
Patterns in relationship


Losing Friends & Lack Of Trust

I value communication more than most. With a packed 8th house, I’ve always had an inner circle. These are people I can talk to about anything. Literally, anything. The planets have aligned in such a way; my entire inner circle is ill, if not gravely ill. Two of them have already passed. I’ve heard of this

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Resolving Hard Core Conflicts With Family Or Friends

Conflicts in families and other social structures seem to be the norm.  Worse, the damage from these conflicts spreads to burden innocent people… like the friend(s) you call and complain to.  The prevailing belief is that nothing can be done! I may believe this myself, had my husband not set up our marriage with a

easter bunny

Bonded By Hate (Or Love)

Sometimes I feel like a wide-eyed child in this world. It happens when I learn something new. Something I’d have never guessed unless someone spelled it out for me. This is what happened, a few dozen years ago when, Satori, explained that people can in fact, be bonded by their hate. “But it’s a weak bond?”

two people meeting

How Or What Do You Present Yourself When You Meet Someone New?

In astrology, it’s common to refer to the ascendant as a person’s “first handshake”.  This is true outside of the fact it’s not nearly that simple. I’m writing this to pair with an earlier post. If you care about relationships and if what I assert in that post is true, it makes sense to consider

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