Light At The End Of My Tunnel

frankenstein-1931I get my surgical staples out today. They look gnarly to a person like me. I’d rather see my wound closed with nice skin tape with a doily pattern on it. This is like, Frankenstein.  But I never felt pain from them, the least little bit.

Once she pulls them out, that’s it. I’ll be completely clear of medical problems that I’m aware of. I have no idea why it’s taken so long to get everything addressed but it’s definitely ending well, which is ultimately all that counts.

If you’re going through some protracted trial, I hope this helps you keep your faith. The outer planets transit your chart and whoosh!  All the sudden, you have very little to say about what happens to you or around you.  But it doesn’t mean you won’t land well and safely.

I’m one of the people who has had all three outer planets hit my chart at once.  For more info on that, search, “outer planet transits” on this blog.

Is there anyone else out there, seeing a light at the end of their tunnel?  What’s happening?

22 thoughts on “Light At The End Of My Tunnel”

  1. TElsa,that’s awesome news!!! No light showing for me yet, but this DOES help me keep faith, thank You =) I think this last part of the year is going to be easier than what’s already gone down. Have a Safe & Happy Landing <3

  2. I had a body lift done years ago, which entailed having a lot of skin removed. I have a scar all the way across the middle of my back as a result. Sometimes someone will ask me about it, but I love that huge scar. I would rather have a huge scar than my old body back any day.

  3. Pluto is direct now and I’m doing my happy dance after several years of it opposing my 11 Cancer Sun and conjuncting my 14 Cap moon. It’s pulling away for the last time without quite having touched my moon in this retrograde passage (5 seconds leeway from exact!). It’s over, and I’m still here.

    1. Hahaha
      “without quite touching” – that’s something I noticed, about orbs, when Pluto was dogging my Moon: if you can feel a difference, means it’s moved off.
      I’m happy for you, splat. 🙂

  4. I’m truly happy for you. I’ve been hit pretty hard in the last few years and I’m also seeing a light at the end of the tunnel. My issues weren’t physical but more psychological. There’s been a huge shift over the last few days. Yesterday and today especially, I feel so liberated now. Good riddance Pluto…until next time.

  5. Yup. I don’t know if it’s light. Everything is rolling over, moving forward. I feel at peace in the movement. Internal process and physical existence coming together.

    And yes, Elsa, my work is not done yet either. You are on track and that is something. Work work work! 😛

  6. Yup. Don’t know if it is light. Things are all, rolling over, rolling forward. I am at peace with the movement. Internal process and physical existence coming together.

    Alas, my work is not done yet either Elsa. You are on the right track from what you write and that is something. Work, work, work! 😛

  7. I’m getting surgery on Friday to remove cysts which had formed there out of nowhere. Since January I’ve been in and out of the hospital 4 times with different ailments which have been so out of my control that I’m currently using a walker and at 31 years old, considering flashy tennis balls for it.

    I joke with the staff that they should have punch cards like at the frozen yogurt places for me.

    I’m super hopeful that this will end my health streak for a good time ahead and that I can walk normal again without people staring.

    However, I feel like I can conquer most anything after this year. We’ll see?

    I’m crossing my fingers to the new moon after my surgery!

  8. Yes! I’m seeing a light through a new teacher in my life. She’s teaching me how to set myself free from those pesky limiting beliefs you talk about Elsa! I don’t think I’ve ever felt this good about life and myself.

    Glad you’re doing well Elsa.

  9. light at the end of the tunnel, indeed!
    I’m sorry you still need more surgery, elsa. I’ve been rooting for you from the shaddows. it’s hard to tell how far away the light is while you’re still in the dark. Pluto is trudging through my 2nd house. years of hard work are finally paying off, almost exactly as I hoped it would. i accepted a job offer with a large, well-known company today. hopefully, by the end of the year I will be working a real adult job, with benefits and bonuses and plenty of room for growth. hoorah!
    thank you, to you and satori, for providing a warm glow in dark times!

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