Cock-Blocking Women – There Are No Shortage Of Them! Mars (Raw Male) Energy in Nature

Do women cock-block? Of course they do. Say you’ve a woman friend… a gal pal. The two of you run together and let’s say you meet a man. And let’s say you like that man.

So what do you do? You start to slow down your running around. You start to settle in with this man and where does that leave your friend, hmm? It leaves her out in the cold! So what’s she going to do?

Well in some cases she is going to fight for you. And this may or may not be conscious but fighting for you (her territory… her possession) means fighting the man. How? By whatever means are at her disposal.

“I don’t think he can be trusted…”
“I don’t think he’s good enough for you…”
“He should have called…”
“I don’t know about that guy…”

Next thing you know you’re calling this guy you liked a bastard and you’re back running with your friend, looking for a man. You’re somewhat bewildered but your friend is restored and nicer to you than ever, oddly enough. 😉

There are many, MANY more versions of this, stay tuned. But meanwhile, is there a cock-blocking woman in your life? Oh! And the astrology? Mars Saturn, of course!

Skip to Cock-Blocking Women – Look Out For These Types

10 thoughts on “Cock-Blocking Women – There Are No Shortage Of Them! Mars (Raw Male) Energy in Nature”

  1. OMG I never realized this!! You are SO right. It recently happened to me and I am so glad there were two other women who told me to meet the guy.

    I am really going to have to keep this in mind.

  2. You’ve got science on your side on this one:

    Women are more likely to compete for a male if they think other women find him attractive. The cock-block is merely a subconscious strategy to keep your buddy from getting ahead, so to speak.

    Dating tip: next time a male buddy says he can’t get a date, send him to the bar… with at least two female friends in tow.

  3. I may be a cock-blocker too…I won’t deny that 😉
    I have no Mars Saturn connection but I don’t like being left on my own when I’m with a friend. Who does?

  4. And yet sometimes they should be grateful there is a ‘cockblocker’. Considering the birth rate there seem to be alot of women who can’t handle the self-responsibility involved using birth control…..

    And you can keep the fantasy that that guy, the ‘one who got away’, was the good one, when he was probably a turd too.

  5. LOL! Seen this one on action many times – including myself. Both Matthew and t-carat have great points too. That whole “the one who got away” thing?! Forget it!! 😀

  6. You’re right! I’m involved in this kind of situation right at this very moment with my best friend and her new beau (who really is an ass, it’s not just me being jealous). I have Mars conjunct Saturn so I suppose that’s just my way. However, I think it’s pretty shitty that a “friend” dumps you for a guy all the time so the cock-blocker is not always 100 percent in the wrong.

  7. My friends have attempted this, not very subtly. I was polite and didn’t laugh out loud. The ironic point is that the guy had already gotten away, though they didn’t know it.

    It was for a different reason, but my mom also did this to me–twice. She talked me into dumping the first guy, I told her to hush about the second, and then I didn’t talk to her about men in my life any more.

  8. mine only gets worried about the ones i actually _like_. she’ll have all sorts of nice things to say about guys i can’t stand….

    but you learn to take certain things with a sense of humor after awhile. at least, i have to. and not talk to her about guys.

  9. I don’t this is quite what you mean as it involves mothers not friends – but it reminded me of how my mother (a professional astrologer when I was young) used to purse her lips and sigh when she looked at the birth chart of any new boyfriend of mine. I stopped letting her know their birth data in the end. The tables have turned now though as I find myself worrying about the fact that my son and his girlfriend have opposing Mercuries!

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