control the loss then let go! In my relocation chart transiting Pluto in Capricorn went within 3 degrees over my Mars on the IC.

    Lost my home and 3/4 of my belongings. I KNOW that in September Pluto will be going back to the same point (IC & Mars)so let go! 🙂 Oh, I lost my job too (first time) ..effecting the MC also of course. Too soon to know what’s going on….am I being groomed for a relocation? Saturn return coming soon too! (My first return was a breeze…) Let go let go and read between the lines..keep open to the message. And let go. Hold on to what you can but Pluto can put some things out of your control. All the best

  2. Good afternoon Elsa. I’m still a bit confused. So you’re saying that, if my Asc is 29 degrees Gemini, the MC at 10 degrees Pisces is not the angle but 28 degrees Pisces is considered the angle because it’s 90 degrees?

  3. Well, at this point, I don’t know what to say about Pluto. It has just entered my 4th house (thereby squaring my DC and opposing my MC). Pluto transit is also squaring my ascendant and sun.

    This is just the beginning and already – I left my job to join my crazy husband in his effort to study abroad, but later changed his mind. He spent all of our savings and left us homeless, broke, and jobless. I can’t get a job for the life of me now – at least in the tech field anymore. He helped completely ruin my credit and got two evictions because of him. I’ve hated him for several years now but he always refused to leave until now. Also, just about everyone I was friends with has turned away from me. My relationship with my parents is very strained because my 2 year old daughter can’t stand them. My husband fled the country to join a foreign military unit. I don’t know what the hell to do. This is just the beginning. The only ones who seem to reach out to me are struggling mothers. I have alternating days of severe depression and apathy. This drama is unreal. I don’t drink or do any drugs either, but my compulsive tendencies are highly active right now and are hard to control. That’s how things are looking for me.

  4. Pluto crossed my Asc., in 76-77. I was a teenager. It was life changing for me. I was still living with my grandmother, my grandfather had died 6 yrs earlier. It was just the two of us. She and I had a difficult relationship. She clunge to me, she wouldn’t allow me to grow up. We fought constantly. My mom was living in another state so she was useless.
    When Pluto hit, my grandmother had a severe stroke which put her in the hospital. I was being shuffled back and forth between relatives for a couple of months.
    Finally my Pisces aunt decided to bring her mom, a Cancer to live with her family, with me in tow. She just couldn’t put her mother in a nursing home. (My aunt was a wonderful soul.)
    It wasn’t an easy transitional period for me. I fought these changes in my life. I had to take care of my invalid grandmother, I had no social life to speak of. Many of my friends just fell away. Complete upheavel in my life.
    But through this change, I became more mature I slowly became part of a normal family structure. My aunt and I had always been close, but eventually she became more of a mother to me than either my mom or grandmother ever were.
    Pluto completely cleared out the life I knew, but he gave me a better one. Once I finally started to accept the drastic changes, I quickly realized how my life was actually going to be better. When it was over, I had more freedomn than I had ever had in my life. I was also invited into a loving family unit, which was happier and healthier than anything I had lived in before.
    I remained like a daughter to my aunt and uncle until they both died in 2002. I loved them both, very, very much.

  5. hmmm…pluto crossed my ascendent when I was 9? Ok so during that time, my mom was living with a “friend” and her kids, so there were 5 of us. Her friend hated me. I think that is objectively true, actually, not just how I felt. Her eldest son tormented/bullied me (and everyone else too). But I think the time that it was actually ON my ascendent is about the time my mom and her friend broke up and this started years of living, basically, in poverty. We were living in this horrible basement studio apartment (it was so bad, it would flood in heavy rain and there was literally 2 or 3 inches of mucky water in part of the apartment for days afterwards) for a long while, then while pluto was still in my 1st, we became a bit homeless, and my brother and I were sent to live with my aunt/grandma as my mom had some kind of breakdown? That whole scenario still is not clear to me, and is a strictly verboten topic. There were also incidents of molestation around that time. Cripes. Thinking that over, I am NOT looking forward to the IC action I’ll be getting soon. For equal angles, that’s at 15 cap. I think I need a hug already.

  6. I’m having a hard time figuring the math on this one. Can anyone tell me off the top of their head when Pluto was passing through Scorpio? Thanks!

  7. Pluto transited Scorpio from november 1983 to January 1995, more or less for you have to take into account the retrograde periods of Pluto in May that year..

  8. I am so nervous I have Pluto conjunct my IC starting Jan 2014 it’s already squaring Uranus on my DC and now Jupiter (and in my chart) Mars is teaming up on my MC (where my natal Mars is in conjunct). That Pluto/Uranus/Jupiter T-square that’s about to happen globally is happening on my axis! LOL HEEEEELP!

    Jupiter is bringing me amazing connections and gifts to my house of career lately, so hopefully I can get my sript sold!
    Uranus brought an Aquarius into my life as it came into conjunct with my DC.
    Now Pluto down there on my IC frightens me!

    1. Avatar

      JRy, your post is older so I don’t know if you’ll see this but I have very similar transits coming up in 2014. Pluto in the IC at the same time as a Saturn return and Uranus on the Desc. I have serious doubts as to whether I will survive this. At any rate, you are not alone. Good luck!

      1. In situations like that: (example) saturn crossing ascendant, pluto crossing IC, Uranus on descendant all at the same time; I learned that you should choose to follow the energy of one planet in simple terms. Either saturn (bend your head and hold it together), pluto (truthful power struggles), or Uranus (rebellion).

        I believe this is a way to not lose your mind lol. Btw I chose Uranus back then and I am proud of it! Haha

  9. Currently pluto is squaring my natal pluto, at the angle of my 5th house and opposing my natal moon. I have had rough 6 years!!! 2005 when in sag I had my son, lets add that my sun was conj transting saturn. Then after 2008, I separated, joined the military, went to war, almost got killed, I was raped by a brother in arms, conceived a child and now I have two sons. When pluto ooposed my moon this past August 9th, I broke up with my partner, for him pluto was opposing his venus. Haaaard times. Pluto at the angle of my fifth, squaring uranus in my 8th. I have a natal jupiter in cancer 11th…. I don’t know what to think of all this. But since its about to enter my fifth, I’m worried for my children. I hope it’s more about passion and a new love, because neptune ruler of my seventh, is squaring my natal neptune, currently at home in Pisces and is about to oppose my asc… Help?

  10. Pluto was on my MC late 2003/early 2004. I was pretty glum (and not very outgoing) at the time, but by mid-2004, I started learning about the world of geology. Right now, I know more and more what I want to do within the field of geology.

    Thank you for showing an example of a Virgo Sun with a Sagittarius Moon, I can relate to that kind of description, and he sounds like such an amazing person with the way he overcame obstacles during the Pluto crossing his DC transit. I’m a pretty vibrant and active person. As far as motorcycles are concerned, I’ve reserved that interest for the Jet Moto video game, but I still do active things like boating, stream wading, hiking and martial arts. I do try to reconcile having caution (Virgo Sun and Saturn in Sagittarius) and adventure (having a fire kite with Mars in Aries Rx, Moon in Sagittarius and Uranus in Sagittarius), and if I have any injuries, they’re pretty minor thankfully thus far.

    But ugh, Pluto in Pisces will be on my Ascendant when I’ll be middle-aged. I think that’ll be the last Pluto transit on my angles in this lifetime.

  11. When pluto crossed my asc. I left an abusive relationship with my sons father. It was absolute chaos. I left with nothing except some clothing and papers. It was a scary time. I thought I might end up murdered or my son taken. None of that happened. But the future was so uncertain. And the hits just kept coming. When pluto retrograde back over my asc, I took off with my son after being told a specific plan for my murder. Well I almost got charged with kidnapping. I had to Allow my son to have fifty fifty visitation with his dad. It was a nightmare.
    All of that had to happen for me to be aware of my strength. But there Are scars.

  12. Well, I’m glad/freightened to have found this forum 🙂 Pluto Will be crossing my CAP IC at 13 and thus squaring my libra Asc at 13 degrees as well, of course, let’s don’t forget uranus on my desc. I am kind of worried because that’s going to happen next year along with saturn activating my t-square conj mars square venus and moon and neptune opposite my sun in virgo (trying not to be paranoid about p. Moon opposite p. Sun too 🙂
    I kind of know where the hits are coming from, but from what I’ve just read above….it’s going to be intense!!!!

    1. Thaveed – How have you fared with these transits? I have almost the same configurations exactly, and so far – nothing. A great deal of inner pressure to quit my job, and deep frustration over being without a partner and feeling no support, but other than that, nothing outward. Would be very interested to learn how this plays out for other people. But you especially, as we have the same signns/degrees on our angles. Thanks!

      1. Paleblue,
        I have ACS 10 Libra and IC 12 Cap… I am having these same feelings, affecting both the 7th ( partner) and 10th (career). Uranus should set this off when it hits 12 Aries in late Nov to mid Jan. Being stationary direct, the Uranian energy could be intensified. Uranus may cause a sudden release of the inner Pluto energies, forcing them into the open. Interestingly, Mars will conjunct Pluto Nov 11/12. That may offer a signal connected to the Uranus transit that will follow…need to look closely at the house rulers for more clues.

        1. Thanks, Bob – I’ll be interested to see how it all plays out for everyone going through it. It appears my party will start in mid-February. May the force be with you. ; ) Do report back, I’d like to know what happens.

      2. Hi pale blue! Well, Pluto will be crossing our angles on the third week I January! Let’s see what happens then…for now I definitely feel both Uranus and Pluto strongly. For example I moved back to my mom’s house after braking up a crazy relationship, it’s been a year already and I know for sure I’m not going to stay in this house for too long, for sure my roots are being revisited and I “came” back to my family after a long absence (4th house) and I know it isn’t over. Uranus in 7th? Crazy too! Very different patterns of relating. I have also been working out more than ever, so transformation of self (Pluto is natally on 1h) and got some laser treatment to remove some old tattoos, style of clothing has also changed. I am a little concerned thoug, about January, because my mom will be having some heavy Pluto too, more specifically, her Jupiter Mars conj right on my libra ascendant, and her whole libra stellium 8house will be squared by Pluto thus opposed by Uranus, she is having also Saturn conjunction MC, Venus and square natal Pluto on 6h. Also my progressed moon will be opposing n Pluto….so, lots of Pluto and Saturn for January 🙁 let’s see what happens…..

        1. Hi, Thaveed! Wow, well, yes, it sounds like alot going on for your Mom and for you. Hang tight. I kind of think some of this Pluto on the IC and in 4th for me will bring my mother’s death (she is 90) so it will not be a surprise, and oh my, yes, it will kick up all kinds of family CR**. I don’t think I will have to move, thank God, as I love the place I live in now. If I have to go back east for a funeral, I will have to steel myself in a big way. And I have been alone for so much of my life, I was hoping Uranus on DESC and in 7th would might maybe change that…?? (Sound of crickets..) Nothing. Yet. The only major thing that has happened is positive – a total breakthrough in my painting, which has me possessed and obsessed and unstoppable now in my art. Sounds Plutonian but I don’t really see how it connects to my creative life. I am a novice in astro so it would probably be obvious to someone. Anyway, I am riding that and loving it. Makes up for alot of other emptiness in my life. I feel like I’m channeling Frida Kahlo. haha Well, let’s all check in in late February if we are still alive and compare notes. Happy holidays to all – Paleblue

    1. Can you explain anything else regarding this? Was there any other aspect?
      I have that now. SA Pluto on ASC, squaring MC. Pluto on Scorpio

  13. I had major pelvic surgery when Pluto was within a few minutes of my IC (14 Libra) — a bilateral pelvic osteotomy, which basically involved the surgeon taking a piece out of my right pelvis and implanting it (with a pin) on my left. It was very painful, I was in a body cast for six weeks, and then had to spend several months in a children’s rehab center 100 miles from home to retrain my muscles to walk again.

    It was a life-changing experience for me in the sense that every child there was disabled in some way, and living there taught me an important lesson about looking beyond the outer person. We had school right there in the center, and the recreation director made sure we all had lots of opportunities for fun. Some weekends I didn’t want to go home to visit because there were dances planned, or movie trips. It felt strange when groups of my friends would come to see me there, because some of them were clearly uncomfortable with seeing all the kids in wheelchairs and “banana carts” when I’d long since gotten past that.

    Pluto is coming up on the square now to my MC so I wonder if that earlier experience will be related in some way to what is in the near future. Uranus will be on the MC itself. It looks like a forced career change for me or maybe forced retirement.

    1. Oh, and Pluto was squaring my ascendant from the 4th (exact) when I moved in with my then-boyfriend, and a month after that we moved together to another city. I loved the apartment we had, and the new city, but we didn’t get to spend a lot of time together after moving, and it was difficult financially. The relationship itself ended nine months later right after Pluto had once again exactly squared my ascendant.

  14. When Pluto crossed my Midheaven my mother died. A year after that my older sister, lost without my mother, took her own life. Although initially both of these incidents were devastating, I barely made it through… I look back now at that time and think, my relationship with both mother and sister was volatile at best. They were both alcoholics, cruel, selfish and were never really “there” for me.. it was always the other way around. Due to a sense of “duty”, I couldn’t bring myself end my dysfunctional relationship with my family. Once Pluto crossed my Midheaven, both relationships were ended for me. It didn’t hurt any less, but I’ve come to look at Pluto transits, if your lucky and/or unlucky enough to have the Major ones, as a rite of passage.
    Today, many years later, I wake up every day happy about one thing or another. I don’t have that “heaviness” in my head or heart. Pluto crossing my Midheaven THE turning point in my life, and now I know I can handle Anything that comes my way.

  15. Pluto is conjunct my descendant at 13 Capricorn and I messed up my shoulder. I may have torn my labrum and I’m probably going to need an MRI. This is a big deal for me, because lifting weights is my main passion.

  16. Thanks, Elsa. This is an interesting site. I’ve always wanted someone to look at my natal chart for me, because it’s very unique. I’m a triple Cancer (Asc 13 degrees, Moon 15 degrees, Sun 21 degrees) with a crazy T-Square (Mercury opposite Uranus/Saturn; with a Mars apex). The planets are at Aries-points, too – Mercury at 1 degree Cancer, Uranus at 29 degrees Sag, and Mars at 29 degrees Pisces. My MC is 22 Pisces.

    If I scheduled a 30min phone consultation, would you be able to answer some specific questions for me? I’m mostly concerned with work/career and what I am supposed to do for a living. My main interest is powerlifting, but that’s not a career; it’s just something that I will do on the side of my job. My T-square involves houses 12, 6, and 10, so it makes sense that I’m struggling to figure out what to do… (I’m sorry for typing so much. Ha).

    1. Thanks, Rob. I’m not sure that I could address that. A chart will not show what a person is supposed to do for work. To me that’s a matter of discerning what you’d like to do, determining it it’s even remotely realistic and if it is, you then plot a path towards your goal.

      Same a power-lifting. 🙂

      1. I understand. : )

        Also, I have one more question…
        I’ve been using the placidus system up to this point, but I just checked out my chart with equal houses, and both of the descriptions fit me. I’m really confused about which one to go with now. My Mars/MC move from House 10 to 9 and my Pluto moves from House 5 to 4. I’ve read all of the descriptions and I can’t figure out which one is more accurate. (I’m kind of disappointed about Mars not being in the 10th–because I kept reading that such a placement was ‘warrior-like’ in terms of public image–but I guess that Mars in the 9th would also make sense, since I am highly philosophical and enjoy weight lifting). I’m also highly creative, but I had a domineering father; as well as a handicapped sister in a wheelchair, which makes Pluto in the 4th seem reasonable, too. (My father left us when I was young; even though one of his kids was handicapped, and he even refused to pay child support. It would make sense if I had Pluto in 4). I also remember reading that Mars in the 10th happened a lot in the charts of people who had fathers who were police officers, and my father was a state trooper. That would be using placidus, though. I am too confused now… Both house systems seem to work for me.

        (I was thinking of requesting a consultation, but I need to pick a house system, first).

        1. I (wildly) prefer equal houses, however, I am in the minority, mostly because of They set the standard in this Internet age and their standard is Placidus.

          1. That’s what I noticed, too. When I first started to research astrology, I thought that it was the only way to divide the houses. I’ll need to mull this over now. My world has just been shattered.

            In either case, I have Mars (29 Pisces) conjunct MC (22 Pisces), and that definitely feels right to me. I just can’t figure out which house works better. I am highly driven to succeed in this world, but I also like sports and competition. I want to publish a radical book on philosophy, in hopes of public recognition–because I feel that I have some genius ideas–yet, I want to compete in powerlifting at the same time.

            I’ll spend some time thinking about this for now.
            Thanks for responding to all of my questions!

            1. Rob. So, like me you are Sun 21 Cancer trine Mars Pisces. Equals strong in body but probably used by other people. We have just finished 5 oppositions by Pluto and just before new year also Saturn opposition.That was my second Saturn opposition to my sun. You are probably much younger though. Do you do progressed planets.?? Look at your Mars. Neptune coming.!!!! Are progressed reversing or going forwards?? You can also learn much by just doing your Solar chart using 21 Cancer as Asc on equal houses. In other words our partnerships have been hard work, draining? I would live a reply.

      2. Sure it does Elsa, Noel Tyl in his book gave some examples, a Leo MC good for acting, and actually the guy with Leo MC went acting. I have a Cancer MC and I work in the housing industry, how literal…and so on, astrology can be so literal sometimes. Look around for examples, you’ll find tons.

  17. Avatar
    Pisces Rising

    When transiting Pluto hit on my midheaven, mid Sag, I quit my job of 17 years, divorced after 25 years, moved to a different city and basically started all over. It was good for me tho. Have to say I’d do it again!

  18. I have Pluto crossing over do again now as we speak, as well as squaring my sun, with the uranus conjunction as well..The last year has stripped me totally financially, through two major thefts at both my home and work… I have had to rent out my house and move back with my father, as well as having all my one on one partnerships of many years dissolve and crumble… I had a breakdown in December last year as the first crossing and square came in, also during venus retrograde… Right now the only partnership I have intimately has closed down as well… It’s been hard and I feel completely alone… But I also know that somehow this is purifying and burning away the unreal.

  19. I broke up with my then live in boyfriend when pluto crossed my ascendant. Had boundary issues with clients, lost a little bit of weight, grew my hair long, changed it to dark red with lighter highlights. I have to admit I look much different than I did three years ago as it made it’s way through my first house. I have had some health issues and accidents that caused me to change my diet and routine. Met a much better and compatible man this year and it’s still going great. I say not easy but many blessings.

  20. Please, anyone – Anyone who has already gone through the Pluto on IC/Uranus on Desc. (at the same time as a Saturn return, anyone?) – Please – tell me what happened in your life. I’m pretty much at the end of the rope. Please, if you’ve gone through this particular combo already, tell me what happened. Thank you.

    1. I have been experiencing the combination you describe and for me it has been perhaps the most difficult time of my life. When pluto sat directly on top of my ic, a very dear friend killed himself. Someone I never thought I’d live without. He was the love of my life and perhaps the most influential person in my life. Our relationship was complicated and his death brought a lot of unresolved issues to the surface. The pain I have experienced during this time has been immense and isolating, separating me from my friends and family. These events have shaken the very foundation of my identity and I have had to be extremely honest with myself about what I value, what I live for, who I really am on my own, stripped of all the things I’ve learned to hide behind. I don’t know what you’ve been going through personally but all I can say is you must hang in there. Great transformation is available to us if we can find the courage to embrace these challenges, but it seems that fighting them only postpones the inevitable.

      1. I’m so sorry, Annie – so sorry. I can imagine the pain this would bring. I know to my core the feeling of having everything stripped from you. I was there in 2006-7 when I left my entire life behind, sold everything I owned and moved from New England to California alone with no job. I feel that way now, only without the hope of a new place and life, and without the money to make that happen. I have never felt so lonely in my whole lonely life. My work exhausts me, I have no partner, no love, no affection, my friendships are changing – the ones who seem like “fair weather friends” are leaving in droves, or I am feeling disappointed, alienated and even bitter toward them. Even ones I thought were true blue are hard to find. I don’t know why I do this anymore, and have deeply considered leaving all this myself. I feel as though I have no reserves to handle any more pain, and here comes Saturn and Pluto.. and URANUS! I don’t know how I will get through this winter. Saturn is hitting now, almost exact return, and the rest is exact in February, I think. I am sleeping alot and making myself as numb to pain as I can just to get through. Such an empty feeling. Life is so hard. No savings or security at this age, no help. I just want it over with, but I get so angry that I shake my fist and say, “Bring it, you F888ing bastards!” and just fight through it. If I feel it too much without anger, it’s just overwhelming for me. So I must have some Mars thing that I should thank for giving me this fight to make it through. I feel so much for your friend. I know what it takes for someone to do this. My heart goes out to all who come to that point, and to you, too. Love to you.

      2. I had Pluto on my IC this year. First, I lost my job of 20 years through betrayal and then I lost my dearest friend. He was crushed to death by a car. I can relate to what you’re going through Annie312. I’m an island because I’m trying to deal with the pain of it all. Its terrible.

        My friends and family don’t really understand my distance and are no help at all. I know somehow I’ll make it through, but there are no happy times here.

        I know I have to go on, but I’m having a hard time moving on.

    2. hi pale, ive just been thru it in last 3 yrs. i have 6 libra rising and 6 cappy on IC. so pluto went over my IC and uranus was on DSC, PLUS it then squared my venus in cancer near my MC. lets just say, it was a doozie. was driven out of my home of 17 yrs, all my animals died. my longtime colleague died. the guy who screwed me over in my home died and i inherited his dog. then the dog died. i had 6 failed pregnancies with a guy who ended up cheating on me anyway…good thing i didnt have a baby with him! lost a record contract. quit my other jobs to do music full time and then that fell through. spent last 2 yrs building a new home, only to have problems with neighbor’s psycho (i mean psycho) gf who accused me of stealing her pets and tried to press criminal charges against me. pluto is now opp my venus in cancer 10th house, (near MC). NOW im embroiled in a lawsuit against my new neighbors..ive had to get surveillance cameras to bust the gf who has broken into my car and done various disgusting things to it. (ie peed, poured water, planted animals in it, etc). career wise, its all messed up. i started working with a big star in the electronic music genre and now hes trying to control me (pluto in 4th, opp venus in 10th). not to even mention that ive had a falling out with both my parents, who try to manipulate me for their own selfish ends. i havent spoken to my mother in 3 yrs. my father only contacts me if he needs something. being that i AM venus in cancer, all of this has been devastating, exhausting, and hurtful. i can only hope that these things are empowering me in some way..

    3. Hi,
      Yes, I happened to have that, a while ago. That time it not feel it a disaster, it was just constant changing of everything I had stable in my life. My marriage fall apart. Got divorced. Met my new husband. Then by Uranus got on my DC I remarried, and moved from Europe to US. My daughter decided not to come with me which was a heartbreak. She was 18 that time. And the last one was that I lost my Mother. So not an easy chapter of my life. It is on for long, as both planets are very slow. But being scared doesn’t help, you have to swim with the flow, just keep you head above the water!

  21. Heart & Hugs, Everyone

    It seems that Pluto crossed my AC back in ’76. During that time, my mother moved us to our first home. I was separated from my friends and the only male figure I had at the time, my grandfather. He died in ’85-ish when both Saturn & Pluto were transiting Scorpio (aspecting any combo of the 5 planets I have there).

    Now, I have Pluto warming up to my 4th hse cusp. The angle to watch, according to Elsa, should be 13 degrees. Pluto arrives at this point just as Saturn leaves Scorpio. Coincidence, not likely.

  22. Elsa, in reading what you wrote about equal houses based on the ascendant, (11 degrees Libra), would that mean that you would consider my IC to be 11 degrees Cap rather than the 13.57 that astrodienst shows it as? Meaning that I have technically already had my Pluto conj. IC at 11 degrees? Because when I look back to 2013, Pluto was exactly square my ASC when I DID move out of a very noisy and suffocating place into the paradise where I now live. Probably clutching at straws here, but – was that the Pluto IC if we go by equal houses? Thank you for a response… Maybe it’s the Saturn return that has me feeling like eating glass these days. : P

    1. Did you manage to move after or before the exact conjunction?I find it interesting, ´cause where I live now is quite a place like you describe before, noisy and suffocating. I´m willing to move but have a lot of obstacles in my way. And to make it worst, by 2020 I´ll be having Saturn conjunct Pluto over my IC…..quite scary isn´t it?? Guess my paradise must wait at least 2 years to come true if it´s to happen.

  23. But the whole house system bases the angles on the ASC, is that correct? This is interesting, as the leaving of that place was rather Plutonian for sure, and in that same month, I had a heartbreaking (Pluto square DESC) revelation with regard to a relationship. I will look into the timing of other events with regard to this, too, and if it lines up, I’m going with equal houses, too.

    1. Using the whole house approach puts my IC at 10 Cap, otherwise at 12 Cap. Last year, when Pluto transited over the 10 degree mark, there were issues centered around major repairs needed on the house. I have spent most of my spare time during the last year restoring the house since Pluto at the 4th is good for house repair but the main point is that the whole house system was supported by events. I’m sure there will be more coming up as Pluto transits the 12th degree. Especially with the transiting Uranus square from Aries ( 7th). Family issues are already surfacing today as Mars is 12 Cap…Mars or Sun are generally triggers – hope this is not a precursor to the events to occur around the Pluto/ Uranus transits. For you, see what happens around the time that Mars transits 13 Cap
      Like you, I am also having a Saturn return – exact in early January. We seem to be having very similar aspects. Look to the house rulers for clues as to possible areas of crisis or transformation. For example, Pluto rules my second = spending money on or transforming 4th house matters. Uranus rules my 5th – son is bringing up repressed issues about 7th = my spouse. Saturn – ruler of 4th, square natal Pluto (2nd) at 29 Sco followed by 2nd return at 0 Sag. Natal North node is also ) Sag and Venus (1st) transiting 0 Sag by progression. It all seems to tie in…but we’ll see.

      1. Thanks, Bob – It’s interesting to cross-reference the P;uto transits with natal Pluto planets… (This is probably a no-brainer for astrologers – I am a novice, obviously.) My natal Pluto is in the 11th house of friends, and there have been issues with friends lately.. Uranus rules my 5th house as well. Zero action there so far, although I am a painter and I have been painting up a storm lately, so maybe that. But Uranus, ruler of natal 5th transiting Desc & 7th house – I was hoping for maybe a rain to end a VERY long dry spell. Nothing, even when Uranus was exact to my Desc. I am really feeling the Saturn. When Mars goes over the IC with Pluto there, I will stay in bed. Jeeeez. Thanks for the insight into whole houses, though. If that is the case and it is based on ASC, then I would have gotten the brunt of it back when I moved in late March 2013, and what I’m really feeling now is the Saturn, mostly… maybe. heh

        1. Shortly after my first Saturn return, I moved away from my family and friends and felt very lonely for a while but it did pass. This is one thing that my mother, as an Astrologer, taught me when I started learning Astrology when I was 19 (now 58). That is… all these transits pass and so do their effects. Somehow that makes it easier, at least for me. Hope you fare well.

          1. Yep, I’m 58, too. July 8, 1956. Thanks for the reminder that this, too, shall pass. Have a Jupiter return coming in August that I am naive enough to be hopeful about… they never seem to have the impact that Saturn does, do they? ; ) Well, I hope all of us who are being hit by this angle business emerge the better for it.

  24. Hi all,
    I just had transiting Pluto (in 3rd house) square natal Pluto in 1st house Libra,simultaneously with transiting Saturn(2nd house,Scorpio) square natal Saturn (11thLeo).It was a real nightmare – I got gall and kidney attack,my daughter hurt her wrist badly,my husband had some serious legal problems,and I went to a funeral of a relative.I was quite depressed with obssesive thoughts about death and bad things happaning to my dear ones.Now I am waiting for Pluto crossing my IC(Capricorn)at the end of January, then opposing my natal Jupiter and Mercury. And on top of that my tr. Uranus(r)is on the DSc.I don’t know if I will be able to go through all that is awaiting me.My daughter is having Pluto crosing MC (sag) in March:)I will be travelling abroad twice in January and I am scared.

  25. This is quite an article. I’m having my first transit Pluto doing angular aspect in my life conjunct my ISC/DSC in Capricorn 15º degrees 7th house, this April. Funny my retrograde transiting Saturn will be conjuncting my natal retrograde Pluto in the 5th house Sag.
    My transit moon will also will be squaring Pluto in my birthday (LOL!). Sun sq Neptune and Mercury sq Uranus.
    I wonder what this all means… but it sure looks promising. I also have Chiron in 4th house, as well North Node. I’m taking a riding license for motorbikes atm, I’m single and with some rather tumultuous family background. I’m worried about how will this affect me, given all the experiences of the people with similar aspects here.

    Even though I can say I had a meaningful life as child, my life in the late years has become much meaningless and without sense of purpose… stagnant, nowhere to go.
    So I’m trying to find my refuge in spirituality and meditation, but I guess Pluto will turn my life to the really big change my life needs. I always had dreams of a meaningful life with a sense of some sort of achievement (given the strong 10th house I have), so hopefully this will put me on track.

    I’m quite new to astrology but this article helped me connecting and understanding a lot about aspects in astrology though, thanks 🙂

  26. Hi Elsa,
    Good morning all!
    Pluto Trined my Leo Moon and Ascendant in 2004/2005 and they were wonderful years. Happiness/Love/Money.
    Pluto will start Trining my Taurus MidHeaven in 10th House in 2016 and will repeat again in 2017 together with it Trining my Taurus Sun in 2017. Trust/hope good Transits!
    Best wishes and have a nice weekend,
    John Henry

  27. My Midheaven is 13 Capricorn. When Pluto firs crossed my MH, I was physically threatened at work. This caused me incredible anxiety and because I was a contractor and the people who threatened me were permanent employees, within 6 months I was fired, under the guise of “we’re not renewing your contract”. There was a certain ethnic group that was threatening me, and nothing I could do to appease them worked. They simply hated me. When I lost that job, I lost a lot of my self esteem. I felt betrayed, and like I could not be seen, not for the life of me. Anything I said was taken the wrong way, I wasn’t believed— and I do not lie, not with Saturn the ruler of the MC— you learn early on, lies at your employment bite you in the ass, and I can’t stand embarrassment at work. Finally I got another job, in a completely different career, being a floor worker at a crisis center. The same ethnic group made up most of my teammates. Within weeks, I could feel it. My boss called me in and told me the team was “having trouble” with me. They said I had “attitude”. Of course I had attitude, you have to stand up for yourself *somewhat* when people are undermining or outright attacking you, which they did plenty of…. but I wasn’t running to the boss every time they did it! The last straw came this week when a patient called me expletives and my team mate derided me in front of all the patients. The team mate was 21, I am 56. I was filled with embarrassment. I went to my boss and told him that I am now in danger when these patients, who are in our psychiatric facility against their will, and angry about it, are given permission by the staff to strike out at the workers. 2 days later, I was fired. My team mate outright lied in order to justify his actions, and said I had told the patient to “shut up and eat his dinner”. Because I was PRN and my team mate was full time, with a father who also works at the center, I was shit-canned.
    They say Pluto brings out the ruthlessness in you or others. This transit is turning ME in to a quivering bowl of jello. I’m afraid to express myself at ALL because every time I do, it gets blown wildly out of proportion and ends up ruining my reputation. I look at my behavior carefully, more than most people. I know that I do not allow myself outbursts or tantrums; somehow I am accused of it anyway, by the very people who themselves throw tantrums. This particular ethnic group is very prejudiced against white people, and the state I live in has a very low white population compared to others. I have come across this discrimination in almost every way in this state. But the women of this ethnic group are the worst. They want to subjugate white women, and they laugh and joke about white women.
    Anyway, I am reading all these posts from you guys and I see and understand how Pluto tears down… and how so many of you had to go underground just to survive… it’s like we have to make ourselves so tiny, so small, in order to get through the transit.. except for the Soldier who went out and blew stuff up when Pluto went direct on his MC… I have had 3 hits so far and will have 5 hits in total to Pluto on my MC. And I need not mention Uranus squaring my MC/DC axis at the same time. This last full moon was directly on my Uranus/Chiron/Moon in Scorp t-square and it never fails… emotional shock. I cried all the way home (to my mother’s house) because I feel so trapped by circumstances!

  28. Avatar

    Still a ways off, but 2020 will be a big year for me. pluto over my DC (5 times!)and making it’s conjunction with Saturn there – exact to 7 minutes of arc. The same year Jupiter and Saturn also cross my DC and Solar Arc Neptune exact on it too. All the major conjunctions happening that year fall on my DC and it is also my Saturn opposition that year. Trying to empower myself with foresight now! Thanks Elsa & every-one for your stories!

  29. When Pluto conjunted my Sun in 1974, within one year almost everything happened to me: there was a major political revolution in my country, I left school and started working, I met a foreign man, run away with him, married ( big deal at the time a young girl speaking to a foreign man let alone marry one), went traveling, moved to exactly the other side of the world and had a baby.
    My Sun is 8degrees Libra on the 9 th house, and ascendant 23 degrees Sagittarius. I was born in 1954.
    Now I’m at cross roads. I’m 60 years old, and Pluto is squaring my MC. I have been travelling SE Asia for the last 3 and 1/2 years, Saturn return? I’m planning selling everything and moving to another city. Or moving back to where I originally come from. I feel a bit insecure with these changes and decision making. I also could have been recently in Nepal and dead. I count my lucky stars which brought me instead to an encounter with an unpleasant man but which left me with no scars. I do hope that this square with MC it’s ok.

  30. Are pluto squares to MC/IC considered be as challenging as conjunctions to those angles? It’s a ways off still, but with my MC at 17 Libra that transit is coming up. What have people experienced with the Pluto square?

    1. Equal house system really puts a different spin on my chart. According to that system my MC is 27 Virgo; does that mean pluto is not transiting my angles after all?

    2. In my experience, any planet near an angle triggers changes that are related to the nature of the house and the planets involved…You have Pluto near ASC and transit Uranus near IC…Pluto rules 11th ( income from job) and Uranus rules 2nd(your income)… I would expect changes in these areas, not necessarily bad unless these planets are afflicted natally… with transit Uranus at 4th house cusp you may move or spend money (2nd) on your home (4th)or purchase a home… in the end all should turn out well as next year Jupiter will conjunct your MC and the changes will be complete.
      For me this Pluto/ Uranus Square at the angle of 4th to 7th has caused much difficulty in the home, both the physical structure and relationship between spouse (7th) and son ( ruler of 5th at 7th house cusp)…Pluto rules my second and I am spending lots of $$$ restoring damage to my home. Also has my second Saturn return ( conjunct NN square in 2nd Pluto to 11th natally ) this year…I am waiting for the cavalry to arrive as I will have my Jupiter return conjunct the transiting north node in the 12th this coming January… I need a break !!!

  31. I had Pluto transit my 12th, 1st (Moon,Uranus) to 2nd (Mars, Merc, Venus, Sun, Neptune). Ummm. Life has always had challenges, but being a Scorpio rising and freewheeling Sag they had been stuff I had been used to. Looking back at childhood, in my 12th – bad accident as a kid, lots of introspection, interest in the occult, loneliness, looking into the darkness (yes even in childhood). In my 1st – it was the formidable years, but I had to deal with my family and certain abuses and look at my parents as if they were people…I grew up quickly and saw suffering everywhere in people. 2nd house conjunct my stellium and square natal pluto in 11th…ouch. Got knocked down when I tried everything to fix my marriage, problems with my job, career change, issues with friends, moved several times, got sick due to stress, tried to hide and do nothing…everything backfired. I felt defeated and abandoned, but I tried to keep my spirits up and travel and exercise. When the transit was just about finished…my only confidante, support system and friend during that time died of cancer (also a sag). I feel like I survived the odds. I feel like I aged 40 years. I’m exhausted and finally can move on.

  32. Oh wow, reading all the comments there has been some intense stuff going on. I had transiting Pluto conjunct my moon a few years ago, so I’m well aware of pluto’s strength. Now I have transiting pluto almost conjunct my MC, which will square my natal sun (on my ascendent), meanwhile Saturn will be transiting into the 9th house. Hmmm. I actually don’t want to think too much about it!! With Pluto being linked to obsessions, any suggestions how this could play out? Obsessions and phobias impact on my life in an extremely debilitating way. Pluto is in my 6th house in Libra in my natal chart.

  33. I am bumping this post because I would really love to read stories from the people that posted as they were going through this in 2012. How are y’all doing?
    Pluto is now retrograding back within one degree of my Midheaven. 5 FREAKIN’ HITS. And now Uranus is at my Ascendant. I feel like I can accept whatever is coming; however, I have to tell you, with the Saturn/Neptune aspect hitting my Virgo planets, I just have no strength to fight; that’s why I’ve moved into acceptance.

    1. 2012 was a year that changed my life! I didn’t know what was coming until it hit. I lost a lot — a business, financial suffering, etc. It took a lot to pick myself back up and it was not easy but here I am, still standing. I can say I am better for it. I have kept to myself for almost 4 years and I am just beginning to feel like I can put the past behind me.

  34. Yeah, I’d like to read more too. Dog8818, what experiences have you had/things noticed with your midheaven hits? I’ve had one hit so far and I think I’m due for another two over the next year. I have Uranus transiting my 1st house, interestingly as it crossed my ascendant nothing and I mean nothing of note happened, I didn’t even get a haircut – nothing changed in my identity/self or my outlook, and that’s o.k, however I was surprised because in the past Uranus has dealt me some pretty intense surprises, none were easy for me.

  35. Interesting, Pluto crossed my ascendant when I was pregnant with my first child and moved back to my childhood home right after his birth. The deal was I could live there pay the bills and when my father came to town he would stay with me. Well anyway, I always say I made a deal with the devil because he spends months at a time with me and my family and just feel like I have no freedom and just keep rehashing that if I only worker harder and wasn’t so stupid I wouldn’t have to live like this. I think what did I do to my life. Then add a divorce on top of it. I just don’t like my life, I’m not the person I was. This Pluto thru the 1st house is brutal. My second house cusp is 23 I still have several of years left. Sorry for complaining, I’m just so unhappy all the time.

  36. Maybe I’m using the wrong house system (Placidus)…..?
    Pluto has been exact on my MC for the last few months (moving away with the RX) and I haven’t had anything too negative or challenging happen. I did change careers about 1.5 yrs ago but it was a welcome change and it has made my life better so far.
    However in the equal house system, it won’t hit my MC for 18 more degrees, so maybe I still have it coming?
    I normally use Placidus bc it resonates more, so is it possible that for this transit Equal is more accurate? Is it “ok” to change house systems like that?
    I’d rather the transit be happening now bc so far at least, I can deal, and I actually LIKE what’s happening. I mean, I definitely have challenges and struggle but I can feel it all moving me in a positive direction.

      1. Got it?? I’m going to take a look at my chart as a whole again with the Equal system and see if there’s any new revelations. Otherwise I guess I can maybe chalk it up to the fact that the transit is not over yet. I’ll check back in here near the end of it to add if necessary ?

  37. This is my second time – over my Ascendant when I was in my 20’s ( stumbling around in the dark…) – now that it’s in my 4th, I can understand what it’s about – feel like I’ve been stripped down, the scales have fallen, and I can see clearly again ( like being back in my 8-year-old self, before all the hormonal stuff blinded me…..) – it’s Great!

  38. I had to go back and look to see when Pluto cross those major points and found that it would have crossed my ascendant in 1974 and my IC in 2011. For ascendant, that would have been the year I was 12 and our family moved to a new school district where I had to more or less figure out who I was in a new environment. Pluto also crossed my IC in 2011, which was when my mother, who was my last surviving parent, passed away. It has definitely been a new world since then if only because there is something powerful about becoming the “senior generation” in the immediate family.

  39. Where or how does one choose equal house system at Astrodienst – I can’t find it. Thanks anyone who can help.

  40. Pluto conjoined my ASC and sextiled & squared my MC before but it was when I was very young so I don’t remember much about what the experience except for the square back when I was a junior/senior in HS.

    However I have a 5x Pluto trine MC coming up once in 2017, 3x times in 2018 and a final time in 2019. Perfect timing because I’m planning a big career move which is taking me out of my comfort zone but I know it’s absolutely the right move. I also wonder if it might be when I get married and have children since the MC is also about social status like marriage and parenthood. I have other transits and progressions indicating marriage and parenthood too that’s why I was thinking about it.

  41. When Pluto crossed my DSC it also squared my natal Pluto. My divorce became final. Prior to that my younger brother died and it triggered in me that life was too short to be living like this. I had been threatening divorce for a while. I also, left a secure job and changed jobs 3x before I settled into something that fit only to find that they were going bankrupt and when they merged w/ another firm everything came together for me. Then my father died too.

  42. Thanks for your stories…here’s mine. I have natal pluto opposite venus which is tough enough but transiting pluto is approaching my cappy descendant and in 8 months I have: ended a significant relationship. Married a family friend. Started going to the gym and seeing my body change. Started seeing a pluto opposite sun man – in secret (of course)..and I have never experienced the like (my only consolation is,neither has he). If you’d told me what my life would be like now I would have laughed like a loon. Now I feel like a loon…It all started when I just had ENOUGH of my nice,safe,predictable relationship…I almost felt something break inside. Took me months to break it off properly though. All while trying to assert some sort of independence and break away from my cancer ascendant security,moon in 2nd house conjunct saturn issues…not over yet. Not for a while.

    1. An update on my pluto transit: since writing that I’ve lost my house,lived in a sports hall with a communal bathroom, had my car broken into, and there’s more but I’d get too depressed if I went into more detail. Did I eat babies alive in a past life?

  43. Pluto will be crossing my infant’s mc in the next few months. He was born with it one degree past his mc but has since retrograde. Any ideas what might be in store? I’m hoping for some major life changes this coming year (new job, relocation).

  44. Pluto over DSC!
    This year in January Pluto for the first time crossed my Capricorn DSC 16’41. A month before exact conjunction I went over all Europe to study in different country for exchange semester (4 months). Here I met a guy in my university group, who has heavy Pluto influence in his chart. He is very possessive, but also very loving. He has changed big time my approach to relationships and in general all the thoughts about that. I have learned so much with him about relationships and he makes and helps me grow every day. But this hasnt been and easy path, it is very plutonic. I feel like phoenix burning and rising from ashes. And it happens a lot – this burning. But it is all for the better, im burning my old paradigms and my old walls I have build between me and people. (I havent had boyfriend for 8 years, I was just one night stand girl, who didnt want anyone, but now all that is swiped out of me, and in a hard way, if im not letting go of it on my own).
    Turns out he had eyes on me since the first day he saw me in classes. He is nothing I have ever met before and I was so amazed by him, like he is everything I have ever wanted. The time we spent together was amazing. We naturally and quickly became close and within sort period of time and started to think about how we could be together after my studies ends here. After 4 months I went back to my home country. We had some arguments and thoughts about that this cant work out. (Pluto had started to move retrograde direction and was coming back to cross my DSC back to 6th house). Pluto crossed retrograde my DSC for the second time. We spent month apart and then decided spend summer together at country my dad lives (my parents are seperated). We spent together 1 and 1/2 months (the idea was to move in already together in his country after summer), but then again in summer our relationship got shaky and HE decided to take a break, so he can get back home and think everything through if he still wants to be with me despite our arguments all summer and incompatibilities, which was a really hard on my mind, but I agreed to give him time and space. We went back to our home countries. After few days apart he already realized that he wants me in his life.
    So after 2 months apart (which we spent communicating through internet) I packed my bags and moved to his country to live and see. He is still young and he lives with his parents, Im 5 years older. He doesnt work, so for now we are still staying with his parents till we find something to live in. That was one of his reasons for our breakup, that he is not ready for such a big responsibility of me moving. (He met me when transit Neptune was crossing his Saturn; and actually my Saturn is conjuncted my DSC, so all this time also Pluto was crossing my Saturn). So we both have this time I guess issues in our minds and chaning stability and structures of life. Neptune makes him confused.
    But now lets see.. Pluto will transit my DSC for the last time in 24th of December. So Christmas night sounds like will be something grand scale. Have no idea what to wait for, but time will show. But I guess it has to be something grand, because Pluto is leaving my 6th house forever then.

  45. It’s been interesting reading these – my angles are the tail end of 17 degrees (Libra Asc), so I’m very much in the eye of the storm. The other night, when Pluto entered 17 Cap, I was physically vomiting and had this stream of conscious thing about how nothing mattered, especially not marriage or kids status, job title or property ownership, because when I die I’ll just be thankful for living, for loving and for nature. I’ve recently found myself without a job or home or partner, and I’m due to be bereaved very soon (they are end stage COPD). But weirdly since ‘vomit night’ I feel like true power comes from within, and this weird time is allowing me to transform inside out. But I might not feel that way in a few weeks!! Anyway, thanks folks!!

  46. Pluto will be on my 22 deg dsc in Cap soon.

    What has happened? I cut the family relationship crap out of my life. And I mean CUT IT. I mean not speaking and totally ignoring a couple of folks that have taken me to the bank and back for years. It wasn’t hard either. I just got up one day and stopped answering the phone. Some dramatics went on after….they rushed to my Mothers house and screamed and yelled (they never visit my poor mother who would love to see them more often…this was the only way they could pass a message) (the message was…we are never talking to her again LOL…funny)

    I thought if I ever did such a thing I would be in torment and overwhelming pain. I was forced to do it. I had no choice. And, I don’t loose a minutes worth of sleep over it.

    Right out of left field when I thought I should take another approach yet another ignorant thing happened and I was done. We teach people how to treat us. I have been so sick…for months and months and during that time they pulled back their energy and left me to drop dead. This, after giving them almost every dime I had earned for years to keep them afloat.

    I don’t know if I did this, or Pluto did it, but it needed to be done years ago. I just absolutely couldn’t do it for years. Then one day….total amputation. Its going to take a miracle for me to ever get involved in that again. And they are going to have to have respect for the people that love them the most.

    Has this caused me pain. Some, as there are more people than the adults involved to consider. But, there will be no more hostage situations in my life. They are adults and if I am ever involved with them again its going to have to be on an adult level, no games, no drunken rants filled with alcohol stupidity, and there will be NO more giving of time and money only to be talked about like shit.

    Both of them should feel lucky I took this route. I actually wanted to sue them both …that is how bitter I had become. And, I know I would have won somewhere around 12-20 thousand dollars back. I didn’t go that far….go ahead, rob me blind, but you will never treat me like a piece of dirt again.

    I hear they are falling apart at the seams without the energy, time and money I was freely handing over. Oh well. They need to grow up.

    This may be a mistake on my part of monumental proportions. I may be sorry someday….but it doesn’t feel like it. I feel free, I feel good, I feel like my heath is coming back to me and I feel stronger than I have in years. I feel like I wish I’d had the courage to do it years ago.

    I don’t even miss them. I thought I would.

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