History Repeats… 28.5 Year Saturn Cycle Update

In 2009, I wrote about how I saw history repeating – The 28 1/2 Year Saturn Cycle: History Repeats – A Personal Story Of The Cold War, The Iran Hostage Crisis, Jim Jones… And Love Unending. I wondered at that time if the trend would continue and how it might be impacted by my marriage.

My husband and I could have married when we were kids. We did not and so our lives took the courses they took.  Given a second chance we did marry and I wondered what effect it would have.  Would it set up a new cycle?

It’s two years later and sure enough, people from 28.5 years ago are coming back into my life. It’s uncanny. I got in touch with one gal, she rented my grandfather’s house after he died.  She’s recently moved back to the desert and I am sure I will see her when Vid and I make another trip to see, Annalisa.

Her daughter is ill. The other day she sent a group mail to all her friends updating her daughter’s condition and I recognized one of names. I talk about this gal (and her ex-husband) in this video of all things. I also happen to talk about my daughter being ill but I just want to let you know that this trend has continued. These are the people I was associated with after my husband and I separated years ago. Further, once my book is published, it’s a safe bet some others will surface.

Not everyone comes back. It’s the people you have a real bond with who show up. It’s the people who can still teach you something or whom you can benefit in some way. This gal (like my husband and I) should have never split. We had a profound friendship and she is easily one of the finest people I have ever met in all my years.
Now here’s a quirk.

Settling in after her move to the desert, she called me the other night to say she’s been invited to go hear some musician play at some bar. It’s a big city, you guys and guess where she was going?

Here – Old Man’s Bar.

We thought that was pretty funny.

Can you tie things happening today to things that happened 28.5 years ago?

27 thoughts on “History Repeats… 28.5 Year Saturn Cycle Update”

  1. 28.5 years ago was a time when I made a single decision that had unforeseen consequences that I couldn’t have ever imagined and that effected my life and my son’s life profoundly. That decision has haunted me ever since and I really would rather not have any sort of repeat. gah!

  2. Yes, but not one of them have I seen since. Of all those people, maybe one might be interesting to see. The one who was not like the others.

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    CArRiE, sounds like half the battle is won because you already know (have learned) Saturn from 28 years ago 🙂

  4. About 28 yrs. ago was when my first husband and I got married. I was 21 and a bit naive when it came to what marriage was all about…

    With this Venus/Pluto stuff, I sure as hell hope he doesn’t show up again…

  5. So much Saturn stuff coming up this year for me.

    Yes. I was trying to find the pattern and I think this is exactly it.

    28.5 years ago, I met a boy in a band, that I dated briefly, before we mutually decided to not pursue it. My reason was that I was more interested in his roommate than in him

    Not sure exactly when I met the roommate exactly, but we were briefly lovers and then inseparable best friends for many years.

    And just about every 7 years he comes back into my life (there’s that Saturn thing again.)

    We went out on a date two years ago, where he told me he was still single, had never married, but he didn’t want a wife or a girlfriend or a relationship…he was married to his job.

    And yet he still keeps coming back. Runs away if I try and see him in any way, but he’s there, and in regular communication with me.

    Our moons are conjunct, and this year, when Saturn was retrograde, it went direct directly on my (our) moon. I spent nearly 6 months reevaluating this relationship.

    I have been getting frustrated but this made me realize, it’s the 28.5 anniversary of meeting his roommate, but not him. He didn’t come into my life in a big way for another year.

    Maybe I need to see what the next year brings.

  6. I was born 28.5 years ago…so I guess that means here we go saturn return! 😀 Yay for challenges and riding big waves.

  7. It’s actually super easy. We have terrific affinity. Something split us that I just can’t go into because it’s private!

  8. Yes. That was the last time tr Saturn opposed my Aries Venus. I was in my early teens and feeling painfully lonely. I decided at that point to remake myself into someone who could be loved. Had lots of adventures, which was fun and exciting, but ironically the transformation actually impeded my ability to find the right person who could love me for years of life. Not until I hit my Saturn return (I have Saturn conjunct Venus natally) did I get a handle on this; and not until tr Saturn was squaring my Venus 7 years ago did it become apparent that the person I thought was right had his own set of problems regarding hiding his true nature to find love; but I tried to hang in there and ride it out, to my detriment.
    Now that tr Saturn is opposing Venus again, I find myself in a similar place of loneliness. But the idea of changing myself to meet someone else’s idea of what is loveable seems insane to me. So I guess I did learn something this cycle.

  9. well, it’s most of the stuff i’m working on with my therapist :/
    i doubt any of my friends from my first elementary school are about to show up any time soon, though some of them are on my mind.

    also, fixing the primary relationship that started cracking about then.

  10. Not in any concrete sense – I was married and living in France. I no longer have contact with anyone from that 2/3 year phase of my life except one couple (just Xmas cards really)… but psychologically yes there are echoes. That’s when I truly realised I was alone, something of which I’m very conscious these days

  11. :). I’m so envious of your story Elsa, that you had a true love return to you on your Saturn cycle.

    For me — there are no repetitions. Nobody’s coming back I don’t think, because they’re mostly all dead.

    Besides I don’t want them to come back. My first boyfriend was an alcoholic lunatic. It all sort of went from there. And mostly everyone in my family is dead. Sometimes I wonder if I had any real relationships at all my whole life. It feels like I didn’t.

    But it’s interesting this is happening to you. 🙂

  12. yes, absolutely yes…28.5 years ago I was starting university and got the ultimatum from my boyfriend. Move out to live with me or else we’re through. So I moved out…only to discover over years and years that he was an alcoholic abuser who took everything from me – my self esteem, my independence, all of it. Neptune was on my Sun and I saw none of it until it was too late. Yes I had a role in it but I was soooo young.

    Now for the first time since then I am on the verge of another relationship. I was so damaged from the first one that it’s taken me over 15 years to get over it…but this time I’m much older, Neptune is on my Saturn now. I have been transformed by Pluto several times over. I am wise and aware. I am ready for this new love, this new man …

  13. Go mahchi, you deserve a break. I really hope you find happiness here. 28.5 years ago, I had returned to my home city other side of the country, after leaving a man who was an older bully. Reconnecting with people. Started a new business, was lonely for a while until I ended up in a relationship with neighbour behind my house, Venus 3rd. H. which lasted 20 years. Not sure what the future holds now. Happy to have my own place, and feeling happy that I’m content to pursue my own development.

  14. I wasn’t born yet, Lol. I’m I just turned 23 this year so I won’t have my Saturn Return for another 5 and 1/2 years.

  15. I was pregnant with my first child, who was due on my birthday, August 14th, 28.5 years ago, and he was born August 20th.

    My first grandchild was due this year on August 10th; she was born on August 12th. She is so precious!

  16. @Jadelioness

    Wow! That’s the kind of happiness we want to see back every cycle. Congrats on being both Mom and Grandma! Perhaps your granddaughter will make a great-grandma around 2040, too.

  17. Correction: Perhaps your granddaughter will make “you” a great-grandma…

    Mercury hasn’t gone completely direct. I see.

  18. I graduated high school. Parents kicked my sister out. Honestly can’t remember anything pivotal other than getting toxic sis out of the house for all our sakes. Hmmm….I got my own room for first time in my life as a result. Now I have my own house.

    NO IDEA. Freedom from jerks?? lol

  19. oh NOOOO. I hope this doesn’t mean that toxic sister is about to come back into my life. Because that I don’t need.

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    sadge fella aka g

    Just like WTL I was born 28.5 years ago. I don’t know if it’s the Saturn return or Uranus in Aries, but life is speeding up!

  21. In April 1983 I was awaiting the birth of my 2nd son. He was born July 1st and I turned 28 the day after he was born. Today, WE are awaiting the birth of HIS son who is due November 1st. And, he too, is 28 yrs old. The three of us all water signs and I am sure there will be quite the bond between them as there is between my son and me.

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