
What Planet Dictates The Beauty Standard?

Belen writes: “Super shallow topic, but I just read an article on how millennials in their 30/40s look younger than the next generation (because of fillers, heavy makeup etc). So – I hear Venus rules personal beauty but what about beauty standards at a given time? Thinking about the difference of growing up with 90s […]


Problems on the site?

Two people on the Ask Questions thread said the contact form malfunctioned. I need to fix this, right away. I tried to use the form, myself and it went right through. I’m at a loss as to what’s wrong. If someone could offer further information, it would help me, greatly. I was also told an

Émile Friant

Invitation To Send Questions About Astrology & Life!

I’m sick of site migration. It takes me out of the creative realm.  I want to get back in the other frame of mind so if you have a juicy question – now’s the time to ask! I invite you to send questions on any topic. Astrology questions, philosophical questions, questions about personal problems, curiosities…whatever you’ve

gig worker

Adapting To The Gig Economy

I credit the Jupiter Uranus conjunction with expanding my confidence as well as my worldview, to the point where I could go on Fiverr and communicate my needs technical people on the other side of the world. I set up three jobs with two sellers. The results have been magnificent and I learned a lot


Losing Friends & Lack Of Trust

I value communication more than most. With a packed 8th house, I’ve always had an inner circle. These are people I can talk to about anything. Literally, anything. The planets have aligned in such a way; my entire inner circle is ill, if not gravely ill. Two of them have already passed. I’ve heard of this

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garbage in wind

The Internet and Cigarettes

When I open the door to “the internet” these days, I see a typhoon of garbage swirling around.  This is good if you’re trying to quit! I came across a fairly passionate rant, I published in the forum, some months back…. “The curtain can be pulled back and the machinations, revealed, because our society is

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